Sanjay is the newest Hero to be added to Overwatch.
His kit is loaded with new, unique and interesting mechanics and I can’t wait to see how he plays on the PTR.
He has 200 HP (100 HP with 100 Shields)
Primary - Hard Light Beam
His Primary fire is kind of like Zarya’s Beam except it charges on its own. It can deal a lot of damage but has a much slower charge than Zarya.
It would interesting to see how his much slower charging beam balances out on a squishy hero with 200 hp.
Secondary - Explosive Light
His Secondary fire is like Zarya’s Secondary but it shoots in a straight line. So it’s much easier to aim than Zarya’s Secondary.
Ability 1 - Shooting Stars
He has the ability Shoot Turrets that stick to surfaces and damage nearby enemies. This is kind of long range version of Symmetra’s Turrets but he gets fewer Turrets.
Ability 2 - Portal Gun
Portal is unique ability. It is kind of like Reaper’s Teleport ability but for the entire team. It should lead to some interesting flanks.
Ultimate - Great Wall of China
Even though Sanjay is from India, he borrows China’s wall and brings it to Overwatch. Great Wall cuts off areas of the map and has the potential to swing team fights due to the immense zone control this ultimate provides.
Symmetra’s new turrtes do more dps, have more hps and have more slow. I don’t know what you’re talking about with her secondary fire. It’s just her current secondary with less charge time, faster move speed and AoE dmg on impact instead of piercing. Her primary’s range and beam size is unknown. Save your judgments please.
So like Zarya’s secondary firing in a straight line.
I have been playing Symmetra since release. Her first rework made her a stronger version of herself. This rework, makes her in to something that she is not.
Melee range was fine since her weapon was very powerful.
She also has the piercing Orbs if you encountered shields and Photon Barrier to close the gap between you and your target.
Her Teleporter and Shield gen also allowed her to be more agrressive with her Melee attack.
I don’t think so. When you can OTP a hero into Top 10, it means that they are at least viable, if not decent.
I am playing her on Attack right now in Masters. Symmetra’s kit works on Attack if you know what you are doing with it.
Symmetra 2.0 felt different and powerful. That’s the kind of rework I want.
This rework feels like Sanjay 1.0. That’s not “a lot different” that’s a new hero.