Role Queue Complaint

Just want to vet: Here’s another Role Queue Complaint.

If I queue up for all roles I’ll basically never get DPS [my preferred role, just like everyone else].

Rarely it will be support/healer and often it will be tank [my least favorite role]. Heck, often I’ll have to argue with the other tank over who gets to be the off-tank because most people HATE playing shield tank. Queuing up for DPS only is a complete waste of my precious time.

Open queue is great in that it allow players to flex and counter, kind of the way the game was meant to be played. Unfortunately 99% of the matches boil down to everyone insta-locking DPS and yelling at each-other “I picked DPS first”. Totally not fun, but that 1% is amazing . . .

Obviously, I’m exaggerating, but really not that much TBH.

How to fix this? Make the other roles fun! Oh, you doubled Orisa’s projectile speed!? Oh, Rein can sprint in addition to charging!? Oh, Mercy’s can use her staff and pistol at the same time?! How about just making Mercy fly all the time?! I can keep going, but you get the point. Make these characters fun! Make me want to play these characters!

Oh, well, you don’t have to play Overwatch, you say. Actually you’re mostly right; unless several of my friends want to play Overwatch it goes unplayed.

Or just queue for DPS…


Most of your ideas on making heroes “fun” involve making them overpowered. And if you don’t want to play tank, literally don’t pick tank.


Don’t want to wait . . . just like everyone else.

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Or just use the 10 minute queues for practise and warm up. After all, there’s always room for improvement, esp for dps players. Anyone who wants to play competively should be willing to practise. You don’t go to a soccer game without training for it several times a week, and it should be the same with competitive online games. If everybody was interested in actually improving their game and used the queue times for that, the game would be much more enjoyable. But in reality, people simply want to play, not to compete (which includes training and work), and that is what games often feel like. There are such great workshop codes, for example training to hit a Pharah with different difficulty levels, and if every hitscan player would practise in those, it would impact their games a lot, and therefore other peoples games. Be different - queue as dps and work on your aim and game sense. Use codes like the one I explained, join FFAs and don’t just play there trying to kill people, but actually focus on your abilities, aim, positioning… make use of the time. You’ll have more fun, and you’ll climb more easily. Win-win.

Yeah main reason why we have role q :smile:

Support and tank is fun to play, but people like to kill. They will always prefer dps more.

If you want to play specifically for fun there are a bunch of game modes in workshop, arcade and browser. Competitive mode is made for players to compete with each other, not specifically for fun

I am sorry, but I do not get it. Open Q is right there next to Role Q, so if you do not want to wait in Role Q, you will get less than 2 min Q on OQ, so why not just play that?

Well, gotta do something to entice more people to play them! That’s kinda the point.

I do address it: you basically get into an argument over who gets to play DPS. It’s the now classic, “I picked DPS first” argument. No one switches, etc.