Role Queue Compromise

This will make grouping up with friends really difficult! And career profiles will be harder to navigate. Imagine tryna see if your friend’s tank sr is compatible with yours T-T

learning meaning, you will intend to learn them as i suspect you assume that all support roles and tank role players will know majority of their role as they have far less number to choose from currently, not learned them all, but atleast understand them to point of being able to use them reasonably for scenarios that will cover aspects of your main that may be very difficult to overcome depending on points/map/comps and overall understanding who you are going up against and what they like to do or intend to do.

At same time, i would assume, dividing up the DPS selections, Hitscan, Flank, Tank/Shield Buster Kit, and a CC or Splash Kit/Utility.

Would be ideal to find a Hero per circumstance, who can provide different Utility/Kits, that can benefit members strengths on your team, for Different Ranges and for counters to specific comps.

The better flexibility as a player, on paper the far easier it will be to climb or win tournaments esp. when money is on the line, and be more asset to the team as like any job the more you know and understanding and experience in your field of occupation the more value you bring to your workplace.

Granted Specialization in heroes is not what i considered frowned upon, as i love to specialize and find & use very unique ideas, discovering new tech to share, but if you intend to Specialize you must consider the weakness of your hero and how different ways you can find solutions to different problems in complex 6v6 team based game like Overwatch.

Plenty of the DPS heroes are fun, it would behoove you to have experience in them all. Esp. when you consider you are going to matched with players come RoleQ that choose to play Tank/Support who will do their best, with their best Heroes. You won’t know who you will be paired with unless you use LFG which is basically RoleQ to talk to the teammates prior to Queuing up for Comp…

i honestly sometimes think they already have this system in the game…most played hero? zarya 3rd most played hero? winston, 4th most played? lucio…

most of the time what kind of teams i get into? ones with no tanks, or no healers, or both…but recently however, things have been better if there aren’t any tanks or healers, and i pick either one, usually another teammate will switch to the role i didn’t fulfill

I can’t wait for this to go live. I’m tired of filling every game. I don’t mind filling every couple games if it means faster queue times. Look how League of Legends fills people into roles they didn’t queue for, once match is completed, the next game they are guaranteed their preferred role.

do they know she has no victory poses or highlight intros that show off her golden gun? Just checking. I mean, as a Sym main that’s something I would have raised in those 700 hours.

The community has been asking for role queue for 3+ years now… I understand there are challenges to adding a feature like this, but at this point it seems like the community is not being listened to on this issue. Competitive is a mess and has been for a long time. LFG didn’t work and now it is difficult to play more than a few games without becoming frustrated with matchmaking and the teams that you are placed with or against. Almost every single match your team is steam rolled or you do the steam rolling. Close matches are exceptionally rare and that just isn’t very much fun. I have to imagine that a role queue at least partially fixes this problem, but again here we are in the middle of 2019 and there have been 0 effective changes to matchmaking in competitive mode…


can we please have it already not even being a jerk here like… I really wanna enjoy overwatch and role que is like a wet dream for a lot of people… to finally have reasonable team comps.


I suggest a special role queue system. You have a 2-2-2 lock with a twist. You will have to make three new hero classes however. Tank-Damage, Damage-support and Support-Tank. One from each roll can at any time flex to a hero from the in-between hero roll that has their roll name in them as well. E.g. two Tank players can still not switch to any of the pure Damage or Support rolls, however any one of them at any given time, but not both, may switch to one of the heroes from the Damage-Tank, or Tank-Support rolls. Heroes added to the Damage-Tank class are D.Va., Roadhog, Wrecking Ball (should possibly stay on Tank) and Zarya. DPS-support consists of Mei (could maybe be a Tank-DPS otherwise), Sombra and Symmetra. Support-Tank for now only have Brigitte.

This would give a lot more flexibility to the 2-2-2 and a lot of the creative comps that has existed during Overwatch lifespan doesn’t need to be abandon, only GOATS would disappear since it has proven to be the hardest to balance as of yet. I would also like to see the colors of the UI for the rolles twitch around a little to reflect the roll changes. Damage red, Damage-tank orange, Tank yellow, Tank-support green, Support blue, Support-damage purple. Most color “gradient” would be work really. Maybe making hero selection a wheel would be nice as well, similar to this http(s):// but more polished, and I rather have locked heroes’ portraits grayed out than disappear maybe.

Otherwise I suggest a hard 2-2-2 lock, but you can call a vote that you wish to switch roll with one of your teammates and if they agree you may do so. The the both of you have to go back to spawn and when both have pressed the hero switch button you roll locks are switch. One player may also call a vote, on which two others have to agree, that they are allowed to flex to another roll. A bit hard to use at times, but any less votes and it becomes too uneven and if more it might prove too hard to get agreed upon in the heat of battle, but it would be much better than a pure lock.

This would force people into role specific accounts and they would never flex for fear of being forced onto tank/support - especially if they are dps.

I wish it was just a setting that we could change; I go through phases of playing the game. I started playing healers all the time, then played tanks for a while, now I’m interested in healing and doing DPS. If we could select a few characters that we’re maining on our profile but still have the ability to flex but we were just more likely to be sorted with people who have their ‘preferred’ characters mesh well with ours - it would just be so much better. Just ANYTHING to stop the absolute randomness of the matchmaker right now.

I don’t care if it’s something we have to set like our relationship facebook status- that would at least lend an element of customizability and control to the players so we’re able to play the characters we want to play more frequently without it just not fitting in with our totally random team.

The lack of role queue has made this game frustrating for me. Most games feel like I’m forced to decide between solo healing/tanking. I can never get a chance to play a DPS without being the third or fourth player to do on a team. 2-2-2 is almost the only time I feel like I can have an actual competitive match.

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keeping this thread alive…

Actually it will make it easier, because with 3 different Skill Ratings the chance is much higher that at least one of them is close enough to one of yours to group up for a comp match.

Click on the players career profile, look at the number listed under “Tank SR”, compare it to the SR of the role(s) with which you want to play with him.

It is not really much different or more complicated than it is now.

Hear that all you 2/2/2 naysayers? What have the 2/2/2 proponents been saying… it will make for a much more manageable balance proposition…

Please Jeff, we need this sooner rather than later. One question - if we got 2/2/2, would be it ladder / OWL only? I think a lot of more casuals are terrified it will be applied to QP…

people who are against 2/2/2 literally don’t understand anything about the game and play only selfishly. When even the game dev says it would fix match making. NAH He is wrong too…

Funny cause even Jeff said in a interview that adding role Q would increase queue times for DPS players…

Also, wanting role Q and 2/2/2 is being more selfish. “PLAY HOW I WANT YOU TO PLAY!” Is what I get from this…

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he said it would increase times for dps sure… so? play a healer or tank then and learn a new role or wait seems pretty simple to me. Oh no! because there’s a line at Disney and you can’t go to the front of the line immediately and have to wait… U mad bro?

he also said it would help match making and make balance easier but okay just ignore the actual meat and potatoes of his conversation and the fact he thinks it’s a good idea to keep pushing your still wrong opinion.

You are really down playing long queue times. Imagine waiting 10~20 mins to queue only to have a leaver and it’s back to waiting. I’m a tank/support player and it would be stupid for DPS players having to wait.

Yeah… I don’t believe that for a second. Matchmaking will still suck and if they can’t balance their own game I don’t expect them to when 2/2/2 is forced…

As much as I can see a role que.
I don’t want it decided for me.
My three main heroes are Mei, Rein, Mercy for Hours played.
I’d rather just stick to one role at a time.

I already have those times and longer…some days/nights… @ Clonedpickle and so do most who are in masters or above…

So you think even the dev is incorrect on the fact it will make it easier to balance. Got any credentials or any knowledge of player bases and how they function, match making systems or anything or are you talking out of your butt because role que would make you sit and twiddle your fingers longer because you refuse to play anything but dps?