Savagely nerf hog

Tanks in Overwatch just need 2 things, at a fundamental level.

  1. Stand on objectives really well
  2. Give their team a positioning advantage
    • Which includes making enemy positioning worse

Considering he doesn’t have a big damage blocking ability for his team, the only way he can give a positioning advantage to his team is by zoning.

Tbh, anybody who insists a game derived from the Class Based Shooter genre, needs to follow strict MOBA/RPG archetypes, can quit.

Their concerns aren’t more important than a game with good queue times, and fun tanks.

They won’t be missed. Because there’s not enough of those people in the playerbase to matter.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Throw in that a huge chunk of those players will be exiting PVP anyways, and heading over to PVE.