S10: stunned, stunned, stunned

Just, why? I have never had a less enjoyable experience in this game as I did last night. Brig counters FAR more than just dive, and is countered by FAR less than what she counters herself. Sure, we can “play around her”, but good luck getting a team of 6 strangers to not only pick the right heroes to counter her but to also work together to do so. She basically has raised the “team skill floor” to beat her, which is death for most solo queue players.


Yea someone understands we finally have to play as a team to Win and beat this meta most of the solo players are gonna want a Nerf I don’t think she is so bad you can’t just flank by yourself now gonna need help now sombra genji flank hack and kill throw a discord in there sneak attack


Genji is a poor choice, he can’t deflect her mace. Genji mains are going to be whining about that as well, because there is one more hero that counters him.


Thats not an excuse. Like it or not, the norm for comp ladder outside of a 5+ stack is for teams to “loosely play together”. We all know what Im talking about. The games where I get everyone working together are few and far between.
Instituting a character that forces the opposite team to now pick from a very limited hero pool that counters her and also alter their entire play style is a sure fire way to piss off the player base and kill the game (especially with her anti-fun cc abilities). Finding someone who actually WANTS to tank before this meta was tough, now it is impossible.


I think Brigitte violates a simple principle that many would agree should be in place for competitive game design:

That which is easy to pull off should not require a disproportionate amount of effort to overcome.

Brig is easy to use and is effective. It’s not to suggest there is no place for easier heroes or that nuance doesn’t exist for the character, but I feel like there is a very real possibility she offers too much return for too little risk. It’s either that, or we’re living in a time of mass hysteria where the population has nearly all had the same knee-jerk reaction at once.


She counters anything within her instant low skill high reward stun’s range. That speaks quite a bit for itself.


This is pretty much what I’m noticing. A lot of people that are used to going off on their own are upset that they can’t anymore. You’re going to have to change things. It kinda sucks but it happens. Sometimes you have to adapt.


Hi if you have problems with 5 strangers on your team there are many avenues to countering that such as general chat , discord , the LFG forum. If you choose to only play solo then complain about solo queue comps that’s kind of your own fault …

Do I think blizz needs to make looking for groups even more streamlined ? Absolutely but to complain about one hero because you can’t get strangers to counter it is not a valid argument that the hero’s design is bad .

On one of my accounts last night me and some friends 4 stacked pure counter brig comps and rolled through placements was hilariously fun.

And if you are solo you can play heroes that she is less effective against , I played lots of Pharah and Junkrat and was just basically ult farming the clumped up groups surrounding her .

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Wrong. Blizzard does not give us the tools to find good teammates, nor nearly enough incentive to others to flex and work together. The way the system is set up, in the long run it rewards people who don’t flex. I’ve tried in vain countless times to get my team to work together, I’m always the friendly guy trying to get people in team chat and group up.
So basically if a game needs a 3rd party app like discord or a forum to be viable then that game is inherently flawed.


Another pointless argument is to call for nerfs on the first say she’s out on comp when a lot of players haven’t gotten used to swapping to counter her , a week from now you’ll see more responsive team swapping when a Brig is causing chaos . Just give it time and find some mates to queue with until then


You could also have a Brig on your team? What about Pharah or Junk?
Pharah is also very good against Mei and Reaper! So yes, maybe the meta is changing, but isn’t that what everyone wanted?
I remember dozens of threads about how boring dive meta is and how dive is the worst of all meta’s. Where is that mentality now?


As much as people hated dive, I don’t think they wanted the transition to be a “let the best Brig win” meta.

And despite letting her sit in QP for a month to get a feel for how she fit into the game… here we are in a new competitive season hearing all the same complaints we did within the week of her launch on QP.


I’m on my 10th placement, and I haven’t even thought about stuns at all. what game are you playing?


So your arguement is that because people complained about dive meta we should now be grateful to have a this new stun meta?


Deflect, Fortify, Wraith Form, Shield, Barrier, Trap, Ice Block, Ice Wall, Concussive Blast, Concussion Mine, Hack, Defense Matrix

that’s what? 12 abilities from 12 heroes (11 when Sym 3 goes live) that can reverse/negate/avoid stuns, adapt and evolve. Sure you may not get 5 strangers that’ll match your ideal comp but what’s to say your enemy team full of 6 strangers are gonna pick the comp you expect them to?

Dive can still kill Brigitte as long as she’s focused and/or pincered, as a hybrid tank try to aim for her on the peel - since to heal she must engage, meaning that she’ll be near the frontline.

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Deflect, Matrix, and Shields/Barriers (outside of Zarya bubble)don’t stop bash, and most of those have a longer CD than Bash does.

That is a terribly anemic defense, honestly.


Brigitte is one success balancer, making the game, a team game now. she can’t flank by herself, she can be killed if ganged, dive on focus target might kill her real fast. but she could destroy any solo player on flanking, DIE TO ALL SOLO’S.

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Yeah. I hate Tracer and Genji with a passion when I’m playing support (and I do that a lot), so yeah, maybe I’m biased.
You ever were in a team with 4 dps and no one could kill one Tracer harrasing the supports? I think it’s time they get a counter with Brigitte.

They needed a reliable counter, most definitely. Moreso Tracer than Genji, but still. The issue is that Brigitte counters other heroes harder than the Tracer and Genji people wanted the counter for.

Genji and Tracer still have mobility and somewhat reasonable midrange abilities to work around her. Some of the other heroes don’t have that luxury.

Genji and tracer were absolutely over the top annoying but Brigitte really is the worst thing to happen to this game. Ive played against her 3 times so far as a support and i dont even think shes died at any point.

The team comps around her are just death ball. Havent found any way to stop it yet.

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