Samito plays 6v6 rn

6v6 aint it folks. As much asI prefer ow1, 5v5 is way better. People always seem to forget that tanks were beyond unfun. THey brought no joy, and only dedicated tank mains played them. 2 tanks was not it.


While I agree with this they will never do it purely because Blizz is a stubborn company and will refuse to acknowledge their failures and shortcomings. They will burn the game down (actually that’s happening right now) before they go back on a change.

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Ironically 6v6 would probably make circuit royale a decent map. The issue is how dominant snipers/poke is with no counter play. 2 tanks would fix the issues of it


Looks at Tank queues
Yeah definitely was solved by going 5v5.
Totally the fault of the composition size and not the game.

As it is 5v5 shafts the casual player more than 6v6, 'specially on Tank


Not completely, but at least tank is mostly fun now. If not for ana and sombra, maybe most played role.

The tank role is currently experiencing the worst case of rock paper scissors making it so you have no agency over what tank you want to play. What are you even talking about?


idk bro, when I play tank I have fun :man_shrugging:

Its honestly a skill diff. Now I aint no gm tank, but I know that I can deal with my counters.

I thought Samito stopped playing? Guess that went the same way it did every other time he said it xD

sam is fake af, says he hates the game, comes back, says he loves the game, then says the only hero worth playing is ECHO?!?!, actual clown.

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5v5 is for hard core PVP fans who want to have feeling of playing valorant, CSGO/CS2 or APEX. 6v6 is for casuals.

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It is night and day how much better 6v6 is than 5v5.


Are we playing the same game here?

Tank is a bit frustrating to play right now.

Y’all, in small bits it’s cool, but we literally didn’t have enough tank players for 2 people to play tank every game.

It wasn’t worth it in role q. Even if the game is objectively better in 6v6, in 3 weeks your q time would be 10 minutes at any rank and they’d have to bribe people to play tank or flex q.

I have no idea what you are saying in this post


5vs5 is absolutely terrible and it disgusts me

This bastardized game is not Overwatch


But have you played it in OW2? The custom modes are so much fun.

No thank you. Two tanks was miserable in solo queue and boring in premades.

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Samito took time off after he bought MinePlex, but now he’s back grinding & streaming OW2 daily on Twitch/youTube.

I dont play customs unless im w friends…

Is there a code for this?

I want to try it.

So 1 tank, 3 dps, and 2 support?

There are codes for traditional 6v6 2/2/2. I don’t know about the 1/3/2.