Role Queue enabled for Competitive Season 18!

Completely agree with you on this! QP is for general play and should not be set to this restriction. 6 support is a very fun way to play a match sometimes! This is very frustrating and makes me enjoy the game less.


Quick Play classic should be removed.

Role queue only.

Hahahaha. What sort of clot thinks resetting MMR is a good idea. Please if you genuinely think that, just leave now.

The current system is deeply flawed too. If someone is a support only player, they shouldn’t place higher than mid-diamond on other roles this season, as is the case with new accounts.

It’s amusing to hear Jeff say data has was collected for around a year, yet, we are in this predicament.

Just them making excuses for why they don’t want to do any work.

Their*, Now i need to fill for 20 characters

The best of the best players compete across four separate Top 500 Leaderboards

Probably should come with a disclaimer that the best of the best are in the Overwatch League, not playing in t500. Just sayin’,

I love role queue in Competitive Play, but adding it with Quick Play is too much. I’ve also noticed that you have Quick Play Classic in Arcade. If you keep that as a permanent thing I’ll be happy :slight_smile:
Otherwise, I love the idea of role queue to keep the teams balanced and fair, and at the same time fun! Hope this sets the mood X)


There is a thing called qp classic. Honestly complaining about the game being “less fun” because they put RQ in qp? Like what? Go to qp classic if you like to goof off in qp with 6 dps.

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


I’m bad okay, but after some hours of grinding I finally, finally managed to get into Diamond on support in the beta season. Literally in the last game you were able to play before season 18 started yesterday.
I’m very close to buying another golden gun but now I reached Diamond, I didn’t actually get the competive points for Diamond, but for platinum instead.

Why did we recieve competitive point for the rank we were like a week before the season ended :(.

Ugh. Not psyched about placements considering its based off the garbage MMR from the “beta” season…

Is there Any Decay ?? In Season 18 .

Jeff said decay removed from game.

you can still LFG for comp, and there’s QP classic in arcade

Competitive Role Queue is bad. Six stacks lose the flexibility of trading roles when the situation calls for it.



I’m working my way up. Hopefully I’ll finally hit plat this season

I agree this limitation makes the game less enjoyable.


Role Que has completely ruined this game for me. I used to run with a 6 stack and we could easily swap what wasn’t working during game because we were mostly pretty versatile, however now solo queing completely isn’t fun, even as a healer which I almost always enjoyed up until role que. I also had not previously had too many encounters with toxic people but now it is almost every game.

I hope Role Que gets reverted, because it just sucks overall.


A six stack should be able to be flexible. If there’s no strangers on my team we should be able to do whatever we want.


Points, an icon, and a spray. This game continues to be sorely unrewarding.