Saying "GG EZ" or "EZ"

I’ve never seen the issue with it. Nor do I see it as abusive or trolling. While it may be salt in the wound to say it, maybe taking offense to it is more of a personal issue? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t say it in any context, and I’ve heard it a fair bit, but it shouldn’t bother you to the extent of reporting the player for trolling. My advice is just to take a break and eat some food if an acronym is causing this many issues. Sorry.


I think most people just want a friendly sportsmanship environment whilst playing the game.


I don’t see it as an offense, but that could be because I’m on xbox and we don’t have a chat system.

If I ever just saw a “gg ez” or whatever, I’d just roll my eyes and move on. There’s not a lot to it


Maybe you’re right, but the thing is that you never see these people for a while yet, much less remember their users. Doubt they’d remember who they said EZ to, so it isn’t much of a bother?


Well Ez is kinda like an insult to the other team

Saying that there was no challenge…something like that


I used to be a PC player before discovering console was better suited for me (and after finally getting a damn ps4 a while ago) and having GG EZ said didn’t faze me at all. Eating is healthy, guys! for your physical and mental support ^^

It’s really only a problem to want everything to just be find and dandy, with zero toxicity, and everyone’s a really good sport!

Then there’s people like me who grew up in an environment of competitive basketball, so trash talk is literally a weekly thing… so. I trash talk, people trash talk me and that’s that.

The amount of time’s I’ve sht talk people on the enemy team, then as soon as they get on my team I’m the friendliest person you’ll meet. Cause that’s just how it is.

Then there’s the people who instead of just laughing at it and move on from someone saying ez, they feel the need to report because… god knows why. They let 2 letters affect the hell out of their lives apparently.


“gg”, “ez”, “gg ez”, “gr”, “gr wp” should get blacklisted. Useless annoying spam that I don’t need to see every game.


I don’t like how there are so many people who can’t handle a simple EZ and act like they need to go see therapy for it, and how they ruined their lives.


Maybe you should get rest if it bothers you that much. Reporting for spam is a different can of beans altogether and I accept it, but reporting solely for the content of the text is petty at best.


Report? I don’t, i just find it obnoxious.


It leaves a mental impact and kinda has the potential to make you tilt and underperform, it also puts me off playing the game when the community acts immature. I think it’s fine if both teams are super competitive and are having little jabs at each other but saying ez noobs after rolling a team is distasteful. We should be humble in defeat and be humble in victory.


ikr, why do people socialize with their own team and the enemy (with the exception of ez).

gg, wp, gr… why would you be triggered by it when used correctly.


That’s exactly why people trash talk. That’s like the sole purpose of it, to get in your opponents head. You should work on just ignoring it or muting chat if trash talk affects you that much.


I have a friend that completely loses it in brawlhalla when people emote at him.

And i’m like: they’re doing it to tilt you and it’s working lol.

Because it’s annoying spam

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I had no idea jesus was on my thread
Good luck with your basketball endeavors, though : )

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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I get that but it’s a game… who desperately needs to get in the enemy teams head. You could also argue that it’s only a game so why do people get mad about it. I don’t mind it when people say ez but I personally don’t see a reason for me to say it.

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That’s your opinion. When you get games where people are actively trying and we have a huge 99-99% fight that lasts for like 2 minutes I normally say gr in global chat.

Also knowing who you are you probably go “ANDEYSAY” at every chance you get with DF lmao.

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