Role select will NOT happen

Seriously. Stop spamming these forums with it. It’s not a viable option to not having a support/tank main on your team.

Change my mind.


Agreed, The roles in this game are not solid lines in the sand.
Roadhog is not only a tank but can also be a DPS replacement.
Sombra, Sym, Torb, Zen can take either the dps slot or support slot depending on your comp.

We do not have a game that has clear roles or defined comps. The hero’s are to diverse for a role queue.


I agree, forcing a meta will squeeze most of the fun out of the game as stuff like triple/quad tank to die forever.

It will also stop the “off heroes” such as off tank from being used properly.


I know most people are down on the role-que idea (and frankly I think a LFG lobby is the better option)…but one good thing I will say about the suggestion is that even if a 2-2-2 meta is forced, the likely end result is a massive boost to the overall quality of matches.

Can you imagine each team being filed with players that are choosing to focus, improve and excel at their particular roles? Tank players who want to play tank. Healers that want to heal.

The result would likely be that at every rank the quality of the matches themselves would improve drastically.

This won’t happen though because it means “forced meta”. So please, implement an IN-GAME LFG/LFM tool similar to what WoW has. It’s ridiculous that a role-based game that is this socially focused does not have an in-game tool for forming up teams.


Pretty sure the majority is not. I’ve seen tons of people on those types of threads against it.


The only way a role select would work is if it was a ‘role preferred’ system. ie: i prefer playing tank etc (can still change hero/ role) but then that wouldn’t improve anything while creating longer que times.

What most people define as a role select would lock people into that hero/ role, which would stop hero selection flexibility especially in game, which would be awful. not being able to change your team composition, being hard countered and not being able to swap…

It’s a mixed bag, for sure.

I’d love a role select, but if it was actually put in game, queue times would skyrocket. And if they’re still averaging out player levels on top of finding suitable players to fit remaining roles, that only makes the wait longer.

I don’t want to wait forever for a match, so role select in this game is not a good idea.

Love the idea, loathe the outcome.

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Can you imagine the detrimental effect it will have on the value of those who flex into all the roles? The ability to swap into an entirely different role that is needed for a situation would be all but lost either through a system that forces you to stay in the role selected for you or by your team who will treat the current roles given as the law.

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If you enter a match and you can’t play what you want, why play the game? People who care the most about the team and victory are also the ones who suffer the most, while those that are selfish are playing what they want, and if there aren’t selfless players in the team it’s a defeat before the match even begins most of the time because the matchmaker can put together 6 DPS players for all it cares.

If you enter a match and can’t play what you want, you’re supposed to swap to something you can play that will help the team. Quick wins with viable teamcomps = more game = more chances of you joining a game and being able to play who you want to play.

If 2-2-2 meta is forced for both teams then there is no need to flex into a “role”. The roles are set and you que into what role you want to play. That’s it.

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While I totally agree with your sentiment, it all comes down to the sad fact that there’s people that find incessant dying and losing “fun” cuz they just have to be the second sniper or the fifth/sixth dps players on the team. The game requires a tactical flexibility that people of tiny brains ignore entirely. Even if they want to argue that they want to practice a given DPS, you can’t seriously learn anything if the enemy is countering you into the ground. Bottom line is, most people are idiotic and selfish and the way people play the game is a direct reflection of that. Unfortunately there is no cure for this. Thousands of tragic years of human existence has proven that. The only thing you can do is find pleasure in bashing your head against the wall or get a premade team.

Role select but don’t lock in heroes . Ensure the matchmaker has 2/2/2 then in communication decide what to play.

I’d take a forced 2/2/2 over the teams we are getting now.

What if both tanks pick off tanks? What if one support picks Sym? What if the DPS pick Torb on attack? None of the other roles can fill for the anchor tank, another healer, or another dps when needed. Torb can work but he’s without his turret so part of him is just gone on attack.

What if certain matchups required 3/2/1? What about 4/1/1? With the release of Brig, what about 5/1/0?

Hero locking isn’t the issue I am seeing. Role locking in a game where decision making based off hero choice is the issue. What if we need more tanks on a certain map? What if we need a Junkrat to help push the barriers down on the flank? What if the person playing a DPS doesn’t want to play junkrat or bastion to help take care of the Orisa/Rein/Brig?

It’s just a LOT to take count of that nobody that’s suggesting role select is talking about.

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But what if what I like to play IS flex? The ability to be that player who comes through to his team because he knows the answer for the enemies comp? What if I like tanking, dpsing, and healing equally and enjoy the actually fluid comps the system offers?

What fun and enjoyment could I possibly get out of a system that says welp you are support, tank or dps for entirety of the match even though that is not what we need right now?

What if the 2-2-2 comp that is chosen on the enemy team needs a 1-3-2 answer instead and we are locked out of ever doing that? It would mean that people would find the most efficient 2-2-2 setup and run it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Creating an even staler meta.

Part of this game is creating a comp that counters the enemy and properly assists your team. 2-2-2 is not the always the answer. Nor should it be.

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Totally understand what you are saying here, but it’s still better then getting dropped into a match with 4 Support mains on the same team, (which recently happened to me), and watch the 2 who don’t normally play DPS or Tank struggle.

Yeah, you’ll get the occasional teams with 2 off-tanks or 2 off-healers, but at least it’s getting filled with players that want to play those roles and have experience in it.

I’m not saying forcing 2-2-2 is the way to go, but it would at least remove that specific variable from the equation and take a step towards an evenly balanced match every game.

If something is needed for the situation why would your team force you to play what you were playing from the beginning, and how would that be any different than how it is now other than people saying “you chose x”. It’s no different than if currently your team has 2-2-2 and your x decides to swap.

The point Terran is trying to make is that no composition will work all the time. No definite amount of specific heroes will work in over 50% of the cases.

It’s not a “2/2/2 isn’t the way to lock people in” as much as it is a fact that we don’t want to be locked to any kind of specific lock.

If we do, queue times would be longer and more people would quit if they don’t get what they want. More people quitting + longer queue times means that people would have a much harder time finding backfills to supports or tanks.

Brigitte’s kind of an off healer/tank, Sym can kind of be DPS, Moira’s not bad at it either, and Zen hurts bad. Supports aren’t helpless you know. Just use the support hybrids.