Role Queue vs. Open Queue

From a single day when it had only just been introduced again a few days prior and when it was in the arcade. But even if we take that as gospel it suggests an upward trend in juxtaposition with the poll results

I’ve had this conversation with robotwizard before but the fact that you are in Oceana doesn’t really prove that it’s dead. Q times are really fast for me here in the EU

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can you explain this part further?

Before 5v5 I would have voted for Open Queue, but after 5v5 I feel like problems with Role Queue will be better addressed.

It doesn’t change that it shows that people who participate in English forums have prefer RQ by a longshot. Like Yourself said, we already knew that Koreans prefer OQ for various reasons, some of which are cultural, so there’s no surprise here.

By your standards the Korean poll is just as flawed as it literally only asks people from a single country and unless we get an English poll + more then the Korean polls should just as easily be dismissed.

People who prefer OQ to RQ either forgot about all the times someone on tank or support would throw a game late by locking Torb/Sym/Bastion and wandering the map because they got mad, or they were that guy.

Overwatch is a global game.

We actually didn’t know this.

You also gave absolutely no hint of this in any of your previous statements:


I think the best method would be to ask people in the game itself.

I would also love to see polls for EU specifically.

Absolutely. The data is flawed and/or incomplete. No question about that.

Hopefully though you will stop making definitive statements like you did previously.

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Yes we did, we had the stats Jeff showed us that showed that OQ was more popular in Korea, however people kept dismissing that mainly because it showed that mostly everyone else prefered RQ. And as we can see that tendency has not changed.

Yet you seem more positive about this poll, likely because the results favor you.

Pointing out the hypocrisy isn’t being defensive. The bias is clear as day.

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No we didn’t given the fact that even in those stats RQ was played more.

My concern is the truth rather than trying to be favourable towards one position or another. The poll is obviously very interesting given that it is the largest poll of its kind but I won’t use it to make definitive statements as to the overall popularity or preference.

Can you point out where I made definitive statements as to the overall popularity of role Queue?

The bias is entirely yours.

Cool poll, even though it doesn’t show us anything we already didn’t know from hundreds of unofficial and official sources that have come up throughout the years.

That being said, I think a more useful poll to post at this time would be how many people actually want OQ to stay in Overwatch 2, since according to the devs, it may not return for the next installment.

I’m personally completely against such a decision, but I do want to hear the rest of the community’s view on this.

This is actually true, it showed that ranked was still favored however OQ ranked in arcade was not far off. Being the only outlier.

The Korean poll asked them which system they prefered and most of them answered 6v6 OQ, which isn’t something that to me is news at all as that’s something I already assumed was the case. No definitive proof but I think people just put 2 and 2 together.

I didn’t say that you made such statement?

I’d like an official poll for other regions as well but just like how I didn’t expect KR to surprise me, I don’t expect the rest of the regions to surprise me because of I have seen similar results to my poll before.

Where is my bias? I knew that KR likes OQ more, I have seen zero evidence as to other regions sharing that sentiment.

interesting. Why would you assume that would have been the case? You never made such a statement before.


The above are definitive statements and make no mention of other regions.

Someone posted the Jeff graph in one of the first replies where I acknowledged with the point that KR was an outlier.

I mentioned the flaws that it was only english speaking users so I was implying that it was the most popular for those players, another 2+2 situation.
I think making a definitive statement based on my poll is valid for what it represents.

Not really though given that the open modes were played a lot in China as well.

My question to you was why would you assume that there would have been such a significant change between then and now?

This enormous flaw was not mentioned at all in any of the quoted statements.

Overwatch is a global game and extremely impactful changes like RQ should take into account the preferences of all players across the globe rather than those only in the West or English speaking countries. Would you not agree?

Open queue is the worst Overwatch, just a lot of dps players that don’t like long queues.
I mean, no one likes that, but they don’t care about anything, they just want to play dps

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Would you have any logical reason to assume that a poster on an English forum would be have posted the poll on Chinese or Korean forums?
You also asked for the places it was posted which I gave you a full list of as well.
I didn’t assume that?

China was at a 12% in OQ.
I realize that OW is a global game but the only outlier that we know of is South Korea. It’s one country, it makes sense to involve everyone but like I said, I don’t expect the the response that an official poll would get to be very different than the results I and others have gotten. I’d still like to see it so the discussion can finally be put to rest.

Yes. To determine the truth of the matter or refrain from making definitive statements.

Yet you continued to make statements to suggest that it was the most popular overall.

But that’s what this poll - if you take such polls as an accurate source of information which I would not recommend but which up until this time many RQ supporters like yourself seem to have been doing - suggests.

There is a massive difference now with overwhelming preference shown for open Q in the poll versus previously in those single day arcade stats. 58% versus 36% now vs 25.4% vs 34.6% for OQ vs RQ respectively.

If you didn’t assume that this would be the case then obviously you did not expect these results.

Which is still proportionally high versus the 23.6% of RQ. Quick play classic was also quite high. Open Q was also fairly high for PlayStation players at 14.2%. Quick play classic was also quite high proportionally as well as no limits in both of these regions. When taken combined they tell an interesting story.

there hasnt to the best of my knowledge been any valid data collected on what people’s overall preferences are

I prefer role-less queue, and I have a good memory for how the games went

the scenario described above was rare in the extreme

also: what was described above isnt throwing. throwing requires intent on that players part to lose the game. playing Bastion, Torb, or Symm (or any character, for that matter) does not in and of itself prove intent to lose

that data was and is usage data, not popularity/preference data

preference/popularity <> usage

it was (and still is) dismissed for multiple reasons, none of which was the reason claimed above

although the above is stated as if it is fact, it is an opinion

many people, myself included, disagree with that opinion.

I greatly prefer the freedom of role-less queue matches over the stale metas, excessive waits, and restrictions of 222.

For me, 222 was THE single worst change ever made to the game, with no close second

oddly enough, I rarely see more than 3 dps characters in the role-less queue matches I play. I see 4 or more in about 1 in every 12 matches

Maybe I am just unlucky and that happens to me in 7 or 8 matches of my placements, every season.
Literally, I wish I was trolling but I am not.
Sorry but as main support, I don’t like it and my experience on this mode is pretty bad


I am not trolling either, and my experience has been more or less the opposite of yours.

I figure both statements are fair to be openly expressed in a thread like this

even though I dont for the most part understand why anyone would prefer 222, I accept that this is the case for some players. I dont have to understand it to accept it.

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