Role Lock is not better than open queue. It just makes you FEEL better

It comforts you to look at your team and see 2-2-2. Seeing 5 people lock dps gave you anxiety or pissed you off so you already have the mentality that you’re going to lose going into the game.

I’ve been playing since season 2 and the truth is 5 dps games were VERY rare back then anywhere above bronze. This was back when Dva Winston were the best tanks and people loved playing them so getting a balanced team was quite common. This was ruined by the release of Brigitte. Brig was so stupidly broken, launched as the best tank healer and dps in the game and so people got frustrated. They stopped caring about team comps and just wanted to blast Brigitte to hell, thus the sub reddit /r/watchbrigittedie was born (it was fabulous) and high dps team comps became more common.

Brig was a major negative turning point in overwatch both for the game and the community.

Some brig nerfs later, a few months before role lock was introduced, 5 dps comps were more common than pre brig but they were still rare. Yes they would happen sometimes but here’s where I want to talk about how even the 5 dps games people like to complain about when they justify role queue, were more winnable than a FAR more common situation we get now in role lock which is the 2 tanks that unbound their W key and expect dps to kill everything when they stand in one spot holding a shield.

Open queue allowed people to switch to compensate for an underperforming role. You can’t do this in role lock and when you’re stuck with 2 trash tanks which is very common, you have about a 5% chance of winning. Open queue games with 5 dps, yes they’re not easy to win but honestly they’re FAR more winnable than the former, and they always have a chance to not be 5 dps as the game progresses.

A couple months before role lock was released, I remember changing my attitude about seeing 5 dps comps from “OMG GG” to “you know what, let’s utilize health packs, use soldiers heal, communicate and let’s win” and I won several SIX dps games from shot calling and bringing team work to a “troll” comp and damn they were fun. High dps comps were never actually bad as long as people could play their heroes, it was just high risk high reward; the ultimate glass cannon. People who played comp before role lock know its true, there were times your team got stomped by all dps comps. If you lost every game you had 5 dps you just needed to change your attitude.

In conclusion, I believe open queue should return to being the main comp mode in OW2 because it allowed for much more exiting and dynamic gameplay, it allowed players to play their strengths, it had less throwers because people didn’t just care about one of their roles SR, and it provided more opportunities for players to change the direction of a game by switching to the role that is underperforming. Byyyyyeeeee :point_left::point_left::sunglasses: love ya


You make some good points.

But honestly, RQ was NOT implemented because of 5 DPS.

It was because of GOATS.

The 5 DPS stuff is obviously disguised as a collateral benefit.


I’ll definitely be exiting if it does.


Honestly, I always think of open queue as like the oh no we don’t have any supports or tanks but tbh I remember booting up overwatch and having so much fun while nowadays…there’s a bit less of that


You don’t dictate my feelings

Imagine the arrogance of OP


Try playing some open queue for a bit. I know it’s not taken too seriously but honestly I have way more fun with it even as a very competitive player. I just can’t stand role lock anymore. Maybe it would be good if OW actually gave you team mates in your skill level, but no it’s I get a gold tank to work with in my diamond game and we’re stuck with it.


Very well written post, I agree with many of your points




The problem isn’t 5 DPS, it’s someone feeling forced to flex to a role they’re uncomfortable on because the MM paired 3 supp mains together.

You can try to argue “then MM should watch profiles better!” but would that not just be a soft role queue?


You’re right, I do feel better. I don’t have to face multi-tank comps, I don’t have to try to solo tank or solo heal for selfish players who refuse to switch, and I get to choose what I want to play rather than vice versa. Game quality has also gone up significantly since the matchmaker knows how good I am at my role.

And you know what? I couldn’t care less if I’m winning more or less than before. Understand that just because you prefer open queue, the same is not true of everyone. Time and time again role queue is shown to be the more popular mode, and that most people prefer it.


Yes, another person who didn’t play enough tank or support before role queue here to tell us we were playing it wrong.

Hard pass.


5 DPS games were very common in QP, which is the main mode for most players.

Anyway, if players feel better, that’s what matters, we are not talking about some exact science here.


Is it needed in competitive though?

No it is legitimately better providing a provably better quality of game that you would have to play over 100 games to replicate in OQ.

The quality coming from the fact that not only will you have 2/2/2, aka the ideal comp, but you will have all of those players picking their at role AT the level they should be at for that role which was a very rare occurrence in the old OQ style.


I don’t get the point of these posts. Open queue is a thing. If you like it so much then go play it. Have fun with your 5 dps comps while the rest of us play something that makes sense.


Maybe for dps players. As a tank player seeing everyone insta-lock dps meant I was playing Hog (ball later when he was released). Even then playing Hog into a more balanced team with supports and tanks is a pain.

No it wasn’t. You can say this about any newly released hero.

All of this is stuff you made up out of your own spite and bias. I mean the joke about how people would swap to fill in tank/support is funny.

We have so few tank players as it is. You go on and on about heavy dps comps and seem to ignore that the reason they exist is no one wants to tank in the first place. Yet you claim people can swap to fill in that role? Perhaps to the rare and individual flex players back in the day sure. But there wasn’t anywhere near enough of them. Less then even actual tank players.

Funny when dps players think they can do better then tank players. It was often them them screaming about how your tanking sucks, they swap to tank thinking “This noob doesn’t know anything” then proceeds to scream about how he needs healing and can’t do anything because we only have a Lucio healer. The abuse people got in open cue for tanking is what also made tanking very undesirable. Especially how people would expect you to tank the whole game. Cuz you know, no one wants to tank.

All subjective and non of it is factual. Open que was essentially a glorified death match with an objective half the time. There is nothing dynamic about that.


i mean i like OP’s points but it is too late now. everyone is use to role queue and i think there would be a major outcry if it was taken away OR balanced around it. i personally loved open queue myself back in the day but thats all nostalgia and i seriously dont think we would ever go back to an open queue format…

we have both of them anyways but yea its kind of a gimmick now


It doesnt make me feel better

quite the opposite, in fact

222 infested the game with so many problems without solving any

the devs - who have the usage data needed to make this determination - have already stated that 5+ dps matches were and are relatively uncommon


5 dps were rare because some people didnt want to throw the game and pick the 4th or even 5th dps hero when they already saw 3 on the team. Issue is that you then ended up playing support or tank even though you didnt want to.
A 2-2-2 in open qiueue is not comparable to a 2-2-2 in role queue, because in role queue you know the people actually want to play the role they are playing.


Yeah, the OP post reeks of dps player.