Role Lock is not better than open queue. It just makes you FEEL better

It depends on what heroes you play, to be honest. I prefer 222 with Dva because, lol, she needs a real tank to do her job for her. Hog? Open queue is fine.

Lucio prefers to move tanks. Zen scales better with dps.

McCree needs team support to survive. 76 don’t care about none of that.

Exciting gameplay like Rein, Zarya, D.Va, Lucio, Ana, and Brig gameplay.

The rest of you? aka 10 mins wait 2cp brazil server dedgame?
Sure…222 really helped…No thanks. More than enough lockdown IRL I’ll stick with OPEN it’s a higher skillcap anyway. You don’t get better with sluggish TTK and the mistake padded clunk of shields/heals.

I just ran into a six stack in open queue scumming it up as goats. Luckily they sucked…

sweats profusely

Wat is your point? You prefer OQ, great. Nice to know. Are there any other game modes you think people are stupid to prefer, or is it just this one?

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I’m Diamond on tanks and supports. I’m barely gold on DPS.

Without role lock I wouldn’t play DPS at all, because this would be straightforward throwing with around 1000SR difference with my counterparts.

I like the role lock for this alone.


Everytime I think I miss open queue because I have a bad game I know I could have won if I could have swapped roles, I go into open queue and quickly get disabused of that notion. It’s meme machine.


It was both.

Goats was a symptom of a larger problem - the best players always want to pick the optimum setup and harass other players to do the same. That filters down the ranks. 3 tanks and 3 healers is very powerful.

The REASON 3 tanks or healers is powerful is because they each needed to be viable in and against 5 DPS comps AND also not too powerful in comps where you stacked them.

1 healer trying to heal 5 DPS is gonna need a LOT of healing power.
3 healers healing 3 tanks needs less healing power.
The same applies to tanks and especially shields.

So yeah, unbalancable tanks and healers = superpowerful, must-pick synergies. 222 fixed that by making what each tank and healer has to deal with predictable. The direct consequence of this has been the tank nerfs we’ve seen.

Anyone got a coherent argument against this logic?

Those incentives are there because role queue is a successful game mode. So many dps prefer role queue to open queue that game cannot handle the load.

A lot of dps players want the tank and supports to be on their team, but do not want to play them themselves.


The placebo effect is too strong OP , some people here took the Blue Pill and can’t go back. If they bring the previous comp mode as the only mode, it will destroy the game for sure.

Yeah, just like every WoW sub “would leave the game if their class gets nerfed”. We all know what would truly happen dont we?
And its not like RQ literally drove off an insane amount of players either, right? :sunglasses:

PS: Shout out to those who compare the current OQ to the OG comp mode. Its not the same at all buddy, when EVERYONE plays only 1 comp mode, the types of players and the amount is way different, therefore it worked different.

If they nerfed Tracer Brig wouldn’t need to be released

Also dive was played for a long time and it was time to shake up the meta


Role lock I’m ok with if that’s your choice (which it often isn’t for me)

222 lock on the other hand…nope nope nope nope nope…

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Ty for this by the way…I’ve been on the receiving end of losing to 6 dps before (the handful of times I’ve even seen 6 dps in 4 years)…and I’ve had success with my friends when we’ve done it on purpose (just like we’ve also done with tanks and even supports)…

ALL COMPS have their strengths and weaknesses…but people seem to forget the strengths part…Generally speaking you don’t want to throw all your eggs in one basket but it is by no means a foregone conclusion…you laugh and joke about 6 dps being easy until you have 6 dps all shooting at YOU…it’s not like they don’t have heals…and it’s not like some of them can’t essentially tank

but I am of course talking about something which never happens anyway…just saying I wouldn’t have a problem per say with it…what really gets me is that the animosity towards the “meme” comps gets filtered down at stuff that you will see like 141, 132, or 231…totally realistic and completely viable comps…people had (and still do) convinced themselves that you NEEEEEEEEEEEED 222 to play the game which has NEVER been the case

Edit - did I just reply twice in a row?..does that mean I have level 3 back?

Edit 2 - nope…but I guess I have lvl 2 back

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I love open Q. It reminds me how good 2-2-2 is.

2-2-2 top500 4300+
openQ top500 - 3300+

And it says a lot about popularity.


This didn’t change.
DPS are still behaving like they own the world, going around and saying things like “it’s just quick play” or “imagine tryharding in QP”.

Role queue only made things worst.

Your data is wrong and you’re starting from an erroneous context. Put role queue in Arcade and open queue as quick play and see what happens.

Quick play is the main mode and will set the rules on how people are going to play. That is all there is to it. If quick play begins to use the rules of mystery heroes, according to you, players are going to “prefer” it because that’s what they are playing.

With this in mind, you could literally lock players from the hero roster and give them the same hero, even the same map every time and the charts will say they prefer it.
Stop using statistics when you don’t know how!
It gives me PTSD about the win/pickrate stats when people trying to shake those stats onto my face were unable to comprehend or explain why every hero had a positive winrate on grandmaster.

My post was half being dramatic and half jumping on an opportunity for wordplay. Honestly though I probably would stop playing if open q rules returned as the main comp mode. OW is going to be competing for my game time with some other games due out later this year and open q rules really aren’t my thing.

It’s not just that seing 5 people gives people a losing mentality, it’s that solo performing tank or support isn’t fun to most people.

You are also in the minority with your opinion. 83% of the people who participated want to keep RQ.

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Brig used to be able to do everything and now she can barely do anything

5 dps where not uncommon… even in Plat.

Trust me there, you could flex as much as you want you allways had 4 DPS (and 2 of them were Widow OTP) in the team.

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