Saying "Healthy / Unhealthy for the game" is Subjective

I seen some people say this on the forums, almost religiously.

“This is hEaLtHy for the game”

“This is not HeAlThY for the game”

For ya’ll who constantly say this, how about telling the rest of us what exactly this means? Because everyone sees “health / unhealthiness” with a video game differently, and I see people saying this on just about everything about a game, even when if it’s subjective. “I think X hero having X ability is better because it’s… wait for it… H e a l t h i e r 4 da gaem.” It’s become a meme at this point with how overused that statement is.

So help a girl out. Can someone translate? Thanks buds.


People think they know what it best, and what they think ruins the game, so it is mostly opinionated.


It depends on who and what the topic is about.
Brig in her first state was 100% not healthy for the game as she could do so much with little effort, similarly with mass rez.
But now , people who dislike a certain character will use this comment for anything and everything. The latest one is widow which is plain stupid imo


See this right here is what I’m talking about.

“Doing so much for little effort” = Unhealthy for the game

So any ability where you don’t work for it, is in essence, unhealthy for the game then right? That includes passive abilities, like Lucio’s healing aura no?

He literally just exists, and can heal his team. In that same vein, you could say:

“Lucio’s aura is 100% not healthy for the game, as he could do so much with little effort.”

You see what I mean? How easily it can turn into a subjective opinion?


Almost everything about the game is subjective, so what?

Subjective doesn’t mean unreasonable. Music is subjective, but if you say Beethoven is no better than Justin Bieber you’re an idiot. Subjective doesn’t mean option A is the same as B.


Okay, so objectively a bad report system is unhealthy for the game because toxicity, which is infectious, decays the player-base and the people worth keeping leave. With less players the matchmaker absolutely struggles to find fair matches resulting in more steamrolls which makes more people quit. That is definitely unhealthy for the game and if you have a different “opinion” I suggest professional help to take out two birds with one stone.

It’s actually a pretty simple translation. Developers of any product have to look at opinion driven statistics and use them to make their decisions. Liking a product is always opinionated, but if a majority of their consumers don’t like a product, the product either adapts or dies (Don’t misinterperet this as me saying “overwatch will die”). That’s a pretty simplified example. It’s different with things like games because the developers have to weigh their artistic vision, the wants of the majority, and the wants of the minority.

tl;dr it’s someone voicing an opinion, and regardless of whether or not you hold that opinion, it’s valid criticism that should be voiced.

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I disagree.
If you can’t explain it, then you aren’t really doing much.
Why is it not fair to compare them? Music? Joy? Effort?

Without justification…it’s just opinion. Not criticism


“Unhealthy” is just a passive way of saying “nerf.”


Yes that’s exactly the point, I would say res didn’t harm the game (it was more a MM error rewarding mass res and the devs made it worse by putting invu on top of it.)
And Brig did what she was supposed to do get rid of dive, so she was healthy, but we don’t like what we have now.

So it is subjective and we should focus more on what we thing might be good for the game rather then just pointing the finger and say that is bad. For example I hate Hanzo and wish he just would be deleted from the game, but I would suggest to remove damage from his sonic arrow. At least he has to select the right arrow for a random head shot. This would in my opinion already help a lot and make the game healthier, but not cost too much for Hanzo lovers.

It’s actually pretty common for developers to prefer the opposite. iirc this exact point was brought up pretty commonly back when seagull posted his “state of overwatch” video. Something along the lines of “they prefer you tell them how it makes you feel, not how you want it fixed.”

Arguing about them as if they are facts is a waste of time, but voicing subjective opinions is not bad.

McCree smoking his cigar is unhealthy.


And apparently that applies with saying something is healthy or unhealthy for a game. I was just wanting to know why those that do say it, use it. Because so far it seems to just be a cover up people use for their opinion, to make it appear more factual. :woman_shrugging:

Saying anyone with a different opinion “needs to seek help” is pretty toxic / unhealthy.

Because it is not an opinion. You have a distorted world view and that is genuinely unhealthy. This is just a game. If you cannot objectively discern facts… There is a problem. I am not trying to be rude. But try to contest what I said with literally any reasoning. You are going to have an extremely difficult time doing anything but denying that the report system is not faulty.

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That’s my point, you need reason. But reasonable things van and often are subjective opinions, like almost everything about this game is.

If they say something without arguing the point then who cares?

Very few things are objective.

That’s true and interesting, I prefer constructive criticism, it should have at least a why, otherwise it just become a rant like 100 other post and the devs will become numb or just leave the forum.

You made good points, thanks bud. I guess it’s for those who want to give an opinion, but who don’t want it to seem like it’s an opinion. So I guess instead of saying “In my opinion…” they just would go “____ Is unhealthy for the game”. Even though it’s literally a subjective statement to make. I guess you can go literal too with that with the whole “games can’t die or get healthy” thing, but yeah I’m not going to go there either lol.

You’re missing the point. Saying something is “healthy” or “unhealthy” is subjective, because what you think is “unhealthy” doesn’t equate to everyone in the community. You don’t speak for everyone which is why it’s an opinion. And that’s the tea. :tea:

The point is that saying something is “healthy” / “unhealthy” starts arguments in general, so why say it? It’s subjective.

Okay. By unhealthy I mean it will lose players and inevitably die. There. Objective.

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But every game loses players eventually. So in that sense, every game becomes unhealthy and dies at some point. You see how vague that term is?