Roles should be randomly assigned in QP

I don’t want it lol. I’m just saying if it was done that way you’d have to suspend leavers in qp or else everyone would leave games. Just playing devil’s advocate

ITT: More proof of why people assume DPS mains are selfish.

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or, all the “dps only” get sent to their own area.
and the rest of us play overwatch.

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No Limits

and QoL for the LFG

problem solved

That sounds terrible. If you want to play the most popular role on your server, then you should have to wait, even if it is a long queue. It’s not fair at all for people who a) have no interest in DPS to have to Bowser Revolution the queue time just for the DPS crybabies.

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So exactly like Mystery Heroes

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The solution to Tanks in Competitive was to make playing them such a horrible experience that nobody would want to pick them. But they still do if they want to win and that Reinhardt will put up with getting turned into a pinball.

But on the QP side where there’s no incentive, nobody wants to take on the most hated role because… well… why would you? Very very few people actually find fun in it.

So rather than make tanks fun, your solution is to FORCE people into the role.

I don’t realistically think tanks could be made more fun without a total overhaul of the entire game.

Also, I think a lot of DPS players simply will not play anything else no matter how the other roles feel to play.

Ok, this could actually work. But I have 3 conditions.

  1. I don’t think role-based SR could work with random roles, it doesn’t seem fair to rank your performance on something you didn’t pick. So stick with the current SR system.

  2. So that people don’t just quit if they don’t get the role they want, I think it should change whenever you die.

  3. Roles are too restrictive, given the fact that there are more dps than there are tanks and supports combined. So instead, make it random characters.

And then it’s perfect, I’ll finally have the Competitive Mystery Heroes mode I’ve been begging for for 2 years :smiley:

Sure thing.

Future teammates: if I roll DPS just know that we will lose.


Forcing people to play a role against their will is not going to make them play the role properly.


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Alright, i’ll play battle Mercy or baby dva, then. Not an issue.
It’s only quickplay.

So mean…! Honestly.

Oh boy, can’t wait to soft-throw 2/3 of my quickplay games.

I rather have the Tank category just removed entirely. There a lot of reasons why a lot of people don’t play Tanks. One is holding an Shield most of the game and some are not engaging or hell take time learning as Tracer etc.

What if I DON’T want to dps-ing? It’s too generalizing to assume that everyone wants to play DPS.


Then I’d stop playing?
A game that’s forcing me to play something, rather than what I want to play?
What If i only have time for 1 match in a day? And I’m forced to play a role I don’t want?

Edit: I just saw who the OP was. Why did I let myself get dragged into this?

This idea is beyond terrible.

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We already something for this, it’s called mystery heroes. And that’s a mode for people that are willing to play random roles/characters.

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Eh, I should probably be less bitter. The funny thing is the more I get pushed onto tank the better I’m getting at it. I’m getting back into competitive now and I actually went tank on purpose for my games so far, just to make sure the tanking is done correctly and we have good tank picks.

You don’t get penalized if you leave during the Hero select phase, only once the team is loaded into the map. And even with something as stupid as randomly assigned roles, you’d still have to have a hero select phase.