RQ coming to QP on the 3rd

It better be.

If the queue times become too long and blizzard don’t fix it when it’s needed. Players are better off leaving the game.

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Didnt had the experience. For me its the best time to play since years of overwatch.

Also 2 weeks are nothing compared.

I think all guys who want decent comps in qp suffered enough, now we have the turn. Shrug

Is it? My DPS wait times have been about the same for a couple of weeks now, around six to eight minutes.


On the other hand I may have found the mmo I want to sink time into be then so it doesn’t matter.

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Wait, what?

Sorry guys, on the third.

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I can’t see me playing QP other than to practice heroes.

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no its not, FYI role queue for qp is coming on the 3rd not the 1st.

I guess many dps were “boycotting” ranked to avoid long Q times, making QP an even bigger hell of dps’s. So my guess would be that once qp also has role queue, many will shift back to ranked and it will balance a bit better than the current situation

It would be very depressing if i didn’t get to play Torbjorn in quickplay anymore because of waiting times.

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Bummer. I wish they’d put this sort of thing on the launcher, but at least I know now.

hope that classic QP is ready at the same time, or it’s gonna get ugly. People who don’t like tanking or healing aren’t going to suddenly start doing it, -especially- in QP. They’ll leave. We shouldn’t be cheering or brushing off pushing players away.


i love it in ranked but dont add it to qp, qp is for messing around and having fun and forcing a team comp in it is stupid.

There’s gonna be a lot of bad DPS players flooding comp because they want queues faster than the QP ones.

Amen brother!!!

Well, if everyone wants to play DPS thats kinda their fault for not wanting to play Support or Tank once in a while

wrong… the place you describe is called “quickplay classics” and you find it in the arcade.

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Fine, since it’s a lot looser with it’s matchmaking

I can say this with conviction:

The most interesting thing about the whole role queue change is how many people choose to play classic over the new QP…blizz will never release these numbers but it would be really interesting if you could somehow see them side by side…

Cause we’ve never really had a chance to see both versions of a change side by side…like when they nerf/buff a hero you don’t also get access to the old version…you don’t have a say

Here we have an actual occasion of this and it would be cool to see live comparison

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Oh yeah, that classic QP full of 6 dps, since the other players will have no issue