Role Queue is a joke

No I can play beta role queue comp not comp, and then I can play this jank as role queue qp? like what no thanks I like to play WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT not play this role and stick with it. Stop taking away our freedom in the game it’s actually making it less not more fun.
Sometimes I like playing dps on certain maps but oh no I have to play healer now on a map that I hate playing healer on cause I queued for support. Like how dumb is that I seriously don’t see how people aren’t seeing the same problem I’m seeing with this? I’ve been saying about this for ages before the damn thing even came to live servers and everyone was like “NONONO ITS GOOD” Like yea maybe on PTR cause most of the people on PTR want to “make the game better” Just wait until you start picking a role, only to go “oh I actually want to do this now, oh too late.” or “Oh I need to counter Genji (JUST AN EXAMPLE) I’ll go Winston and help out, oh wait…” Like it’s gonna be fine for a while but when you don’t just play ONE HERO it gets fcking old real quick. Before my first game was even over I wanted to rip my hear out, but I kept going and did all my placements got the same rank I always do cause that’s where I belong and STILL wanted to rip my hair out, had TWO games that were “okay” and they weren’t even fun. They were just “okay” cause I actually won them and wasn’t doing bad like I did in the other 3 games and then couldn’t swap off dps. Placements went like this btw L/W/L/W/L so don’t even try say "Well maybe you shouldn’t have played DPS again cause I did well inbetween.

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Namaste is hello though?

“it less not more fun” Love my english today :slight_smile:

It goes both ways.

“I bow to the divine in you.”

I personally like order and hate chaos, so this system is making the game a lot more fun for me. Especially since the average person is like you and doesn’t care to play as a team.

At least with forced roles, you don’t have a choice. You’re gonna play as a team or you will lose, as it should be.

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excuse me? How do I not want to play as a team? Why do you have to have 2/2/2 to play as a team? Why do you have to have locked roles to play as a team?

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Back then, the 4-5 dps instalockers have so much fun, while the solo tanker/healer gets nothing. Role queue fixes that problem. Also 4-5 dps instalockers also DONT switch to fill when they are being steamrolled, role queue fixes it. If your fun is making other people gameplay experience unfun then your fun is not welcome here.

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My highest hours is Junk on 50 something and lucio on 40 something not to mention all the other heroes that I play, and play a lot of them pretty damn well for a gold too.

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What maps do you hate playing healer on? Specifically?

Havana, Dorado, Eichenwald? Can’t remember the spelling.
But I love playing Lucio on all the Nepal maps, and Illios.
I for some strange reason like playing healer on Horrizon too , mainly cause my dps is bad on that map most of the time.

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TF2 is free and all but 1 character is dps

I am usually pretty consistent but had a game where I was just demoralized because of all the barriers and I wanted to play a different role because I was getting tilted at not being able to shoot past the barrier. But help never came. I swapped to Hanzo to just shoot at barriers for the rest of the game hoping our other DPS would just carry me. That is the first time I ever wanted off my role or left the carrying to someone else.

I hate this barrier meta. It would be so easy if there were 3 DPS. But no. We just have to sit there. I had a teamfight that lasted 80% of a control point. I was just awkwardly healing the whole time wondering when we would get picks or get picked.

The game is a mess right now.

This is why. I’m not saying this is necessarily the case with you, but in general, this mentality means that “I don’t care what anyone else can or wants to play, I’m playing this and that’s that.”

Because tanks and supports are better at synergizing together than most dps are, forcing them into this combination will, more often than not, cause some minimal synergy that will be beneficial.

Honestly though, I’d be perfectly fine if role lock was removed, as long as the separate SR system remained, and the ability to pre-select your role beforehand as well.

But I didn’t see it happening, not when LFG was a failure.

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Lol you’re such a baby dude.

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Just because I say I want to play what I want when I want doesn’t mean I’m talking about DPS I just mean if the team calls for more tanks then I want to be able to go tank, if we need more heals I can go a third healer and not dps.
I wont lie I like the separate SR it’ll be nice to know if you are slacking in certain roles, but locking people in to a single role for a whole game is completely stupid. You can’t change for what the team needs, communication and teamwork doesn’t mean anything if the enemy team is destroying you.

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Not locking people into a single role for a whole game is stupid. If you hate it, don’t play🤷‍♂️.

What so because I don’t like the new update to my favourite game I should just stop playing totally? They’ve gone about this totally wrong. They should have added comp beta as a totally a seperate mode to try ease players into and to see if people ACTUALLY prefer it over old comp. I can now not play comp because I don’t want to be locked into a role. So I have to totally miss out on a season of comp AND A NEW HERO just because of this. The people saying this is good are just after something different and thats okay, but don’t punish EVERYONE who doesnt like it by forcing it on us if we want to play comp

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