Role Queue. Good or Bad?

I believe that role queue should be removed. Personally I have dropped from 4200 to 3500, through quite literally no fault of my own. Before role queue I was completely a flex player, giving me an advantage in a non restricted team comp. Which I felt was deserved tbh, by taking the time to learn how to play basically every hero in the game. Now however, most of my games, for example, I will queue into a tank who is 3600 but 2900 in support and dps, and were plat before role queue even came out. The quality of my games have gotten significantly worse to the point where I don’t see a reason to continue playing the game really. I have loved this game for 3 years (playing since season 2), and can without doubt say role queue has been the worst addition to the game. Yes, even worse than Doomfist and Brig. It just limits the playstyles, team comps and variety.

However my opinion isn’t the only one that counts, I would like to make a poll but I don’t know how so this is about as close as I could get on Overwatch forums.

So question is as the title suggests, Is Role Queue good for Overwatch?


Its awful. Half the time i want to play dps, i forget im in queue or lose interest 10min into queue and just get afk kicked

Playing this game isnt worth a 15min wait, tbh. Especially not with the current balance and the dev team being completely checked out.

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Concept is good, but this concept doesn’t fit into human factor at all. I know it is bad behaviour to talk about politics, but here is best comparison, when we have free for all state in game against current 2-2-2 lock it is like communism or even dictature vs capitalism. So I personaly prefer to capitalise on every single tool in this game called hero choose and heroes preferences, I prefer specialists (one-trics) + flexes to fit each other, and both have thier strengths and weaks, but not to be forced into 1 role and feel like my tanks are forced and don’t want to try just giving me a favor by quing as a tank, or simply abusing q time just to be able to play the game, not q simulator, which I both understand. Role q is good concept on paper, but damages this game’s primary uniq state and ppl’s mentality. I prefer to have 4 dps every game and still trying to play as a team, instead of acting as a team bc game decide for us what enviroment is acceptable. It feels like game plays you now.
If blizzard have no imagination how to addapt thier tools to get rid of meta like goats or qTank, then they have to work on it. At least restrict 3rd tank pick, and problem has been solved, if your preferences are the only restrictions by themselves and you don’t know how to balance your game…

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Good but lacks a few things to make it even better. Right now it’s plagued by people getting boosted by it, due to no MMR reset. You have people placing close to their main role, playing off roles. I’m a tank player, I shouldn’t be high masters on DPS or support but I probably will because the system is poorly implemented.

Another thing that would help Role Que is having proper stats/information in game instead of the trash medal system, that makes everyone think they’re doing a good job.

I notice the tanks more than anything, it pulls whoever from where ever.


This made me laugh… yes, you had no role in a loss of 700 SR :roll_eyes:

And yet we have players like Violet who place several times into top 10… with Brig, but no, personal skill under 2-2-2 doesn’t matter.

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It got me to quit the game entirely in under a season, after playing since launch. Straw that broke the camels back.

One of the joys to the game was being able to switch roles on the fly in order to help the team win, when a role isn’t pulling its weight. That’s now out the window.

“But wut abut the 6 dps game!”

Too rare to address as a valid point.


This has been my point for a long time. Where was 6dps and issue? I’m bronze have been forever. If 6 dps was an issue wouldn’t it be in the worst rank not the better ranks? It was extremely rare in bronze.


It is baaaaaaaaaaad.

Role queue : amazing. Should’ve been implemented at launch so we didn’t lose so many tank players over the years being abused by people who didn’t care that the team needed another tank/healer and played DPS instead

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Good and bad but it’s beyond me how to fix it.

But isn’t that exactly one of the main reasons 2/2/2 role - lock was implemented I the first place?? To eliminate as much as it could the utter chaos introduced by the human factor playing too much of a role before and leading to unbalanced comps role - wise, ““flex”” players of whom tons, if not the majority of them wouldn’t actually flex, etc…


How? With 2 off tanks 2 off healers and genji+tracer picks as dps?

As you see we found another way to maintain chaos, you can’t beat that blizzard! You can’t even beat your own game, bc to get rid of goats you need to flex your community into doggy style with q times, then, suddenly it fixes nothing…I was so angry 1st day of 2-2-2 patch note, now everything I said comes true… This game was at least grindable…now it is unplayable for 75% playerbase.

You dont matter
You are approx 1% of the player base

Lmaooo, imagine thinking Goats was in any way the only reason 2/2/2 role - lock was implemented :rofl::rofl::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Notice that I said it was one of the main reasons 2/2/2 role - lock was implemented, not the only one, because what you’re describing here also belongs to said problems.

I am in Gold and I know many players who are in Silver, Platinum, etc. and the above statement isn’t even close to being true…
