Role Q, thats the way to do it

Rein, Orisa and Winston are main tanks in this. Roster can expand with new hero releases.

Not being able to switch off main tank or healer is not unfair, as you only get placed into this spot when you decided to queue up for it in the first place.

Its silly to complain that you have to play tank after using role q to get into that role.

Edit: I dislike your suggestion thread as the report system should never be a tool to enforce team comps. If you want the team to play a certain comp, then its the systems job to make them do it and not give them freedom and then ban them if they use that freedom.

Locking any roll would suck. People like to change during the match.

Then queue for flex slot.

Comp Mode. Hard 2-2-2 lock.

No, but then again, nobody is forced to flex now. With that system you will have to because there are 3 dudes that are not able to switch.

The “force” part may seem a tiny detail for you but speaks volumes. That system without willing flex players, wont work. If nobody chooses the flex queue its eternal queues.

They are role locked, not hero locked. You can still switch within your role.

I’d like to hear what OP thinks a “main tank” is in this game.

Because I bet they think “main tank” means “they have a shield”, and that’s wrong.

I’m not arguing semantics as i use main tank as a phrase i think most people will understand. Main tank would be Rein, Orisa and Winston as i dont think there exists any viable comp without at least 1 out of these heroes.

I’m well aware that there are people considering Hammond as a main tank, but that more so very exclusive to the highest level of play. The roster is suspect to change when we get new hero releases.

With this many players would already have a disagreement. Personally, I’m one of those who consider Winston to be an off-tank unless he’s played in dive. I wouldn’t want a Winston as our Main-Tank in a slower and more traditional line-up. His shield is only viable in swift assault, and pretty useless in slow pushes through chokes.

Besides the whole point of partially locked roles being unfair there’s another reason. Watch this video and keep in mind it wouldn’t be possible if roles were locked the way you suggested. Locked roles will hopefully never be a thing because they take away one of the biggest core principles of Overwatch. The ability to switch heros as well as roles entirely.

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I watched that video. Jayne also said at the end that this comp got way more value as it should have as it was easily counterable, but the enemy team just wanted to run their head thought the walls with goats.

Its a goats counter exclusive comp which easily falls apart when the enemy picks Widow.

If your main tank is Winston, then your flex players can play around that. Thats why the system is not completely restrictive.

I prefer 2Damage,2Tank,2Heal, with locked roles, but unlocked Damage role, and Mei moved to the Tank category.

Since 2OffTank is going to be rather common. But at least with Mei you can block ultimates.

So you just want 2 dps flex slots and make off tank locked as well?

Yup. That way if you got selfish players you’ll probably end up with Dva/Mei as your two Tanks. Which are actually pretty exceptional at blocking ultimates.

hell, i can even say i’m happy healing at comp, but what is the fun supporting 3/4 dps and losing hundreds of sr?

The issue i have with this is that it makes 3 dps comps impossible, but 3 dps is the best bet at beating heavy tank comps without mirroring it.

Because, of course, even if we just look at Gold and below. That’s still over 70% of the playerbase. In comp.

Add in Platinum, that’s over 90% of the playerbase. In comp.

Although, if we pull in quickplay that’s a gigantic amount of the playerbase.

So you gotta design a system where people will be as lazy and selfish as possible, and yet it still works.

Well, that’s why I moved Mei over to the Tank role.

2DPS and a Mei gives a lot of firepower. And Mei is great at breaking up Tank Comp clusters.

Or what exactly do you mean about 3DPS? Are we talking GM level strats or are we talking Sombra?

For exampel, i imagine against goats a Symm, Bastion, Orisa, Pharah, Mercy and Zen is really powerful.

What percentage of the playerbase is running up against “Real GOATs”?

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Not using an option, or not having the option at all are 2 different things.