Role Queue killed Overwatch

Go play 10 games of open queue and tell me how many of those games either team has 4-5 dps. The answer will likely be 1 or 0. It’s rare even when people don’t care about it, and it was even more rare pre role lock. Those games were also more winnable than what we get in role lock; one role sucks so you take a loss because there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Role lock just makes people comfortable seeing a balanced team comp, it’s an illusion of safety and did absolutely nothing to improve match quality.


I do every month.
1 tank 1 healer is the norm at best. 2 of 8 games doesn’t even have healer. It is a complete clown fest.

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Not my experience. You must be low rank.

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Or maybe you are a low rank?

If we had out-of-combat regen, it wouldn’t be a big issue.
Most other FPS games have some very strong out-of-combat regen, it makes the game much more fast paced.

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I agree with that.

That is partially why Paladins feels much better balance wise.


Lets not look at the 2-2-2 method in a vacuum. The game went from being balanced for any hero to be competitive in an open role setting to all heros being balanced in a 2-2-2 setting. Damage numbers on abilities and weapons were drastically tuned. The game became much more favorable to play on 2-2-2 by design. Also open que was removed from competitive for a good year I think until enough players all around the world demanded it back.

Can you consider those points also


The game lost its identity when the 1 hero limit was added. It was already impossible to use counters if your team are using those heroes already.

222 is no different except it ensured that the teams are a bit more organized.

So if 222 became the superior mode, where is the issue if you are playing the superior version of the game?

In my opinion role queue did not kill Overwatch but the lack of updates and lack of new heros and new content was the reason.
Ever since OW2 was announced people cared less and less about OW1 and got mad because the second game is taking up more and more time and attention from the developers.

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Oh, it “killed” the game because Twitch dropped. Right, that was the biggest issue with role queue…

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You are arguing that its the superior mode while ignoring everything blizzard did to destroy the original overwatch that made the game great. The removal of open que was extremely detrimental to the game so much so that Jeff admitted it and brought it back. But by the time it was brought back the 2-2-2 balance was solidified and made the game much harder for open que as tanks and healers were made much weaker by then.

Your arguments sound like someone saying a bicycle is superior to an engineless car and that we cant even consider putting back the engine in the car during this discussion to have a proper comparison


Isn’t it that guy that “leaked” the OW2 beta loading screen? So they banned him, and still gave him priority to OW2 beta? But, it is a streamer, so sounds about right (unless it’s some other xqc).

1 hero limit changed the game way more than 222 ever did.
I don’t see why people give the 1 hero limit a pass when it was the way more damaging decision than 222.

We kind of do: health packs. It’s a rare occurrence, if you position well, that there’s no health pack somewhere nearby; and spending 5 seconds of ducking behind cover and walking to get it is similar to ducking behind cover and waiting 5 seconds to regen.

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most can’t even fill half the HP of a dps let alone anything bigger like a tank.


I would disagree with that. Unless you think double Winston, double tracer, double Lucio was fun…: cause that was the best comp at the time

222 did not kill the game. It made the game more playable. What killed the game was the slow updates, no content and the introduction of the DPS passes for playing tank/support what dumbed the quality down again…


Im pretty sure OW is dying because of the lack of content lol. At least to me, role que has been a great experience, the introduction to tickets has been great too. I don’t even play the game anymore just because there is no reason to, no mew heroes, no new maps, nothing at all to make me want to play. Ive already reached top 500 on console and pc and got most of the skins that I wanted. I just have no reason to play lol

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They said that role queue was in the works and planned before goats was even a thing. Also I remember back in like season 3 having people wanting role queue due to getting teams with like 4 support players etc.

This topic comes up often enough so I’ll keep it semi-short

RQ did nothing LFG hadn’t already done

222 on the other hand robbed the game of its essence (based on exaggerations) and created problems of its own, such as having to spend more time waiting for games than actually playing (whilst also not really addressing any of the games actual issues)

It was a lazy decision on blizz’s part and easily what I would point to as the worst decision in OW’s history

And yes we do have OQ now so it’s dmg has been mitigated….but not at the time…so it’s impact was more apparent then

Composition locking shouldn’t be in game…or the next for that matter….5v5 is fine (by the way also a result of 222 for those of you who love one but not the other)……but I’d rather it not be locked to 122