Role Queue killed Overwatch

It wouldn’t have been a problem if the game was properly balanced.

Yeah, I know. And I feel like Healthpacks are the worse way they could have gone about it.

Except it didnt exist for whole year and isnt main mode anymore.

alot of streamers have moved away from twitch to other streaming platforms due to how strict twitch can be when it comes to things

Because 1 hero limit was introduced early on, and the game was a mess without it. Stacking mei and dva to stall 2cp was so stupid.

It was only the best comp for koth. But no hero limits was still bad and could never be anywhere near as balanced as the game without it.

I can say the game is a mess without 222. :wink:


Sure. We are all entitled to our opinions. But it seems blizz and the majority of the community was happy when no limits was removed.

Yes it did. Lfg was dead so you couldn’t reasonably find people for it, plus it did nothing about what the enemy would be playing.

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I don’t think a lot of people are missing open q either.

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What are you talking about? It is very blatantly obvious when one of the prior big streamers comes back and plays the game. Looking between Jan-March of this year, for the vast majority of the time the viewers are under 20k mainly at 15 and under. Occasionally it’ll spike to about 24, then when XQC or Tim/Doc streamed, the viewercount shoots up to 65-75k viewers peaking at 85k in Feb and 1 time this month it peaked when they did their terrible Dev livestream that ended up being absolutely nothing. None of this being OWL either since it’s on an off season and they are on YT now (which further is affecting twitch viewership numbers for this game).

Saying XQC has no impact on the viewership of this game when he was the most viewed OW streamer at the time of him playing and maintained his viewership+more when he stopped, meaning those people who were once watching OW are now no longer watching OW but whatever he else he is playing. Ontop of this, when he does play he spikes the viewers of OW by upwards of 8x the average viewership and somehow saying that had 0 impact on the viewership of OW as a whole is just outright ignoring facts.

Agreed. They have the option to still do it, but most do not.

It’s a dualistic system if one was to look at the big picture. Our main health recovery is designed to come from our teammates, where we duck behind cover and wait a few seconds for our supports to “regen” our health.

first part is irrelevant (and has more to do with blizz never updating it)…it exists for/addressed the same “issue”

the second was not a complaint people had really…(plus if people used it, presumably the opposing team would also make a “proper group”)…the important part was that it addressed YOUR group makeup which is why people wanted an RQ

but again it doesnt matter anyway…i dont think RQ is the issue here like i said…its the locked 222 part

It certainly was an issue. People wanted 2/2/2 and to play against it. Not vs 3 tanks. Only your own comp could be limited. Plus then you counted as a 6 stack, when in reality have the coordination of a bunch of solos. Lfg took long, and gave much harder games, so no one used it.

You are missing 2 vital facts in your analysis (which I assume is accidental): OWL stopped being broadcast on Twitch in 2020 (you can see what no OWL does to Twitch views when you see the massive drop off in non OWL months in 18 and 19) and OW lost a couple mega streamers around that time as well.

meh…RQ requests preceded goats and such…people had asked for it for a very long time…people just wanted THEIR team to work (whilst remaining inflexible themselves :sweat_smile:)

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I personally find 222 to be THE very worst change ever made to the game, and I find 222 to be far less enjoyable to play than role-less queue mode

222 feels like Overwatch on training wheels, to me

aside: by what name were you known by before the current “Lara” accountname?

it does

however, the fact that it is different from the 222 game in multiple ways aside from the necessary/obvious queuing differences makes it a on-equivalent substitute for 222

ergo, the “just go play role-less queue if you dont like 222” argument doesnt hold much water

the stated premise here doesnt lead to the stated conclusion, and in addition, I know of no valid data that supports a claim that 222 is the dominant mode

I know of no valid data to support this claim either

Certainly some people prefer to have fewer dps on their team, and have stated so on these forums. However, others (including but not limited to myself) do not have any such preconceived/limited notions on what a good/acceptable team composition is

as such, the broad-brush claim above is flawed

the claim implied here is also unsupported…there is no valid data I know of to support the claim that 222 is the superior mode.

I and many others find the opposite to be the case

tho the above is stated as if it were a fact, it is an opinion…and opinion many players disagree with

personally, I know of no aspect(s) of role-less queue that can reasonably be described as “mess”


This appears to border on confirmation bias in your analysis.

It’s really not the fault of Role Q though, that the Open Q player base is the way it is.

One mode mostly draws players who prefer consistent matchmaking, at least a tiny bit of teamwork and are willing to wait in Q if it means a better match quality, while the other mode heavily caters to DPS insta-lockers and people who enjoy a more chaotic and “arcady” deathmatch experience.

DPS would have been the most popular role either way, but this most certainly is a major factor in DPS Q times and player base distribution across the roles.

But you can’t change the past and unfortunately Blizzard seems to have decided that it is a lot easier to cut a Tank Slot instead of at least somewhat try to equalize the roster sizes.

I doubt that it will turn out the way they hope it does, but we will see :woman_shrugging: