Say NO to private profiles

It’s almost like some people like to play games for fun without being harassed over their choices.

I don’t care too much. I did make my profile public, because I don’t care if people see what I’ve played. But it also doesn’t make much sense to me to have a profile and keep it private, either.

More people want private profiles than don’t want it. Why? People who don’t want it because they want to be able to harass one tricks.

Not ten mention, you can just friend people to see their profiles (by default)

I say yes. I’m going to keep saying yes. The game has been more fun that ever because of this. If someone does what you claim, they’ll lose SR and you won’t have to deal with them for long. Also, your enemy team is just as likely to have people who do this, but since you only have five team mates and there are six of them, it is MORE likely to hurt your opponent than you. If anything, this should make games easier for you, than harder.

This is the game now. Just adapt and you’ll have a great time like the rest of us.

All the people saying “I can’t make decisions because I can’t look at profiles” You are looking at this all wrong. Think of private profiles as a relief. You no longer have this added imaginary responsibility you thought you did.

at least make public profiles default, please blizzard

A private profile is a good thing. The enemy team can’t tell which heroes you might pick. You don’t ‘have to’ choose the heroes you have played the most. I dunno - is it this common, that players state they have xxx hours on the hero they picked? To be honest I can’t remember at all - this might be because I don’t like playing toxic comp games that much. I just ask for a healer, shield or sniper etc. in case no one picked any of the needed roles.

That’s not toxicity though? That’s just some dude who wants to play Genji?

Toxicity is flaming the dude for playing Genji because you can look at his profile and just see that he mainly just plays D.Va and Rein.

Say Yes to Private profiles.*

“Doing a protest to my protest what kind of $ is that ?”

I said this long ago and never got 160+ likes for it :joy: .

Can i say no to Sgt. Profiles?

Let me give you an example of why I use private profile if I’m playing solo:
I’m a Lúcio main, and he’s basically the only support I play (sometimes going for Zen, but that’s about it).
I also play a lot of Reinhardt, he’s my second most played hero.
But then if i go to comp people will look at my profile and ask (or sometimes demand) that I play Mercy or on very rare ocasions Moira, the thing is, I’m not a support main, not at all, yes if i pick Lúcio i’ll do my best to heal and help the team, but i don’t like playing Mercy or Moira nor do i have the aim to play Ana (and to a certain point DPS as well).
So i put my profile on private and pick Rein or if that’s not possible, an off tank.
Being pressured to play what you don’t want/can isn’t fun, and public profile can (not that it will 100% of the time, but chances are kinda high) lead to that.
Yes it is a team based game, but what good am I doing for the team playing a hero I can’t do s*it with?

ive seen far more toxicity from players throwing tantrums over private profiles than ive EVER seen the situation you just described… so… i dunno.

Maybe instead of saying NO to private profiles, we should be saying NO to toxic players.

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