Role Queue will kill this game

I’m looking forward for role q.
I’m usually not really interessted in specific roles and want to show my team that I’m not playing said role.

Instead I want to be able to tell the team what I’m probably going to play.
And not getting forced onto a role I’ve never played just bc a ow team comp utilizes a main tank.

It should imho require you to run a sniper and flanker, suddenly I wouldn’t have any issues just bc I’m not a main tank otp. :sweat_smile:

Kinda feels liks this tbh

I chose chess because it’s a game that’s still being played despite it being as old as it is and despite the rules being almost entirely static throughout the lifespan of any living player. You’re right though, maybe counterstrike or something would have been better.

It is a good reference for what I said earlier though, that a system with fewer variables is easier to balance.

Why wouldn’t all kings work? Obviously you can’t pick up the normal ruleset word for word and expect it to work. Just like you can’t pick up balance as it is and expect it to just work under 222.

Damn dude its amazing the amount of things you got wrong in one post. Lets go one by one:

The avoid feature is one of the best things this game had. It was SO GOOD that the Devs had to cave in and bring it back in a more “balanced” form.
So yeah, wrong.

Absolutely not. Mostly because there’s a lot of modes where you can just leave and get a game in 15 sec and then instalock your hero.
The more heroes released, the easier to NOT be locked out of your hero.

The reason people is toxic is blame shifting. There are no scoreboards and replays are added just now. People winning/losing without actually knowing the reason why is the number one reason toxicity exists.

Absolutely wrong.
This game was BUILT on flexing/switching to counter the enemy dude. Its literally one of its 3 core principles.
Ask yourself this : Do you want to live in a world where EVERY player is an OTP? or in a world where EVERY players is a true flex player?
Who do you think has more chances to win a competition? The ones who can’t adapt or switch or those who can? Reality already gave the answer: Hybrids evolve, adapt and survive, the stale races tend to die.

Also the learning curve is logarithmic mate, a dude with 200h in Mcree is not 2x better as a Flex player with 100h in Mcree. It doesn’t work like that.


If this is truly the “core aspect” of the game, why then are there so many people who refuse to do it?

Is it just the “core aspect” if you are playing to help the team?

From where I stand people only switch to other heroes if it will benefit the team to do so. You know who isn’t switching? The Widowmaker with zero battle presence. The Genji who is being countered by Winston and Moira. The Junkrat who is being destroyed by the Pharah.

See anything in common with all these types of players who refuse to switch? I do.

I think this is where it comes down to subjective factors and a discussion is much harder to have without simply comparing opinions. I have no way of knowing what % of the playerbase falls in one camp or the other, but I would assume some portion don’t care at all about balancing and just care about getting into games quick and picking whatever. Whether or not Blizzard goes through with this (seems likely at this point) will probably be a financially based decision
. Maybe i’m giving Blizzard too much credit but I assume they have a reason for this , or maybe are just taking a shot in the dark unsure of what to do. As far as social systems and guilds, I have a suspicion that after what happened with LFG they will be hesitant to try any more. I think we can all agree that a 2-2-2 (for or against) is a dividing factor in the community and that if blizzard is seriously considering this option , then something must be of concern for them (dropping player numbers or something, OWL viewership , idk).

Losing 7.8 percent of all players across all IP’s will do that.

Making only kings would be so radically different that it would bear almost no resemblance to the normal game. It would be some type of checkers basically. I don’t think the game would be very interesting (even not knowing the rules) simply because the limited movement of the pieces. Either way I get what you were trying to say.

Role Q will save the game.


I didn’t know this but I cant say i’m too surprised. Maybe merging with Activision has something to do with it.

In my experience I see more people switching when requested than people who don’t. I also do not mind switching when someone asks me to. I also know this isn’t the case for others.

Even after role lock you will still have people who will miss their shots. Or be toxic over chat. And you will have fewer players because flex players will have left. And this game can’t afford to lose any more.

/must sleep, will talk later

And quite frankly… those people should get out. Overwatch by itself is build in a competetive manner, so not taking the specifically competetive gamemode not as seriously just means you have chosen the wrong game.

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Shhh! we need them to buy lootboxes!

Yep, because our current 4 DPS instalock system is working fantastically well.


True. After role lock, sugar will still rot your teeth, and water will still in fact be wet.

I have never understood the standpoint of clarifying things role queue/lock was never meant to solve.

There is a major problem with the social structure when it comes to one person ruining a competitive experience for many. The problem isn’t about “how many shots they miss” or “how disruptive they are in chat”. The problem lies with them intentionally making it harder for the team to succeed. Role queue/lock solves this problem for the most part. You will still have “DPS Moira” and all of the other toddler fits people will throw when they don’t get their way. It will be far more transparent though, and Blizzard may actually be able to enforce some standard of etiquette, which today clearly isn’t followed.



Oh please. As if all 30 characters have ever been used in a single match.
It is rare to see someone switching to 1-2 heroes over the match and when it happens it is just to stall the point.

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I was actually thinking pretty much the same… Wasn’t pretty much every meta already just like 7 heroes that were viable?

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Alright. Let’s think this through with a specific hero in mind: Pharah.

Pharah is countered by: hitscan,

How it currently works.
Your dps seem to not be switching off of Reaper and Junkrat, and the enemy is running Pharah. You ask for hitscan in comms, it doesn’t happen.
If you’re on tank you could switch to D.Va to shut down the Pharah and eat the rockets/ult and buy your team some space (I don’t see tanks switch to more appropriate tanks though, it’s rare).

What I do see happening though is a tank switching to hitscan dps, or even worse a support switching to hitscan dps.
This now leaves your team down a tank so you have a weak front line, or down a support so your entire team has less sustain…which leads to the Pharah steamrolling you even harder, and probably to your whole team tilting onto dps. You have a worse team comp, it results in an unwinnable game.

What would happen with role lock
The enemy has a Pharah and your dps isn’t switching to hitscan - this stays the same as before.
Tanks have to think about countering the Pharah by staying as a tank: you’re more likely to get that D.Va.
Supports can also think about countering the Pharah by staying as support: Zen, Ana (Bap is ok, but not as effective).

The end result may still be an unwinnable game, but at least your whole comp didn’t fall to s*** - you still have your front line, you still have healing and are in a much more likely position to win the game.

So either the unwinnable games stay unwinnable (no change) or it stops people from giving up and maybe stumbling onto a workable comp instead (the game improves)

The only people who think role lock would ruin the game are those who switch to 3rd 4th 5th dps at the slightest whiff of a lost fight aka. throwing.


But muh creativity brah!

I want to lose the game, and who are you to tell me otherwise?

Feeding the enemy is how I have fun, and my fun is best fun. /s


Nope, it’ll give even more power to selfish DPS mains. Now there’s only two of them needed to hold a team hostage with their shimadamaker permapicks. That’s going to be 75% of the games plat and below.

And there’s going to be a shift of them going from QP to comp as well, since they’re going to be served their ‘I need healing’ on a platter and nothing you can do about it.

If anything, flex tanks and healers will be the first to leave.

The whole 222 discussion is conflating two things here:

  • Masters and up: Meta concerns
  • Plat and lower: People with two distinct values being grouped: Those valuing their hero picks over winning, and those valuing winning over their hero picks.

222 isn’t going to fix the second, it’s going to make it worse.


After 1 year playing, I’m sure that:

  • GOATS in OWL annoys me so much (same 6 heroes played over and over)
  • quadra/penta dps is unplayable and very tiring (everyone feeds)
  • no main tanks means sniper party
  • no healers means running away for health packs every time
  • all the buffs / nerfs to break GOATS partially broke the game

RoleQ will fix all of them.