Role q? what?! who?! why?!

Point is to make balancing easier. Especially in DPS part, since supports and tanks learnt to combo to nullify offensive power of DPS, which, apparently, is not ok.

thing is…most people do NOT fight for the roles caus at the end of the day you will assign to a role you were searching for. Rarely does it happen that someone just picks whatever they wont regardless to their role, but at least you have the option to switch your role for the good and the bad.

This is a TACTIC game therefore balance is based on skills and not necessarily on the picks your team has.
you can see it now, you win and lose a game based on skills, team play, and overall communication. since both teams have 2-2-2.
sometimes one healer was enough and i say that as a main support. sometimes another DPS did the trick or another tank. and not because of a role, but because of the utility some heroes have such as dva with her DM doesn’t mean we need to have 1 less shield.

My point is, this does not balance the game. just makes everyone calmer caus they can’t pick whatever they want and throw.
the best example of it is the League games. everyone is equally good and yet some team win and some lose based on their performance in a match.

this is my opinion i don’t dislike the idea of a “Role queue”
i just didn’t like the way it was made.

This is why you make picks to negate skill difference as much as possible. This is why people stack up roles in the first place. Because making proper picks is another form of skill.

You are still talking about Dota right?
Oh yeah… that does happen now that I recalled it.

The only reason that I hated it was that Valve used to put something that the community wanted for so long behind a subscription model, and the first game I have in that mode have a pos 5 picking pos 1.

I know this because one of my friend literally did this in one of our game, which netted him quite a handful of reports which he didn’t care.