Scientist Moira Looks Amazing!

Moira! What does your scouter say about his ult charge?




I have almost zero time to play this event but almost 20,000 credits saved up.

If they continue with the quality of skins they’ve shown so far I might be blowing my entire stash.

Crisis averted, we can finally put the pitchforks down –

Moira is truly a golden lore mine. Anything lore related to her looks awesome.

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yeah, it is ok and it fits her.

I just laughed out loud and got a couple weird looks at work. As for the skin I’m going to insta buy it. I do have almost 40k coins saved up.

Definitely looks like a legendary if you ask me.

Been waiting for this one for a LONG time now… finally the labcoat skin… looks great, definitely getting this one! Not sure I am sold on “Candy Clown” JR though… the Talon Bap skin is sweet, and its such a better more interesting look for him overall than “nice guy Bap” we got to start… I bet we see him in Talon skin more than the default.

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i absolutely love the skin as well and can’t comprehend how people don’t see the differences between a recolor and an actual new skin, like, what do people expect?
giant octopus arms?
i mean, me too, but still
functionally it wouldn’t work with hitboxes, so what do you think they’re going to change
not everything can be a symmetra dragon skin level of overhaul

my only gripe is dem syringe nails… i dunno how i feel about that
like, not only is that just not… functional, it’s also just… like… wat


The only skin I like so far is the junkrat one! :l

I like to think that this skin is her “prototype.” So before she actually put tech into her arm she just used the clunky weird syringes. It’s supposed to be barely functional. (I like it)

Exactly… this was the prototype, and the “syringes” really are just a conduit for the drain before it became a palm device… its also indicative by this stage the Biotic positive and negative energy was affecting her directly, as she has the eye color changed…

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My main finally got the Laboratory Coat Skin and I’m happy as hell.

All she needs now is that skin she has on her Year of the Dog Spray and my life would be complete.


I love it. I already have cosplays of her labcoat and banshee, so I’m excited to upgrade one into this.

Everyone on social media has been whining that it looks like a recolor. All I can think is that they are either blind or just don’t remember what Moira looks like. Guess they’re all only looking at her hair. Glad that people who actually play the game can see the difference.

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Moira has always had heterochromia. Just look at her archives spray from last year. She’s had it since childhood.

I stand corrected, for some reason I pictured her Archives skin indicating normal coloring for both, my bad, she’s always had “David Bowie eyes”…

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What I love about her past skins is that the little metal plate isn’t on her face. GET THAT OFF HER FACE, she is beautifully/ handsomely androgynous.

You will also have May for Anniversary to unlock them so start saving.

I love that skin.
im definitely going to be buying it.
the needle nails are glamorous :heart_eyes::dizzy_face:

The skin was a total rollercoaster for me:

  1. I see a Moira skin was announced and I lose my s***.
  2. I see a lot of plain white and worry that its an underwhelming Legendary.
  3. I see the backpack (So technical! So awesome!) and her guns (melee to vaccinate! wooooooo!) and my hopes are restored.
  4. I notice how classy she looks besides the lab wear- the dress shirt and tie, dress pants, shoes- she’s killing it!!!

Still like her blackwatch skin the most. The new skin is kinda second place only because I don’t like her all her other skins. Hopefully I manage to get her blackwatch skin this year missed out last year.

Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting