šŸŒŸ [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

I wrote a topic about this: Steps to fix Overwatch - #24 by CyMister-1429

What it comes down to is:

  • Competitve needs to have a separate casual vs team based ladder.
  • The casual ladder does need a role queue type structure.
  • The role queue should be primary & secondary preferred roles. Match maker chooses for you. Selects 2/2/2.
  • Team can vote to unlock your secondary (other) role to allow for flexibility. Unlock would not mean anyone can play anything. But if you selected Tank & Support, an unlock means you could play either of those, rather than being locked into Tank, like before the vote to unlock.
  • Match maker between the available roles (2x6) tries to have at least 3 per role available, allowing diverse comps if needed.

Casuals need structure. Pros need a separate environment.

Playing with other players who can ā€œget to proā€ in a role-que environment in which you are queā€™ing as DPS? Yes, you would be.

JJonik was a dps projectile hero main before he was a Zen mainā€¦ Iā€™d have him on my team any day of the week.

Anyway, Iā€™ll repeat what I saidā€¦

My point was, you may block out the person who could solve a problem. That is bad.

Since you will be in the same pool as people who are NOT roleQing in, you will be at a disadvantage for that exact reason.

Not sure what the JJnoak reference has anything to do with someone queā€™ing as DPS, with similarly skilled players but being unable to play any hitscan Hero but shrug. Also, JJnoak is arguably the best OW player in the world. So yeah.

If Blizzard forced a role-que, it would be a terrible idea to mix and match. Role-Que should be paired with and matched against only other Role-Que teams.

They have to, they donā€™t have the population to split the queues. It is why 6 stack, soloQ and LFG never got split.

This is a shorthand LFG, they will be on the same queue.

You will get a 2/2/2 game on your side, but, you will also get restrictions which the other teams may not have.

I get your point, but I disagree with you on this. I believe the Comp community wold actually grow if they fixed the Mode.

The current problem with Comp is that this game cannot be casual friendly and actually competitive at the same time. Bizzard tires to have their cake and eat it too and itā€™s not working (for Ranked Mode)

ā€œRankedā€ Mode is broken AF. Things like Role Que, SMS protection and even Hero Bans would go a long way into bringing this mode back to life.

Some of us play OW only for Comp Mode, but canā€™t play anything past placements because of how broken the mode is.

Heck, Iā€™d even take a ā€œHardcoreā€ Comp Mode with the fixes that I suggested and give those that want a real competitive environment (for all ranks) access to something that actually works.

Either that, or if they go F2P, lock Comp Mode behind some type of wall for access.

This is almost CERTAINLY what will happen, and soon.

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Hereā€™s to hoping my friend.

Yes, and noā€¦

I hope yes, because that will save non comp overwatch.

I hope no, since that will be the end of comp in our region.

But, you are absolutely correct in your analysis.

The thing that terrifies me the most of the F2P model is if they do not lock the F2P players out of Comp Mode somehow.

Because if they donā€™t, smurfs will run wild and that will basically be the end of Comp Mode (as you stated).

I expect they will put a small per season cost in front of it. I also expect the forums to lose their collective ā€˜shirtā€™ over it.

What if they make it so quickplay and arcade is F2P, but Comp requires purchasing the game?

Could do, but, I kinda suspect they wonā€™t.
I had a long conversation with someone else over it. They thought it would be purchase the game.

I thought it would be season paywalled, because it would solve the smurfing problem pretty quickly.

Butā€¦ who knows at this point.

I think F2P is going to happen sooner rather than later though, if nothing else it will boost the OWL viewership by a whole damn lot.

To be honest, I think that big ā€œreinstall the whole game for better harddrive/memory processingā€ was a preliminary step for making a Nintendo Switch port of the game.

Since thatā€™s the most resource limited but popular system in the market. And ARM processorā€™s inclusion would require a complete restructure of the game.


That could be possible.

Masters is just Plat but with people with more free time.

I think you responded to the wrong thread, this one is about RoleQ.

Yup. Totally did. oops

Edit: Aw crapā€¦I muted the pick/ban thread instead of a random ā€œsoldier is gay! yay!ā€ thread and posted here. I have too many tabs openā€¦

ā€¦and now I canā€™t see the pick/ban thread anymore.

See you say that, but I am basically a hard stuck plat these days, LFG probably would work for me, but I feel/think I am far better playing solo as I can make plays all by myself even with wonky team comps. Donā€™t play enough and certainly wonā€™t play enough to test out your theory.

I think at this ā€œRoleQā€ as the only type of queue in place aside for arcade and custom gamesā€¦ or there are no sense to balance a game around the unique meta of 2/2/2 (we have 3 roles, and we play in six player teams, soā€¦). Just like they, after some times, finally decide to get rid of duplicate heroes in normal / ranked games, they need to understand that these ā€œfreeā€ meta can disrupt the whole game because they canā€™t balance this: is simply impossible. And the last PTR change demonstrate they are out of control and direction. Changes that do more mess then they try to resolve. And more they add heroes the more this balancing question become unfix-able and unmanageable if they donā€™t limit or put a control (like, at least, filtering selectable heroes) for the type of possible combination we can have.

We are at a point that we need a simplification, and focus, and i think we can have this if they put a 2/2/2 restriction as the only possible solution.

In any case this game seem condemned to meā€¦ today i found an ex Top 500 Genji in QP versus me at low platinumā€¦ but i found often masters / middle diamond in QP or Arcadeā€¦ Match Making is so brokenā€¦ his purpose is to found balanced game but is clearly unfulfilled, is a big failā€¦ i can understand that i can play better than my rankā€¦ but if the composition is gold ppl + dps master (or Top 500,
that also makes fun of you) u canā€™t win or have fun.

And today is full of smurf tooā€¦ but is QP right? No, QP are to be fun, but this game is not really fun to me since more than a year and itā€™s getting worse.

In any case, force role can rid of this stupid QP played only with DPS vs a team (usually the other) that want to win with a good composition. QP can be finally a train for the Ranked, because i think there are already many other option for losing time when u are annoyed, within this game or with other games.

It can force the player base to learn the game.