The fact that it went away quietly and no one cared, though, does.
I never said it’s proof. I said that’s what’s gonna happen. I can’t have proof about the future. You’re gonna have to wait and see.
The fact that it went away quietly and no one cared, though, does.
I never said it’s proof. I said that’s what’s gonna happen. I can’t have proof about the future. You’re gonna have to wait and see.
It was a good idea, but now we have players in comp matches queuing for classes with characters they have maybe an hour or two on. There are no switching to a class or having them change their mind, realizing the team is bombing, willing to switch to a role they can play.
If this change is going to work, there needs to be a something like a time played as a specific character requirement for the character they want to play, with a minimum of 2 characters for each role, to help ensure teams don’t have people picking characters they have no idea how to play while locking in role queues. Make playable character selection a minimum hour requirement, enough that a player picking a character doesn’t destroy the game for other players who want to play competitive seriously.
For example, you want to tank, you need a minimum of “?” hours with at least 2 characters within the tank spec to fill that role to help ensure they are even decent at playing that character. I’ve been in quite a few matches that were destroyed because someone has no idea how to heal because they are looking for a quick queue and hope for a carry.
Pleaserescind this CRAP that is 2/2/2 sure. toxicity is down. but now we are FORCEd to playgames withppl who NEvER play a role and think it owuld be FUN to play… And there is no filling roles to make up for where other’s lack. Now we are forced to be polite and LOSE becauseppl lock a queue they never play before. This 2/2/2 should be an ENTIRE seperate queue gamemode. It is NOT competitive when you go against the IDEALS that started OVerwatch. The Ability to changechar/ role MIDGAME … MADE THIS GAME… are you …inebriated… or … under the influence. THIS GAME MODE IS NOT COMPETITivE> PLease. Leave the 2/2/2 to BETA only and sendit to arcade mode. it HAS NO PLAY IN COMP. you cant changeppl. dont try to . but Give us the abilityback to CARRY/FILL roles where others lack. AUTO LOCKING and INHIBITING us from helpingthe team whereit needs is not competitive. but a hands tied Ice skating uphill method to a sugarcoated hogwash method of setting the standard… we cant fixppl. we cant. PLEASe correct 2/2/2 get rid of the system as is. at LEAST have 2/ 2/ and a RANDOM. or something. so where 2 ppl autolocktorb and sym all game but stink. now a third can fill in where the throwers wont do there job. CMON this is total HOGWASH. Not even a personal opinion. a general consensus. My Gawd… SMFH… activision you are screwing Blizzard over sincedyou took over… get the vision of the Original Creators and stand behind your fans/CUSTOMERS… WTF are you doing. other than FIring the head coach after you win a super bowl… Get your **** together. please. and thank you… well you pr4ol;ly wont… butplease any ways
Well in that case I and many others prefer structure over complete chaos and see the current comp mode as overwhelmingly better.
Well, now to make that 5th uninstall official. Thanks Blizzard for helping me quit this game.
This is not the product i bought and enjoyed.
2 years, plenty of top 500 spots, every golden gun, every skin. over 2000 hours played.
Just uninstalled, will be checking my options for a refund because this is not what i payed money for. Even if that means my account gets deleted when I do.
just switch to 3x dps against mei, she’s strong against tanks but weak vs dps
oh wait…
You do realise they’re actually op, right? Not that it would belong in this topic, but they are.
Hero limit’s up there as well : )
They are standing behind their customers, according to a survey with 80 votes, the majority wants and likes it. It’s your opinion you’re stating
I know of no valid data to support the claim of a majority in the statement quoted above
Hold on, I’m getting it, my internet’s bad rn, I thought I didn’t send it yet.
oh damn, 80 votes in a game that (supposedly) over a million players?
Hang on, i just had a survey here of the 50 people living next to the oasis saying they dont need more water, so the 500.000 living in other parts of the desert don’t have to be asked anymore.
Hope the link works, if it doesn’t you’d have to take it yourself and then you can look at the answers.
The survey was made by me, I didn’t post it in a certain community, I posted it once on the US forums, once on the UK forums and once on Reddit. I am sorry I’m not a content creator and don’t have a following, I am sorry I don’t work at Blizzard. But feel free to take it, so it may be more accurate, or provide a better source that proves me wrong. I wasn’t the first to claim I know what the community wants, I was the first to do it with at least a bit of prove. I’m sorry I’m a private person, feel free to spread it though, but please also on more general communities and don’t just send it to people who agree with you.
Are you really though?
reading, laughing at it, and discarding everything that even remotely makes them feel/look bad. but technically they did read it
Sounds about right. If someone says something that doesn’t praise the devs as living gods, it’s ignored.
This is an invalid data source