Role queue is garbage

There were reasons to change in different areas of map, this game just go so boring and 2 dimensional.

I get all the control freaks out there think this is the best thing, but you’re the problem, not the old system. Yeah you’ll get games where sucky people will pick the 4th dps but overall I’ve never had that much of a problem that this heavy handed crap was necessary.


Glad you haven’t had a problem, doesn’t mean others have been so lucky.

Comp has been more down to luck, finding a working team. Now everyone has a better chance of finding a good match. Luck is a much smaller factor now than before.


Yeah that’s a bunch of nonsense. If you wanted roles you could just group up. Now your failures are forced on everyone.

Another thing I noticed. Used to have game where we’d lose the first round and then recover 2 and 3rd. Now I get games where it’s lose lose, or win win. Because the creativity is gone. So now if your DPS fails to kill the phara, well then enjoy that phara for the rest of the game because you can’t switch even temporarily to kill her.


Role queue is the best thing to ever happen to Overwatch and should have been in the game at launch.


Talk about nonsense, group up? That’s the problem in the first place, people don’t group up. They run their favourite pew pew hero without care for the team.

At least now you have a team. And creativity, where? People fling that argument around as if there were creativity before. Running 5 DPS is not creative, but disruptive.

In any regards, 2-2- is here to stay, and it’s the best thing introduced since the game was released


Yes, you were able to queue up with people who wanted to play certain roles.

Sorry you lack any creativity. Enjoy running the game into the ground, it’s so boring right now.


False. Role que is great. Trust me when I say your old “swap to save the team and win the game (while leave a critical role infilled) will not be missed.


I agree. It’s honestly unfathomable that people are complaining so much. There will always be those that I’ve a tough time adapting to change I suppose.


What creativity? I’ve played since beta and not once have I seen a creative team comp. Instalocking Genji, Hanzo, Widow, Tracer etc. does not mean creativity.


I mean this only came on because people were complaining. Plenty of people were OK with what it was. So that’s kind of a bad argument. If 50% of the people complain, that’s still a lot of people complaining on either side. Trying to please everyone is impossible, people are different.


Having an ashe, widow, McCree and soldier on the same team 1 minute into the 1st round because there’s a phara on the enemy team wasn’t really a sign of creativity.

Having to react within your chosen role I’d say requires more creativity and in the phara example there are plenty of options. Zen for discord. Ana to snipe her down. Dva to just plain bully her and probably several other options that don’t involve the whole team going hitscan…

Edit: Being a support main who can flex ok to all roles in low diamond I didn’t find role queue that needed as 8/10 of my games would probably be 222 anyways but I still really like the separate sr system and the fact that I will now be able to play dps more than once every 20 games.


Role queue didnt fix anything trash dps will now just click dps only thing your now forcing and doing is making it impossible for tanks or healrs to switch to dps when its lacking, i found myself a pretty decent dps, now dps wait time is so long i switched to healer and tank but for the past 4 games ive gotten terrible dps this didnt fix anything.


no you are WRONG. RQ came because people swapping roles and FORCING others to play tank and healer, so they complained on the forums about it for years.
THATS WHY it happend. its NOT about controlfreaks or whatever you like to call it.
people want to sign for a role and play it as best as they can. they dont want be harrased by people and forced into ANYTHING. This is just major cry from your side without ANY form of serious argument at all. People where fed up with **** games all day and all night. fed up of with maybe “people like you” better than others , the ones with creativity playing god and think they gonna carry teams because they are SOOOO GOOOOD. swapping into whatever they feel like any moment. dont giving the crap about the team at all.
We stuck with the **** for years and finaly something happens for the majority of the playerbase.
Stick with the great change or feel free to play another game , another gamemode or write to the devs and pray for a classic mode where you and your fellowminded can continue to jerk along all you want. Probably it wont be so many of you so queue times might be veeeerrryyyy long though.


So often a player in support or tank role during a losing match would say, "Well it’s the DPS - they suck, so I am going to carry by playing DPS instead.

In my experience, the team would start to lose faster. This is because awesome support can keep a team up so the whole team does more damage. Great tanks TAKE the ground, instead of retreating and backing off.

Now, with Role Queue, if you are a bad tank, dps, or support then you go in a lower SR.


The worst is that the devs seem to assume not going 2-2-2 is some sort of throwing but I always assumed that nobody actually wants to lose (if they are not activly killing themselves).

I believe that people will always try their best and everyone is capable of making their own decisions and even if I disagree with their picks it’s ok because people make mistakes and that’s part of the game.

Telling me how to play by limiting my choices feels like someone treating me like a baby.


I disagree, rq was a good idea i dont think it was executed properly. i was looking forward to it but seeing it now. i wanna go back ive played tank and healer. but i just keep getting bad
dps. then i decided fine ill wait and try dps so i was dps and neither of the tanks wanted to be winston when they had widow and hanzo. before 2-2-2 I would have offered to go winston and someone would have taken dps, thus fixing that prob. just cuz a good 42% was toxic and didnt wanna switch didnt mean you had to ruin it for everyone else


They could have a role swap option in the future (assuming the SR ranks are close enough). So you could “offer” to go to another role and if someone in those roles accepted you would switch.


This guy again… How many posts you going to make today complaining about role queue? Guess what, it’s not going anywhere. You can create all the posts you want complaining about it. Enough people wanted role queue for it to be implemented and here we are. If you don’t like it, stop playing the game.


well in gamechat and voicechat majority are kinda behaving like babies, so we are getting treated like babies. cant argue that

Jeez first you wanna control in game hero picks, now the forums too huh? You sure you don’t have control issues?