RoleQ maybe finally? :D

I’m sorry to all the DPS mains out there (kinda not really) but I will LOVE being able to play my favorite character Zen without having 5 people derp out and pick dps just cos, then expecting me to mercy or rein to cover THEIR butts.

About time tanks and healers got a good team comp consistantly! So good! Dps guys… if you want a quicker Q, learn to play something more team orientated. OR prepare for the long Q times to play what you like. Thats YOUR decision.


I’m so on board for this idea!

Maybe only in competitive though, so QP doesn’t have a massive q time and can still be quick, but I have had so many games where no one has ever touched a tank in their heroes played or has very limited time in it (myseld included, however I’ve been trying to learn Rein to expand my hero pool) and we have suffered from people lacking the actual knowledge of how to work as a main tank, since they’re such an important role


It’s hilarious to think that you could have to queue for almost half an hour just to get tanks and supports of equal representation of damage characters, especially in a supposed GOATs meta.

And people wonder why they’re avoiding nerfing them.

Because too many people focus on themselves and ONLY pick dps my friend :smiley: you will find if you learn a support or tank role the Q wont be so long :slight_smile: perfectly fine IMO


There are a lot of people in the OW community who never played WoW as DPS in a role queue (as a tank I had near instant queues…as a DPS, I had wait times of 15 to 20min easily). All good for me, my mains are tanks and healers, my queue times will be almost instant.

P.S. Hero bans would solve all that ails us. Don’t want to face Rein? Ban. Hate Brig -ban. You wet the bed if you see Reaper in a match - hold on to your teddy bear and hit that “Ban” option.

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Only a matter of time now :smiley:
Jeff said it would take month of work to rework the matchmaking system and also that they are working on it right now.

Would be a lot of wasted time and resources if they didn’t plan to implement it in the game :wink:

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Not too much a fan of hero bans until they add a bit more diversity to the tank and healer rosters myself. Role Q will be amazing though :slight_smile:


You people are always implying every single person on the planet who plays damage heroes are more useless than dirt. They’re not all like that. Maybe if you would stop insulting them for breathing, they’d still be playing this game.

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I don’t think there’s any shortage of people playing damage heroes currently.


Is this another way of saying we should all instalock torbjorn and get hammer kills

At the same time, I’m sure there are multiple people in this community who play tanks and supports. Why does everyone on the forums and Twitter have an idea that healer and tank mains are some oppressed minority?

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I don’t imply they’re dirt. I AM saying there are way to many people who just wanna boost their damage numbers when there are so few people who main support and tank that are team centric. These roles are made to help the team, dps is made to get kills. I 100% believe people should be rewarded for picking for the team, this means shorter Q times. Don’t be putting words in my mouth when all I am saying is its entirely reasonable to expect longer Q times.

Edit: gotta go, uni, cant reply.

Huh, Zen one of the best solo healers for 5 DPS compositions. Either way, a lot of people are not going to flex, they will just throw matches. It is not as fun as it sounds in an ideal world.

Mhm, what he said. Maybe though, just maybe, if the DPS players didn’t have their own skulls jammed up their mhms and took a moment to think about the pain of tanks and healers always having to put up with their crap, maybe we would have more tank/healer players!

But since this never ever happened and every game is a lever pull and we hope to form something of a workable team composition, Role Q would be great.

Game needs consistency, and right now Oceania is almost a dead region that people aren’t playing on anymore because these changes took too long to come.
Role Queue, the most requested feature in overwatches history. Pony up and give us what we want.

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The role system is too bad to force a role queue and 2-2-2. Plus 2-2-2 gets kinda boring if it’s the only thing you play.


If they are smart, they will introduce 2-2-2 with role queue. If they are completely insane, they will introduce 2-2-2 without role queue. Experience tells me they are more insane than smart, but they are first and foremost, slow, so we’ll see (maybe?).

Again, I ask, why does everyone on the forums and Twitter think tank and support mains are some oppressed minority? Is there no one on this planet who plays tanks or healers, because that sounds preposterous.

Oppressed? No.
Annoyed away from the game? No doubt. There are a lot of good dps players.
But there are also a lot of bad ones who refuse to do anything for the team and just do as they wish so your tank has to go without an off-tank for peel, or you are running only one healer and your tanks suffer, or you are running no tanks so the supports have nothing to earn them space to peek and heal the flankers that went in.

It’s annoying and this game is hemorrhaging players, might be time to give them what they were asking for and win them back.

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My favorite hero is Tracer. The only hero I dislike in the game is Lucio. I am a fairly competent Quake player, with solid aim and movement, I played in tournaments, even won money. So, it’s kinda evident what would I gravitate to regarding the hero pool.

My stats after I practically gave up on the game, even back in beta:

-300 hours on Lucio
-34 MINUTES (I remembered the exact number) on Tracer

Another important info: I am not a people pleaser.

Now, let that sink in (I am not being snarky, I do mean let it cook for a bit) and then reassess your position and who knows, perhaps you’ll see what people are talking about.

On a break. Ask yourself how often you see a group arguing who gets to play dps or how many teams insta lock 3+ dps as opposed to 3+ support or tank mains, rather telling.

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