Role queue reward lootbox. Bug or intended?

In the role queue reward system you get normal lootbox not an event version.
Is this a bug or (i hope not) intended?


I had the same exact issue today when I queued for Tank. I only queued for the free lootbox only to find out it was a regular lootbox & not the Halloween one. (I’ve never reported a technical bug before so I’m assuming replying to this post was a good idea since the issue has been voiced already? lol)

Sadly we get the answer from EU. :frowning:

Loot boxes bugged? (getting normal instead of halloween one) - #3 by Felranys - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums

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Well, that’s incredibly disappointing. Thankfully I play this game a lot & it doesn’t bother me, but okay. Kinda defeats the purpose of getting a “reward” when the reward doesn’t reflect the current event. :man_shrugging: It’s literally just duplicates for us who have a lot of hours invested in the game which would make sense… if there wasn’t an event. But we’re promised a lootbox. During an event…