it’s fine.
Do you feel it makes comp easier/harder or better/worse quality matches ?
I feel you my man this game has a very awful matchmaker and even though im not in bronze its pretty much the same deal for all ranks, basically if you do well the game can punish you for it.
Matches are roughly the same. 1 is great, evenly matched teams and it’s a blast. Next match is so lopsided one way or the other not so fun. Meaning match maker is still the biggest problem this game has and always will have.
I thought the games were fine during placements yesterday. Today, another story. I won’t be queuing for tanks anymore. Strictly healing and damage.
What? No lol, if you do good, game will actualy reward you with more wins or more sr for winning.
that’s simply not true. the more games you win the more likely the matchmaker will construct a group that it thinks you are likely to lose with.
Why do you think that lol. Its not how matchmaker is working. I would highly suggest you to go read topic below to get better knowledge about comp and matchmaker. Theory that matchmaker will create games for you to lose them is crazy and doesnt make sense at all.
I solo q. Ow has always felt really random.
Today I had 6 wins in a row where I thought I was doing ok as dps. Then one loss where I had 75 or 79 elims & 20K+ damage as 4 different heros in a long Kings row game.
Then the next 3 games I just got crushed. One game we could barely get out of spawn on Dorado… I didn’t turn off my monitor or play with my feet, it just felt like the other team was a few ranks above.
Crazy game. I can see them gradually getting harder as you climb, but it seems like all of the sudden you run into a buzzsaw and have zero chance.
When my team wins like that, I always keep in mind that my turn at being rolled hard is coming, soon.
You know, I had high hopes that maybe, just maybe, I could climb out of the hell of bronze with my support skills.
Then I remembered I can’t heal stupid.
So here we are. Started from the bottom and somehow managed to get lower.
Well maybe you can try learn some Dps and glimb out of bronze if that elo bothers you so much? I think Soldier is decent for that, can make good dmg and have self healing, also hes Ult is nice if your position is good. This is just my opinion ^^
Honestly the community down in bronze is pretty nice. The only problem i can think of is obviously smurfs are alot more noticeable than other ranks. Unfortunately the only way to deal with that is locked/verified accounts. Or maybe look at how riot handles iron division
Not really, he was saying that matchmaker will be giving me harder games and worse team mates making me lose. Thats not the case at all.
As you climb you will get harder oponents yes, but better skilled team mates too. Its up to xou if you csn keep up in higher games.
In same boat. Dont feel bad Haha
this guy is like this Mhz dude that was spreading this bs. Maybe its him :o
So it’s true. Bronze actually exists. I thought it was just a meme
Opposite problem my tank matches go alot smoother. I feel like tanking has more flexibility then support now. Sigs damage out especially in low ranks is outrageous. My only big issue going into matches is healing if we get even decent healing it’s a dub. Where as support has more stuff that can affect the match outside if your control
Sad part is I am a support main
Unfortunately as I can’t afford to upgrade the potato I play on (because screw this local economy, honestly), DPSing for me comes down to losing the FPS/latency war 95% of the time. Believe me, I already tried that.
It didn’t end well.
I have the sense to get out of bronze. I actually climbed to like 1200 something at one point. What I lack is the capacity - especially since playing down there is so mind-numbingly exhausting, no one wamts to grind. Would you? I sure as hell don’t.
Well, that, and the smurf problem that is definitely a nightmare down there. You’re going to tell me a level 37 bronze Reinhardt is going to have the sense to shield amd walk with a Bastion while he’s ulting to wipe out my team?
In bronze? At level 37?
I went on a crazy loss spree getting very close to bronze, at low sliver it felt like my team just never confirmed kills, I realized main healer won’t give the team what they needed so went Zen, and started getting a body count, this helped get out of the lowest ranks of silver, as i got closer to gold main healer became more viable.
Start learning Zen, put the harmony orb on wherever is on ther killfeed. Start killing the other team. Remember, focus your healing on the teammate that is actually getting kills.