Roles should be randomly assigned in QP

I do that too.

And the problem is tanks, supports are fine, you can find two supports every match almost (and solo supporting is not as bad as solo tanking, and much better than zero tanking).

No, it isnt. I dont know you, i dont care about you. Goes use LFG or suck it up


Role lock should be for competitive play only.


When it comes to some people, the result of them tactically throwing because they don’t get to play dps and them actually playing dps is somewhat the same.

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Yeah, that can be completely true. Can’t argue with that, however that’s where 222 comes in hopefully.

I feel like they release fun tanks and supports but then something happens like the brig nerfs or the stun meta. the player base is largely dps so updates are geared toward them if they hate something like brig it changes.

While i disagree with OP, vehemently; where he’s coming from is that tanks are intergral to team building. But there’s a severe lack of people wanting to play them. Resulting in OP playing tank because others won’t.

Would love this personally but as u can see, even with guarenteed low dps que times u still have selfish players that refuse to play other roles.

Eh, tanks were the ones complaining about Brig en masse. Tracer and Genji as well. But Genji mains complain about everything. Basically, she countered dive. Dive players were salty. That is where the whole “she counters immobile targets harder than mobile” targets nonsense came from. Mainly Rein mains. Which is why they removed a specific interaction involving tanks. DPS were not complaining about that. Snipers, the most popular DPS counter Brig hard. They were not complaining. Supports that had actual peels were not complaining. It was tanks.

Not that I blame them, by the way. I am sure she did make the game hell for them. But like… Blaming DPS, which counter her like crazy, over tanks… Is freaking delusional.

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The only reason I don’t play tank is because I try to get the achievments, I only need the DPS ones so it’s usually not worth it to go tank but if they’re two healers and one tank or two tanks and one healer I’ll fill the role, so I understand OP but also it’s a game and it’s QP so if I want my achievement I’m also going to instalock DPS.

Not everyone can tank or heal. The majority of Blizzard community members from ALL games are made up of DPS players.

I know that if there was a Mercy revert, that there perhaps would be more healers again. Because after the Mercy Change, more players LEFT that were healers in this game. :sob:

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Then don’t fill. It’s a game, you bought it, play what you want.


Great way to get people to quit the game… Force them to play roles they don’t like.


outside of GOATs any slightly aggressive tank can easily deal with brig, her design is for dealing with flankers, not saying you’re wrong but I started playing when brig came out and I heard a lot of DPS complaints (from reaper, genji, tracer, etc. even a pharah main but that one’s on them)

Oh, yeah, I forgot about Reaper.

I think some people just complain about anything and bandwagons are easy to start. Because yeah, not all tank mains complained. I just feel if there was one hero that was THE biggest influence on her nerfs, it was Rein.

I mean, people STILL complain about her. She is just such a noobstomper that you probably could water it down to “trash players complained” and a lot of those happen to be DPS. Zing.

This would be neat as an arcade mode. I’d play it. I play more Mystery Heroes than quickplay just because I like to not have to fill tank/support sometimes.


her shield bash working through shields was a necessary change made for rein but decreasing her damage and the other tweaks were for DPS especially tracer, her ult and armor changes were due to GOATs but those changes were only necessary at higher levels of play so they make it “harder” to use her a lower levels (the majority of players). It is a good change to make but it still makes her less fun to play if you have a special kind of hatred for tracers and sombras like me. But the developers have a history of making changes to the game to keep tracers alive

There’s a thing called Mystery Heroes that already does this.


that gotta be one of the worst suggestions.
Being forced to play a map/mode you hate is already bad enough, imagine being forced to play a class you don’t feel like playing.

With respect, I fail to see how this would be fair.
It would be better if there was a “free” and a “2-2-2” option and that way anyone could pick what they wanted to play. And players who preferred 2-2-2 matchmaking would get into balanced teams.

I for one like playing healer. I would actually have to wait a bit longer than tank players from experience.
If someone is willing to flex more roles to wait a shorter time, they should be allowed to do so.
If someone was willing to wait five minutes to play DPS, they should also be allowed to do so.
If they were okay with immediately jumping into a free team with no constraints, they should be allowed to do that as well.

Give players as much freedom as possible. I believe that this would be the fairest option possible.