Role selection.... DC-ppl

Why dont blizzard just make a rolecheck before every matchmaking ? like they have in wow… the game would be like 80% better… cuse 80% of the games i play atm is there atleast 1-2 throwers… something needs to happen… i can climb 100 sr 1 day the next day i can loose 200 just becuse of throwers / dc ppl

and common WHY should 5 ppl have to loose 100% of the sr if 1 in the team get DC? makes NO sense…50% would be acceptible. i would accept the 100% loss if there were someone in my own group that dc:ed but if there is a a random person that DC why shall we other 5 be punished for that?

so when a random perosn dc 50% loss of the orginal raiting loss
if a member of your own group dc 100% of the original rating loss

that’s my opinion…


There are no SR adjustments for a leaver anymore as it originally caused greater irregularities in matchmaking and actually incentivized leaving.

As far as a role queue goes, I would not object to it, but I don’t believe it will solve the problems. The developers are just as much hesitant to this idea. I believe the better solution is a guild/clan system.

well that link is 2 years old so what have happend sense then??

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Just because that statement is old, doesn’t mean its irrelevant. Believe me, if you think leaving is bad now, it was a pandemic in season 1. Now, there is the possiblity the development team may change their mind (they have before on a few occasions), but until then I will continue to provide the most recent responses to each question to competitive. If you like to learn more, check out my Competitive F.A.Q. guide here.

I have a good idea to go with this. What if when a team has a leaver if that team still wins they gain a little more sr. that way when one person leaves the entire team doesn’t just give up.

i’ve been playing sense season 1 and and i can honestly say that i have won 1 game with 5vs6. leaver should be punished more and those who are victims from it should not.