Role Queue Compromise

decided for you? you mean having 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps? you know as soon as it is implemented there would be sweeping patch notes for changes on hero’s and the more hero’s released will bring more play styles to the game… but lets keep blinders on people.

Again tho why should DPS have to suffer over you and everyone complaining about ‘muh comp’?

I’m a tank/support player but hey keep assuming I’m a DPS, also coming from a alt profile which is quite amusing…

As for proof, have you played Overwatch recently or have you been living under a rock? We had questionable reworks, buffs and nerfs to the point where I don’t think they know what they are doing. The match making is in the same boat, tho I do think a complete SR reset is needed as well.

This current dev team’s track record is not showing me that they are up to the job so excuse me if I don’t believe them


Why is waiting in a que like most games have considered suffering? again oh no you have to wait in line a little longer if your dps? so? I have pure dps alt account’s including this one that would have to wait longer in que’s do you see me complaining? when I know the fact 2/2/2 would do so much for the game and make the games more enjoyable and balanced I’m so willing to wait I hate pub stomping people or getting random top 500 stacks I want more hard matches not swinging one way or the other right out of the gates?

My mains are healer, this is my alt because I wanted to have fun and play one of the hero’s I wanted to play. I still however understand that having 2/2/2 will benefit my dps account as well because the games will be more balanced so I’m willing to wait a little longer to play my dps hero i want to play where as if I do hop on my healer mains I can get in faster I’m okay with that heck WoW already does that and many other games.

@Clonedpickle you also understand SR would get a reset when the new system would come into place too but you didn’t even read that did you it would be a complete SR system rework… and its already being worked on from what he said so it’s just a matter of time anyways. :man_shrugging:

Most games have something to do like when I play FFXIV unlike Overwatch and those things queued last longer then matches in Overwatch. If there are long queue times people have the right to complain about it

Yeah! It will be enjoyable not being able to switch mid match if someone is tilted, It’s going to be fun to have throwers cause of a pick they don’t like. Granted that happens now but it’s not going to stop. Playing with friends will be a blast having to keep all my SR on classes up just to play with them.

As for the balanced part again, they haven’t proved they can balance. You don’t know the dev team and what they are coming up with. The games themselves will still swing in one way the other.

As someone that is on the side that do not want role queue going into the game (or, if its inevitable, at least have a flex option if your three role SR are close enough), you are wrong here.

Having well-specific roles and limitations built into the game makes balancing much easier because you know the boundaries you need to keep.

There is no discussion that role queue will make balancing easier and more streamlined.

The main discussion is that this might represent the death of hybrid heroes, since they need to fit more into their main role. And this can affect even community favorites, like Roadhog, Zarya, Zenyatta and Sombra.

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I’m not saying it won’t be easier but if this team can’t balance their current game why should I believe them that they can with 2/2/2 forced their track record is not really in their favor…

Well, there’s always optional 2AnyHero-2Tank-2Heal matchmakered against 6AnyHero, with 4 votes needed to unlock roles.

Would effectively increase the population of DPS players in the 6AnyHero queue, while having reasonable DPS queue times for the 2AnyHero-2-2 queue.

It will be easier, but will they take advantage of it? Look at the McCree changes. Now look at me. Now look at Machine Gun McKelly, now look back at me.

Easy does not mean they will balance the game well.

… you are misinterpreting, but w/e

I’m not misinterpreting anything. Role que will happen it’s already being worked on verified by Jeff himself. Its just a matter of time before some form of it exists. -drops mic-

special is special ain’t ya?

… Misinterpreting my statement, but you do you.

I think you’re not giving them enough credit. I would say the game is very well balanced for how unique each hero is. The heroes do have niches, and some have narrower niches than others, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t balanced. It just means they’re actually unique designs.

Doesn’t that seem redundant? Unless in a 6 stack the 2Anyhero will choose DPS plus unlocked roles would need 4 votes.

Why not just keep Overwatch how it is, I mean players currently have tools to form groups to play any comp with other liked minded people.

They buff things that don’t need to be buffed, nerf things that shouldn’t be nerfed and do reworks that seldom work. Comp is still a cesspool which forced 2/2/2 and role Q won’t fix, comp also needs a total SR reset.

As a console player they don’t give a toss about us, would be cool to at least support console tournaments via links to streams. We were also supposed to get our own patches but we get the same as PC. The only thing not keeping me from quitting is the game itself is fun but the devs[plus the community] is killing my love for it…

Unique characters is the only thing going for them…

The idea is to make it so there’s enough variety with a 2Any-2-2 without unlocking roles.

However the expectation is the 2Any slot will be filled by DPS the vast majority of the time.

If something really unusual happens, or they want to go for an unusual team comp, then they can vote to unlock roles. (-1 vote needed per leaver).

Also with the 6AnyHero queue, that would keep the DPS queue times lower.

And allow for the pros to go 6AnyHero, with the special limitation of “No more than 2 Healers per team”. To block GOATs.

Also, the benefit of this is that it also works well for Quickplay.

How is there variety when most times 2Any slot will just be DPS?

Why would people outside of parties vote when they are playing 2/2/2?

What if a new meta comes are you going to block heroes of that meta?

I for one don’t want this system in comp nor quicklplay. There wouldn’t be variety but the whole point of the game is switching mid match. The current system works but players don’t use the tools at their disposal to form groups.

Well, I came up with a simpler version that is 2-2-2 instead of 2Any-2-2.

Which also streamlines the menu UI a lot.
🤨 Welp, think I just fixed Role Queue

Main reason for the split queue is reduced DPS queue times, and the vote in case you need to go not-2-2-2 to beat a certain comp I.e. 4-1-1 in GM to beat GOATs.

Also this split queue makes it compatible with Quickplay, and doesn’t make people want to quit the game.

Oh yeah, and they could just make it so nobody can go triplehealer, if they need to.

In your opinion.

There have definitely been some changes I didn’t fully agree with, but there’s only two balance changes over the past year that I think were flat out wrong rather than just not the direction I think they should’ve gone. And those two were Brig nerfs that a lot of other players agreed with (lowering her barrier health and having Shield Bash blocked by barriers.)

You really need to define exactly what “balance” even means in the first place before you can say whether something is balanced or not.

Overwatch follows a balance philosophy that is more on the DotA side of the spectrum than the LoL one. Which is to say, balance changes often involve making strengths stronger and weaknesses weaker, instead of trying to tune kits to be more similar within a given archetype.

This is one of the things I really like about Overwatch. It follows the “when everyone is OP, no one is OP design”, rather than having heroes fall into to well defined archetypes. This means heroes have to be countered individually and chosen for their strengths in the circumstance. You can’t get similar value out of your favorite hero regardless of the enemy comp.

I do think 2-2-2 lock will be overall good for the game. Provided they don’t do role specific SR, which I think is a terrible idea. Though, I do worry that it will push the hero designs more towards archetypes. I hope not. I think they can avoid that, but… I dunno.

An SR reset will just make matchmaking bad until people get back to their prior SR. I don’t see the benefit to that.

So what if it’s ‘my opinion’? Everything you’re saying is also your opinion so… I fail to see the point with even typing this.

It’s really not that hard to determine if a hero is under preforming, fine or overpowered…

No where did I say I wanted to value out of my favorite heroes regardless of comp.

Junkrat getting a radius nerf was not needed, Tanks getting a overall armor nerf was not needed, Brig getting gutted to where she is now was not needed.

On the flip side, McCree FtH getting buffed again is not needed.

Jeff said it will come with role specific SR if they do add forced 2/2/2, if I remember correctly. Toxcity will increase with how easy it will be to troll or throw. It just feels like people are putting 2/2/2 on this pedestal and treating like it’s that comp to rule them all.

At the start sure but the matchmaking would be quick to put you in the rank you belong. With a SR reset and placement matches that will actually matter will benefit.

LFG worked so well in WOW(sarcasm assumed) Homogenizing play style and forcing conformist gaming is not really what this game has garnered. The beauty of OW has been the players being able to break GOATS and Orisa/Hog. If this comes to quick play, I assume that no devs have never played the game. The concept of quick play is to figure out the quirks and beat meta comps. Nerf plain and simple.

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“So instead we’re going to make you play a role you don’t want to play because the queue times for the other role are long and you’re lame for wanting to play that anyways.”

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