Say it with me People

It’s Not about the Money!

It’s about the principle of locking heroes behind the BattlePass.


People try to frame it as a “money” issue in order because that is the much easier argument. It’s a form of a strawman.

The argument: heroes shouldn’t be on the battlepass
The strawman argument: “oh, seriously you’re going to complain about a few dollars a month?”

In reality, the argument has nothing to do with the amount of money to pay, but that monetary amount is much easier to argue against, so that’s what they do.

It’s quite common on these forums to use very similar arguments:

The argument: restricting hero access hurts players agency to choose and switch to characters
The “alternative” argument: people don’t switch anyways/people wouldn’t be good at Kiriko.

Which is ignoring the real question which is: is it better to have locked heroes or not?


But isn’t that the entire point? To pressure people to drop a few more bucks so that they aren’t immediately at a disadvantage?

Either way it still sucks


It’s never been about the money with me.
I’ve paid $40 for overwatch, and there are still gamebreaking issues from 2015, costing matches to this date, and I want my money back.

I’ve spent a lot more in Star Citizen (SC) than OW, and it’s because Cloud Imperium Games (CiG) is actually doing something. CiG doesn’t just let gamebreaking issues go unaddressed for 7 years. They actually FIX things.
SC has been able to start from scratch, and add a litteral planet sized city in a few months. Plus ships, a dynamic event, and big fixes.

In that same time period Blizzard hasn’t added anything. No content, no fixes for big issues, just nothing.

In SC when the devs get some free time they add in a go-cart track just for fun, and everyone can access and drive on it. No profit motive, they just thought it was cool.

After playing Star Citizen, and Overwatch, I’m more likely to spend $200 in SC than a penny in OW2.
CiG has a track record of earning it. Blizzard has demonstrated that it isn’t worth spending a penny on.


It’s bout money

They already know. They do it to derail the thread. It’s the same group of people and we don’t even have to name them. One of the tactics they use to shut down dissent. They literally copy/paste talking points from articles with the BS excuses they’re trying to sell as the reason it’s okay.


It’s about the money surrounding seasonal theme bundles on top of the battlepass.

The number of people who dont understand this make me want to punch a hole through my wall.


it’s worse, that’s why all they do is try and say “well it’s not that bad, stop overreacting and shut up”, they can’t come up with something that’s legit good about the system outside of a few fanboys happy the company is making more money under the mistaken assumption that more money = better game

i’m honestly thinking about leaving the forums and not come back to this wretched game


I don’t think anyone has the power to shut down dissent, if I’m included in this group of people you speak about all I gotta say is that I’ve only been stating my opinion on the matter and nothing else, whether that shuts down anything or not isn’t really my fault, I have no intention whatsoever to erase anyone’s opinion but I do have to admit that I put my own foot forward as a counterweight most of the time

As for it being the principle, what is the worth of that? I mean, what do you think you can accomplish by laying down your principles against a company? consider that a company is a faceless entity, for all intents and purposes companies or associations behave like another citizen but they aren’t, your principles might be a good guideline to show people when something is wrong but a company isn’t a person, it’s a conglomerate that operates under one goal and one goal only, money

So while it might not be a money issue for us, it is a money issue for blizz and if in the long run they have less profit (unlikely considering the amount of market study that must have gone through for this change to happen) then they’ll have to backpedal


if it’s the opposite then they’ll leave you and your principles guide your money somewhere else, the goal of a company is to make their customers happy but having an unhappy few isn’t the end of the world/company/game. They can try to win you back but if you ultimately decide it’s not in your best interest then they’ll happily let you go and focus on the customers that do want their service

I haven’t seen your name near as much as the group of people I’m talking about. They know who they are. Pretty sure they’re legitimately in a group with others, maybe discord or some nonsense. Some coordinated efforts for sure.

“It’s about sending a message”

The message is money(but I don’t mind)

Oh ok, that’s odd, honestly if anyone thinks they can divert the focus of this forum they’re very naive

It almost got me at first. Felt legitimately pointless and exhausting, goading me in with their nonsense. Gaslighting, misquoting, taking quotes out of context, making giant quote trees, masquerading as genuine discussion while making the same arguments from thread to thread that have already been answered a hundred times over, finally just flat lying, and when all else failed, insults and name calling. Some ridiculously timed “coincidental” responses to posts. Then I noticed a few talking points, a few slips here and there, and now nobody can convince me they legitimately didn’t make an “anti doomer group.”


i heard some elf is actually threatened people with adding them to a list of doomers, so you may have a point.
some pumpkin dude is also very adamant in repeating the same things over and over

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Its really too bad. Im glad you mention the money thing. My parents held shares in Blizzard for me since I was a kid and I still have some. People don’t understand that Blizzard has done their best financially in recent years, while making some of their worst games.

Their classics like Starcraft and Warcraft and even early World of Warcraft were all during relatively bad financial times for them, especially compared to now. I don’t want Blizzard to not make money, but the idea that Blizzard making tons of money somehow translates to a better game is just demonstrably not true.

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oh thats not what you were saying?

“for privacy’s sake let’s call him Poy T. No, that’s too obvious… let’s say P. Theon”

One of them recently told another user, “You’re at the top of the doomer list.” I thought it was weird, but maybe just a list they made in their head… until another user came out with some “Doomer list” nonsense. No joke, 100% believe it’s a thing. Might not be all of them, but definitely some of them. I think he’s actually a couple of them. One user, 2+ names. He is not the people I’m talking about that leaked that there may actually be a “doomer list,” mind you. And judging by the way they talk, I have a feeling who their leader is too.

the “just do it” guy that opened many threads saying “well it’s just $whatever, you can afford it” is also suspicious.
but the P-elf-Hyph-His quartet is the most suspicious of all. I’d add Chief to that but i believe he’s simply dense.

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