S36 T500 leaderboards kicked Diam players at the last minute

Bumping up this thread again.

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Bumping your bumping.

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Bumping up this post.

New week, new hope that Blizzard will acknowledge this issue.

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I just want my rewards man

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Every day I wake up and check my account and the forums for good news and every time I am disappointed. Nevertheless I continue watching and waiting. And if there happens to be anyone else lurking in this thread, I’d encourage you to keep interacting with these posts and spreading awareness. I have made a comprehensive list of all these top 500 bugs in my post Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards for those who want to read more about that as well.

Everyday we wake up, just to suffer…

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And suffering I will continue to endure.

They said that they would remove rank decay for all previous seasons, maybe it includes S36… and maybe it will give Diamond players they well-earned T500 rewards? If I had to guess, we all decayed right before the end of the season, meaning that Diamond players got put in Plat and Master got put in Diamond, hence why everyone below Master disappeared from the leaderboards.
Maybe I’m on hopium and maybe it will not fix anything, but who knows.

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That would be a massive copium take. Seasonal rank decay as far as I know only applied to seasons 1 and 2 and the only form of SR decay that existed in ow1 was for a few early seasons for players above diamond. I might be wrong about that though so do correct me about that. Whichever justification they decide on to give us the rewards we earned, I will be happy. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but with the mountain of gameplay and systems changes announced this past week, I’m legitimately hopeful for the future of this game for once. Who knows, maybe our missing rewards are hidden somewhere in those changes too.

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I need that copium to keep hope!

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Bumping up this thread. May the copium flow forth unendingly.

Buuuumpiiiiiing this thread.

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Bumping up this thread. The wait continues.

So many bumps, yet no answer.

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So many bugs and still zero acknowledgement. And so I persevere.

As you should, and we all should!

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I agree, I just wish the other ~250 players would help us in spreading the word. Normally, I don’t mind having to do everything myself, but it’s just depressing how many others would rather give up than make a single forum post to help us receive the rewards we earned. I know for a fact I’m not the only person who cares, I just wish the others cared enough to help me.

As long as we’re here, at least this issue will not fade away.

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As long as the bug remains unresolved, as long as the Developers continue to support the game, as long our will endures, we will be here. I really could use your help in spreading the word though, daily monitoring of the forums is quite miserable when done alone.