Role queue, forced 2/2/2 and why we need it

weow you can’t just do that, now I will wonder forever what you said ;.;

Okay fine.

I’ve been rick rolled

was it really just blank? >.< This is a massive jebait or some potent passive aggressiveness ;.; If it’s the latter, we can disagree but still be friendly to one another, I like most things you put on the forums but like everyone, we will have our own view and criticisms on each topic <3

Then why are counterpicks being nerfed? According to some pros, hard counters shouldn’t be in the game, therefore something else has to be balanced instead.

I deleted it again because it was the opening lyrics from “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

< WerenostrangerstoloveYouknowtherulesandsodoIAfullcommitmentswhatImthinkingofYouwouldntgetthisfromanyotherguy >

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O well that harmless enough c:
But if it means what I think it means, like I’ve spent so much time thinking it all over for the past 3 years of me playing overwatch and this is the outcome of all that thought, I have a rebuttle for everything thus far as to the criticisms made, I’d say that’s a good marker of an idea being well thought through. Only thing left to chance is that I could be wrong about a certain aspect of it due to my unconscious bias. Until something is undeniably flawed in the plan I’ve got I don’t really have anything making me change my mind yknow? I’m willing to give it up and concede so long as someone can hit me with a glaring flaw that is too big to overlook, it feels a lot like the change from no limits to todays overwatch, we weigh the cost of gaining something against factors, and if the gain far outweighs any costs incurred it should be moved in that direction.

Lfg is role que. Do you see what happened to it? If they forced this 2-2-2 garbage the game will die just like lfg did.

I think that’s missing key components, LFG isn’t role queue, lfg CAN be used like role queue, but that means everyone has to be okay with being in groups, and alot of people enjoy that only with friends for some reason personally attributed to them, or some prefer playing ONLY solo queue. Another factor is that LFG groups take a long time to put together and vet properly, and at the first loss, you end up having to go through that process again, and that is ONTOP of the long time it takes to do a 6 stack queue. It failed for much different reasons than you think it did. And on top of that, LFG means you ARE in a 6 stack queue, and having a 6 stack of LFG randoms, vs a stack of people who know how their team is going to work and their own personal playstyles, the team who went in as friends has an advantage and people know that, and see LFG as an unsafe option.

And you believe none of this will happen with role que?

Role queue is basically just the exact same matchmaker, doesn’t match you with ONLY sixes, doesn’t require setup further than plug and play, can be done 100% solo, can be done with 100% friends you know. So no, none of that will happen with role queue, there is simply literally no link between the two and the aspects of LFGs failure.

make it a separate option in quick play like how arcade is

Instead of forcing that comp how about people want Junkrat buffed or the other heroes that counter goats? A forced 2/2/2 is more limiting than what we have now. If you need that extra damage you can’t switch to another DPS plus how are people going to switch mid game? This game is all about switching and counter picking, by forcing a 2/2/2 you break the game even more than it is now.

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I still prefer the option of 6Flex queue and/or 2Flex-2-2 queue. :slight_smile:
With the option for 4 players to vote Yes to unlock roles by holding down some button. Or just type !unlock

Since it isn’t about restricting strategies, so much as facilitating cooperation. Much in the way that traffic lights reduce traffic.

How would it break the game? Each class feels great when there is a 2/2/2 environment, and yes buff junkrat of course, but how much can they really change his level of effectiveness without turning his grenade launcher into a rocket launcher, he will still have the same problems that make him a liability whenever widows around or the enemy has a, so effectively the counterpicking aspect also running junkrat on anything but the certain select few maps he is good on right now, counters junkrat, because he’s a defender hero who is easily countered in most scenarios, leaving goats uncontested by him in most areas, and he will still be countered by anything he can’t effectively put his kit to use on making him kinda bad, the problem is junkrat is a niche hero, who really only sees fruit when played on map areas the counters can’t take advantage of him on, and can control a one way choke from that point.

So that’s simply not an option, but again, tell me how 2/2/2 will break the game, what aspects does it become a problem, where will it undeniably go wrong? I can’t think of a situation, but if you can I am all ears, that would be what I need to change my mind and say well hey this won’t work.

That would be preferable if a meta didn’t roll around that alienates 17 heroes in the damage class from play and would be typed at the start of every single game so they could run that tank heavy composition. I’m not exactly sold on the fact they will ever be able to re balance the game to the point where everything is usable in ANY kind of timely fashion especially knowing there are more tanks and healers in the works being the next two heroes leaning a more tank/support heavy game in the coming months.

I think future proofing and going forward it would be better to 2/2/2 because more of each type of healer especially AOE ones, all it took was for a second AOE healer (brigitte) to bring an unstoppable tank meta, imagine when there are 3 wide range aoe healers like lucio and brig, you might see a triple tank dive iteration, and the more DPS get buffed, the better tanks get, because dps would alienate themselves due to being unable to make use of ANY of the heals because they are liabilities who get killed too quickly. the flipside is that damage ramps up so high that tanks die as fast as DPS do, making tanks obsolete because they won’t have enough damage to burst anything and can’t make use of the healing provided, so you will end up with no tanks around because they are effectively outclassed.

I bet you those are the problems they are running into in trying to make that future planning work, and they will probably soon end up locking down the roles for this reason as it’s the only change I see ever working. (would love to hear of an alternative though)

Well, if the goal was “No GOATs”, then “No TripleHealer” would be less intrusive.

But to me, the goal is to give a “two sizes fits all” approach to team setup.

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I just think we passed the timeframe where that would have been a viable option, the !unlock idea would have worked pre brigitte beautifully.

And don’t you think locking down support to being only 2 would lead to people fervently asking for the same thing to be done to tanks the next time the tank metas run through even with just two healers? Especially when we get another mobile at will barrier hero like Reinhardt in the tank category, or another high damage fatty like roadhog, this will be the case as they have a good chance of just being better damage heroes while being less of a liability to the team. Thoughts?

This may be the reason in development why they made a metric tonne of DPS and a bare few tanks and healers originally. Is because of these problems I’m listing out here >.>

There is this thing called LFG. More people should try it.

LFG is 100% dead in OCE, no one uses it, for a pretty large number of players, that is 100% not an option, if you check OCEs LFG at any point in time, it’s been so abandoned that no one even tries to use it.

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If true then that’s a shame. LFG is the role queue that some people are looking for.