Role Queue Compromise

The current idea is a hard lock 2-2-2 for role queue so if you pick dps before you queue, you cant even touch the other roles. Best you can do is switch to another in your role, but you can’t swap with the 76 or mccree main that is playing Zarya to kill that Pharah if you can’t.

You still run into the issue with flex players. Also, just because someone has a lot of time on a hero, doesn’t mean they’re good with said hero. I’ve had people who swear they’re a Genji main or a McCree main or even a Rein main, but watching them play, you’d swear they’ve never touched those heroes in their life. So there is often times someone who is playing support or tank has to swap to play DPS to pick up the slack and thus the DPS is put on tank or support seeing as they can’t do one of the more forward jobs which is getting picks (this can also be said of Supports and Tanks not doing their jobs correctly, but it’s less likely that a DPS will swap off with a Tank or Support.). Or even if two flexes get matched up one picks DPS one picks support; the DPS is having a hard time so they swap with the support flex.

You’ll have weird match ups when it comes to flex’s and often times you’ll find people who main one hero and that’s it or even if they don’t, they refuse to switch if it’s not working.

It’s honestly really complicated because the community has this weird love of playing the game like it’s a CoD experience. They lock in the first thing they want to play and even after saying ‘I’ll switch I’ll switch’ it never happens. Especially if a flex is in play and is demanding to swap with someone who just can’t seem to do their job and is the reason for failed pushes and holds.

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It is? This is from the OP:

Ah, I thought we were talking about the one from PapaJeff, too.

OPs suggestion just wouldn’t work the way they wanted. I have 1250 hours in the game, 67% of which is spent on tanks and healers that I don’t really enjoy playing. If we did what OP suggests, I theoretically never play anything but healer even though I am a pharah and Hanzo main that just fills when we need it. It just happens that we almost always need filling.

Yea, People not aware that OW player base is Plat and below. People who like genji, but cant play genji are probally gunna not expand hero pool

Ah I meant from his post in this thread, not the video. I think I addressed his points in an earlier post.

Even if it takes stats from the last x amount of time, eg current and last season for example?

…or even better, it determines the role based of current and last season until you have x amount of games in the current season (eg. 25) at which point it only checks current season.

Have the dev team considered an option to queue as “flex” if your three roles SR are close enough, and maybe making the queue “tank, healer, dps, 3 flex”, with the flex slots… flexing into another triad if not enough flex players in the queue?

Because I would be one of the players that would try my best to keep that flex option open. One of the reasons I don’t use LFG as much as before is exactly because I don’t like being locked into a specific role.

That still wouldn’t work how they wanted. Most of my competitive seasons end up with me being mostly tanks and supports and rarely DPSing unless I say screw it I’m not filling this game.

imgur. com/a/qaqkGB1

This is my current spread of hours, the outlined red ones are my preferred heroes in each role that I am pretty efficient with.

If it just went off of my competitive stats, especially from current and last seasons, I would be stuck playing Zarya, Dva, and Ana and nothing else. I don’t mind filling them, but I do mind even being soft locked with a ‘hey, you play this most so this is the role you are filling’ system.

Edit: Don’t mind the M/F or race stuff, I got into an argument with someone after Moira was announced, and then Ashe, and then Baptiste, so I just keep all of the diversity info there too so I dont have to count every time the argument comes up.

In broad terms, part of the team that handles server issues and adjust values for thousands or millions of players. It’s an essential part of any online game dev team that want some kind of longevity.

But its soft, just swap? It’s also better than what we have right now.

Besides after 25 or so matches the algorithm would place you in a different role if you weren’t happy with its ‘defaults’.

Just play battle-mercy, brig no good outside 3-3, so no can stop the pop-off
under Role Enforced Queue that is :face_with_monocle::nerd_face:
Dont have to worry about DPS who cant play, and tanks can be resurrected during the time you pop off and didnt heal them… Big Brain :alien:

Soft lock isn’t any better than what we currently have though. It could stick 4 tanks and healers “mains” together that are tired and just want to DPS. The only way to have a lock system at all is to just have a hard lock.

I am never touching mercy again outside of mystery heroes. I’ll just play my 65 elims Moira with 20k healing instead if I have to play healer when I want to dps.

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It would be though, because there will be a small percentage of the time it does get it better than random.

I’ll take a small incremental improvement over nothing at all.

The small improvement we already have is LFG though. It already exists. There is no reason for soft locks.

No, because only a subset of players use LFG whereas EVERY player would have that slight improvement.

Not every player has problems with how things are now. Soft locks are no better than how things are now, and a hard lock is already available.

It might just be me, but I genuinely don’t see a reason to put forth the effort for a soft role match for the chance at a slight improvement.

But what if it was optional?

You can chose whether or not the matchmaker takes into consideration your most played role, and if you do it prevents you from being matched with more than 1 person of the same role in your team and if you don’t, you’re considered as a “flex” player for that match with all the freedom and responsibility tied to that.

This would allow players like myself, who like to decide based on maps and team comp what to play, to keep the choice of what to play without enforcing me to chose a role and limit the possibility to swap depending on the situation (for example, if I’m underperforming).

Also, it would be nice if players with >80% play time in one hero could never matched with players with >80% time on the same hero.


^ These suggestions just keep getting better and better.

Maybe a little more trickier to juggle, default it to ON for all players so it is setup for success, PezLez in the post above could easily just switch it OFF if they preferred random.

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Hey Jeff, I have some thoughts to follow up your response and my suggestion in the OP. I don’t expect you to respond again in this thread but if you could it would be greatly appreciated.

So what if players could set one or two ‘role preferences’ and the match maker could take this into account? Either have the options be three roles, or the six roles the community has universally agreed upon? (ie damage, flex, offtank, main tank, main support, off support)

Or, to bring back the hover feature that previously showed you what your teammates played, but without playtimes, and allowing players to customize it.

For example, a player would set their preference as Reinhardt/Winston/Orisa, and queue up with that. The match maker would then take that into account, and try to match them with players that don’t overlap too much in those hero preferences, while making sure there is an even spread of support/damage/tank preferring players.
Other teammates would then be able to go into Social and hover over that player’s name, and see they have those characters as their preference.

My goal with these suggestions is to come up with a way for players to build an effective team composition without having anyone feel ‘forced’ into any roles they don’t want. Maybe the order they set their preferences could have an effect.

I understand the match maker is complex and significant tuning could lead to longer waits, but again, I think many people would be fine with longer waits in exchange for a more consistent and fair experience. Many games feel lost in the spawn room because your team lacks players for certain roles.