Score Card Needed to Stop Trolls

They have to introduce a score care in this game!

I qualified to competitive as platinum, but after some time playing as Torbjorn I’ve gone down to silver. I always get gold damage and almost always get the card for either damage or eliminations and POTG. And it not just that I have turret, I get lots of rivet gun head shots and place turret carefully etc.

Anyway someone told me in game recently, like I hadn’t already noticed, players often troll when they have Torbjorn in team. Seems like my team has trolls 2 in every 3 games which is why I’ve dropped rank so fast :frowning:

Maybe a scorecard can help this, or maybe I should just play as a crappy Genji or Mccree, which I saw so often getting away with having and average of 1 ult compared with my 2 and I’m the one being shouted at.


I would also like to see a scorecard…

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(I would like a scoreboard too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

But let me get that straight: You think you got down from plat to silver because your (random) teammates don’t like how you play (main?) Torb? :thinking: Uhm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

First time (ranked) in Overwatch? :man_shrugging:


Crappy McCree?

Dude McCree has been meta for a long time, he is far more valuable than Torb… And blade regularly gets 2/3 kills a team fight…

What do you mean by score card aside from the medals? Like Cod K/D ratios?


All I can say is its most likely not them, its you


You are lvl 41. Let me guess what happened; you are hardstuck silver/bronze on your main and made an alt to “escape elo hell”, got lucky in your first 5 games and placed plat but then dropped like a brick because you still perform like a silver player. You are actually the troll in your games, unlucky.


it does happen though, i would say 1/6 games is unwinnable due to smurfs, throwers, cheaters

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do play genji or mcree. both are good picks.

average ults happen, as long as there is a purpose behind it (ie: hanzo dragons point to push enemies off, dva zoning bomb ult, ult vs ult management: trance for blade etc)

number of ults is meaningless, unless they accomplish something to help the team.


Of course there are the same trolls in the forum as in the game! Prejudging players by their picks not their performance. Of course Genji and Mccree are extremely good heroes, what I was saying is you can be playing badly as either and not be criticized while as a Torb you can often be best DPS in game but if your team is losing it’s Torb this Torb that we’re going to report you bla bla bla.

I’ve played gold and sometimes platinum as Pharah, Winston, Junkrat, Soldier, Moira, Lucio RoadHog and Reinhardt since the game started, back when you could leave the spawn at the start and face 6 Bastions. Now I’m playing Torb and the crap I get is, well just sad. I’ve lost up to 7 games in a row before, every one of which I’ve had a card at the end.

So what I’m saying is a scorecard might help prevent that prejudice. Probably not though as Overwatch these days is mostly a toxic pool of cancer spreading trolls.


A card means nothing if you are just farming stats =]


:thinking: Now I start to believe that the OP made this account just for trolling. :expressionless:

Congrats man, you got me. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Scoreboard for dmg, heals, kills/deaths will certainly help but it won’t help you out though.

In lower ELO, torb having a turret automatically gives him gold elims unless you have dive tanks/DPS that hold aggressively (essentially non-existent or performed incorrectly in lower ELO) so elims at gold is a get out of jail free card as you can setup a turret somewhere where most of the team fights happen and as long as you’re tagging things it’ll be an elim.

Similarly for damage, if it’s chip/trash damage that just feeds their supports you’re giving your tanks a bigger disadvantage but you’re ending up with gold damage.

From the sound of it, you’re basing your performance off of cards and medals but it sounds like you aren’t thinking or taking into consideration the amount of pressure you’re actually giving to your team.

Part of the reason why genji and McCree are more popular is due to the fact that you can focus fire and eliminate targets as a team faster. Torb is a good pick if you need to fend off divers or flankers but if the team is trying to choose a low HP target to elim, torb isn’t the way to go.

If you’re getting picks like you say that’s great :+1: but at the same time, you wouldn’t be falling down in ranks if you’re performing how you say you are. Every action you take has its own consequences, ignore what the general public has you programmed to think and think really really hard if just getting gold elim/damage (no matter how high or low) is actually helping your team out. Sometimes getting bronze or no medals but keeping your support alive in the backline so they can freely heal your teammates might be a better move.

OW 2 has a scoreboard; medals, cards and level portraits going away.


Maybe it’s the fact you are playing torb? Do the pro’s play torb? Not very often, they look at him as a troll pick.

I’d like to see Kills|Deaths|Damage|Heals scoreboard on Tab.

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Don’t you think that would cause more problems though? :smiley:

People already flame because they’ve got a GOLD MEDAL and someone else hasn’t. Tbf I’d be fine with it, just not sure it would actually add anything.


It would allow me to see where we are struggling at and who to assist. A ton of players don’t say jack so it allows me to respond without needing someone in voice. Sure there will be trolls, that’s expected, but it’s another way to have communication without communication.


Another 1 post diatribe. Been a lot lately.

OW 2 is getting rid of level borders, medals and cards and going to a scoreboard.


What good would all of that do?

Tanks can have gold elims and gold damage. Doesn’t mean your DPS aren’t doing their jobs. Quite the opposite actually.


This isn’t how you win games in Overwatch, nor is it indicative of good performance.