Save sym before it's too late ( she's too weak)

Last rework buffed everything but her orb

She will be MORE vulnerable and have a worst ult. her buffs counteract her nerfs so she ends up not going very far in terms of power

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I disagree with you wholeheartedly. Because I, a tracer main will be playing sym when she goes live.

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You can’t play her but that doesn’t make her power any better

Shes more fun but not that much better

She’s better but still to weak

shes not weak… the pro scene already said symm is going to be played in pro play and change the game.

i dont think that means shes weak…


I’m betting that most of the people who claim they’re gonna play New Sym will try her for a couple of matches and dump her.

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Yes, and that’s when people like me will swoop in and pick back up our queen and continue slaying where we left off.

I’m also sure a lot of people will be deterred from playing her anymore anyway considering her auto-lock is gone and they got rid of the rapid-click exploit on PTR.

Then the pros jumped the gun? They said Moira would be Mega op and said sombra needed to nerfed at launch

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That’s exactly what I was talking about with a friend yesterday. New Symm will basically be used only to help heroes go where they normally can’t reach and switch right away after doing that.

Turrets are OK I guess but the new weapon and how it charges is just weak. No shield gen or barrier is the end of her. If anything she should’ve been able to cast a temporary shield gen as well with her E but even then I think it would still not make her that good of a pick.

The new teleporter interactions are sweet and all on paper but in an actual match it’s just super clunky and SLOW. Sure we’ve seen Symmetra mains killing it with the new Symm but let’s face it, it was on PTR and people couldn’t care any less about leaving a Symmetra alive. Everyone thought PTR Sombra was INSANE at first but well, you get my point.

Don’t even get me started on her ult… It’s pretty and badass but it just doesn’t work or compliment her kit. At all.

At this point I’m not really surprised, honestly. For the life of me I cannot, I swear, I CANNOT understand the decisions the person who take cares of balance makes. Everything just sucks, every time. It’s either OP or so weak it’s a joke.

I thought this time I’d finally be able to play Symmetra in peace but by the looks of it, it’s gonna be yet another year with her in the dumpster.


That is one solution

With Sym though her new kit allows you to do more than you could with her old one. So I don’t see why the experience wouldn’t be better than it was before.

Its better but that doesn’t mean it is good

She’s still bad just not as bad

And we shouldn’t be aiming for that

I couldn’t disagree more. She’s incredibly powerful right now on PTR. If anything she is too strong.


Want to give some reasons as to why

She has worse survivability, her gun is still bad with the nerfs, her ult is worse and her kit fights with itself

Her ult and teleporter have godlike potential to just outright sweep team fights. Her ult literally walls off entire regions of the map and her teleporter can be setup and have people run through so quickly it’s pretty much impossible to counter it when used correctly.

She primary fire is absolutely deadly when charged, which is not that hard if you’re up against some barriers. You just can’t run in unprotected without backup.


You can just hide behind a barrier and Cover for 15 seconds, it’s really easy to beat. You can’t pursue the enemy is they hide cuz then you push past the barrier so the enemy’s just has to use cover, hell they can hide behind the payload

Her gun can be good when charged, but she won’t Ben able to get charge in actual comp matches because Shen will bursted down trying to engage

She can’t survive in a teamfight to use Her dps


Id like to actually see what she is like on live, and in comp. Not just ptr where ppl dont make good team comps and the skill is vastly different from player to player.

How is she still bad based on her abilities now compared to the ones on live? If anything I would say she is niche at worse which isn’t bad.

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K lemme break it down

She has worse survivability meaning she can’t survive a team fight

If the two teams are brawling on point, how will sym live long enough to charge her beam. She can’t live long enough in the middle of a teamfight for her gun to do anything

She is also more divable, She Is the easiest dps to dive now, and flankers will kill her a sym if she’s mercy due to her gun nerfs

Her ult can be denied all of its value by simply waiting behind cover or disengaging, she also is the only dps beside widow to not have a dps ult which isn’t good

She hasn’t improved too, but those improvement she just counter act her flaws so she remains bad

Not every map is a payload map. It will be highly effective in maps like 2CP where you can use it on offense to take high ground with a nearly indestructible shield. Some of your team can aggress on the point which forces the enemy to engage. If they just sit there for 15 seconds hiding they’re giving you the point for free.

Even on non-2CP maps or defensive engagements you’re still able to split the map and with some barrier dancing you’re effectively cutting down the number of possible attacking targets by at least half.


Her ult can be denied all of its value by simply waiting behind cover or disengaging, she also is the only dps beside widow to not have a dps ult which isn’t good

So are we just pretending that the attacking team doesn’t exist and that she will be used exclusively on defense?

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