Role Queue-Let's Stop Arguing

Everyone has their opinion. Whether the game is dying or not, liking the wacky comps that unrestricted selection brings, the belief that comp should have more restrictions, better to balance with a 2-2-2 format, and any number of other arguments. Can we all just take a moment to agree that we won’t know for sure until we’ve played and tested it?
Let’s use the PTR to settle this. They could even make a gamemode in arcade to satisfy the people who want the change.
I’m for the 2-2-2 in ONLY comp and/or arcade but I understand that there are downsides to it and other people have viable opinions as well.


I’m fine with it just being in comp. Quickplay can be the freeform mode.


No, I’d rather see clans first.

Let the community try fixing things without adding more arbitrary constraints.


I’m not fine with it being in comp. Plenty of times where I swapped from 2nd heal to 3rd dps and won that way.
I want to win in comp in any way I can, limiting my options to do so will just make me less inclined to keep playing this game


we’re not talking about clans right now. Clans would be great for the game, i agree, but that’s not the topic up for discussion.

QP is practice for COMP. It needs to be uniform so people are prepared. There are other modes for one tricks and for people who main a hero because they identify with it blah blah blah.


I think it should be an arcade mode or a separate division. Comp doesn’t have as much problem with team compositions so it’s not as big of a deal there (except for killing goats, maybe).

It’s a simple solution, give us both options.

People who want it can use it and those who don’t wont…

I mean unless the player base is so small it will be a problem to give us the ability to play how we like.

Where is that officially stated?

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It is not stated, either is it stated that QP is just a wild west one trick cancer session.

My point is that giving us clans first we get a chance to resolve meta issues via group work rather than an arbitrary system that might not always be the best set up for a given team.

Also, players will not like getting forced into roles by the game.

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They first need to give a reason like transferring progress to live otherwise people aren’t gonna use the PTR.

Clans have all the reasons people don’t use LFG. Role queue allows you to select the role you want, and in clans you will be forced to play your main role or you will be kicked.

As with all these posts, I prefer the option of:

  • All Unlocked Roles
  • 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal
    • Which can be unlocked with 4 players typing !unlock

The goal of a Role Queue is to make it less frustrating to form teams.

Not to force gameplay balance.

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Counter proposal: Let’s stop arguing, but not have role enforcement anywhere near this game ever. It would fundamentally undermine the spirit of this game and ruin it for all but the most casual players. If we all agree to my terms, there’ll be no more arguing.

Anyone watching the football games tomorrow? Hope New England runs it’s patented 6 Wide Receiver formations.

(Spoiler alert, you can’t run 6 wide receivers)
Sometimes limits are a good thing and provide structure that everyone has to deal with equally.

The game needs a Role Queue. This way you can split each role into it’s own Rank and SR’s. This should help cut back on smurfs and help fix clan issues you’ll have in the future, of people not playing there main roles. As the game is now, I have a hard time getting myself to even log in. It takes entirely way too much effort to get into a decent match up as someone who likes Tanking. Tanking with 4 dps on your team, or tanking against 6 dps; neither is fun.

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I think you’d have to fragment the player base to do that. Then you’d have “2/2/2 competitive mode” and “regular competitive mode”. If you tried to queue both groups of people in the same mode, some people would be placed in the game expecting to play whatever they want while others would expect the rest of the team to play according to the restrictions they signed up for. Either way, everyone loses. It’d have to either be included entirely or not at all.

Well yeah, that is kinda the point, the people who want to play 1 way can AND the people who want to play the other way can.

Yes exactly.

Did I suggest for them to try and mix the 2 queues? It would just be the current system with an extra step.

This is already what happens in the current system, some people queue wanting to play 1 way and other the other way and there never being a consensus.

How exactly is letting the people who want to play 1 way play with others of the same mindset losing? Queue times increase a bit and game quality increases also. (well DPS would wait 20 minutes for a game in role queue as they should for not being more flexible). I would personally select Healer and/or Tank and would be fine with either the game decided for me as long as i don’t end up with people getting forced into roles they don’t like because people think picking first gives them the right to it instead of working it out as a team.

It would otherwise really only effect the non role queue people since the tanks and healers would mostly be in role queue so they don’t end up on a team with 5 of 1 class.

We can easily know for sure.
Role Que will result in 2 things

  1. Even more stale metas - after all who would ever want a Reaper and Widow on their team? Certain DPS heroes will NEVER get picked because of it.
  2. Certain roles will have extremely long wait times

I mean it is as common sense as don’t touch fire or you will burn your self.
Honestly the number of Flat Earthers on these forums that can’t see the obvious is startling.

How would role queue keep a dps slot from picking reaper? It is not a specific hero queue.

The chance of winning due to forced 2 / 2 / 2 would make certain DPS heroes pointless thanks to Blizzard Hero Design.

So toxicity on picking certain heroes would rise through the roof exponentially.
After all you want DPS heroes that can do consistent damage, especially vs 2 tanks and 2 healers.

So likely Tracer pickrate will be much higher to deal with the supports.
The second high pickrate maybe Bastion to counter Rein \ Orissa or Rein \ Zaraya

Symmetera pickrate will drop so much she might be the first hero to reach 0.001% pickrate

If there were a Darwin Award for Bad Ideas, this would definitely win it.