Role Queue ruined overwatch

One thing I must say that’s role q ruined OW.

  1. DPS queue time taking around 20 mins in ranked and after some one gets DC ed then another 20 mins…
  1. If in the match if some player’s some role is not working out…then there is no chance to switch to another role…if a player is playing bad dps he will keep playing the bad Dps.
  1. Personally in some maps I wanna play dps and in some maps support and in some maps tank…that choice is fully gone now.

  2. I dont like this 3 role ranking mode…A player in a game should get a single rank or SR not 3 different SR s. A game rank should define a complete game rank not role ranks

I really wish OW2 comes without this role queue

Edit :-
Fix :-
Remove role queue …lock the role places after 2 from each role is selected…that way 2-2-2 can be maintained and also there can be a single SR and there will be no problem in queing time


RQ made every single game after it was released better because it:

  • removed problem team comps and combos (goats)
  • ensured players play the correct rank for their role
  • removed solo tanking and healing
  • futureproofed balance

I think role queue solved some issues but also made some. I’d prefer that role locks change every season- that way people won’t cry too much, and we’d actually see interesting metas.


The only thing I agree is the flexibility issue, being able to swap to what was needed was good, encouraged team play.
But overall, no, role que was good for the quality of the matches. Now we can have proper teams, instead of 5 dps and a Roadhog.


I see people with Diamond DPS and mid to low gold support and tank.
Now imagine what happens if you don’t have a seperate role and they occasionally play tank or support
They won’t really drop but everytime they play tank or support they will throw


to op:

yes, sadly, role queue has created many severe problems for this game without resolving anything I’d consider a problem.

The end result for me is a game that is far far far less fun to play


Role queue saved OW for me. And i say this as a flex player.


in your opinion not objective fact.

  • i cant flex with my friends anymore.
    i can’t trade roles with others who would better match the heroes we need for a comp
  • getting 2 dps tanks a lot means I get stuck without a real tank to help me as a support. many of my games have a hog.
  • getting 2 off healers who dont match the tanks Im trying to play or my team means we get rekt by the enemy.
  • only way to try new heroes is to play no limits due to q times
  • Q times are longer even as tank and support
  • people quitting after waiting quite a bit sometimes up to 10 mins for supports
  • getting countered is even harder to fix when you can’t swap roles

In this logic, they didn’t remove the players that do not wish to coorporate, so this doesn’t stand as they’ll still produce problematic team comps.

Actually no, rank system tend to keep u where u stayed for a good while even if u got better. Initial placement of role queue for a different role usually makes the player at the wrong rank in their non-main role. System then keep them there.

It is needed for special situations, blame player for the fault of their choice instead of blaming the team comp. Every comp exist for a reason and this is no exception.

Eased balance, but based on current situation, it’s not easy enough.

I’d say every 4 weeks. A season can always have a month that uses 2-2-2, and a month that uses something else.

  • They removed a huge number of possible problem comps with RQ. That’s just fact.
  • Actually yes, a genji main cannot switch to reinhardt for the first time ever in a 4k match.
  • You cant blame the player for trying to heal and to have a decent team comp when his 5 team mates instalocked DPS.
  • Futureproofed. It removed the possible number of team comps by a factor of 1000. That makes it easier to balance for a loooong time.

No, in objective fact, for the reasons i listed.

  • Play QPC to flex with friends
  • Those offtank and offhealer issues existed before RQ.
  • Click the Tank/Support buttons for fast queues.
  • Learn more heroes if you’re getting countered.

U literally just ignored the answer and said something to replace it. I guess I need to repeat it again.

And yet people w/ intention of doing whatever they want still make problematic comps. So this answer literally means squat, since i can use your extreme logic too.

Another example of extreme logic, but this time it’s caused by a player instead of them being able to switch. Your answer doesn’t prove anything otherwise again.

Answers literally nothing. I’m literally baffled about how obviously u wanna strawman this. Just becasue someone wants something doesn’t mean anything else should be banned.

Still didn’t answer why current balance is still no less mess.

U mind actually counter-point any of the arguments instead of making fake ones?

U know what, I think this will be the last one, since clearly reading your answers doesn’t give any further insight of what u can argue against those point, or if u are even thinking.


I can understand (though I prefer and am a proponent of 2-2-2) all points but the last one… how on earth is one MMR/SR better than three?

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U might wanna ask dota2 players, they hated double mmr, so we got 1 now again.

Current mmr system in dota2 is based on highest role and others are a fraction of it (5 roles), basically merging things together.

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I cannot grasp this… Most people on here cannot reliably play every role equally. If you have old open 6-stack, and you flip from being a tank main to DPS, when you have far less skill on it, you just ditched the game practically. Getting teamed on the relative skill level of the role makes so much more sense… The old system was fraught with problems due to the flipping around… I much prefer the three different SRs…

With one SR here’s what makes people think its good: they say play Genji at a Plat level; they start off as Tank which they might plat at high silver, then the team is doing poorly, so they do what? Flip to Genji, then “carry” a game which makes them think they did well. The problem is the MMR/SR is not a real representation of effective skill on Genji, its deflated because of the other character(s). Its what creates these wild swings that also contribute to a lack of teamwork because when things get tight, instead of thinking about better teamwork, they just revert to their best character regardless of the team which amounts to skirmish mode.

Overwatch 2 also comes with “role queue” . The only difference:
At the beginning of the match, everyone can pick whatever they want, but if e. g. two healers are picked, the rest of the support characters are locked.

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I’ll say tho, I agree w/ this, but that system’s idea is that if u can play a role at a rank, your other roles literally cannot be much lower than that highest rank. It prevents role abuse by queueing in a role but playing in another, equvilantly.

In ow switching between roles is forbidden, so I think triple sr is fine. Still, them not interfering each other feels fairly weird for me.

Edit: yep your 2nd paragraph basically summarized it.

Idk why people act like goats or dive were oppressive metas in every rank…both require much more coordination than you can possibly achieve with six random people playing together and were only prominent in the highest ranks/pro play. If anything, 2-2-2 brought with it cheap garbage metas (i.e. double shield, Mei in every single game, etc.) that can be played at all tiers and are not fun to utilize or play against. Things did get better once Blizzard finally balanced their damn shield tanks, but we had double shield for months and now Mei is a cancer that exists in almost every game because she’s a pseudo tank and it’s harder to counter her in 2-2-2.


Uh what? I missed this if its correct, where was this stated? I hate this because it means Johhny Weeb who lives 2.5 miles from Blizz datacenter will autolock his main every game… are you sure about this?

Players and DPS in general ruined overwatch, not role queue.