Role Lock is killing this game

that is called social interaction… Work with your team instead of putting everyone in their own little bubble.

Good luck with that. We aren’t having established structure of command, unlike pro teams.

I think there should be a lock on quickplay but after those roles have been picked. Like if two dps are already picked you need to pick support or Tank.

I think role lock has improved the game a lot. In season 17 I played 141 games. Last season I played 295.

Yeah cuz overwatch community isnt toxic or anything…

Lol social interaction gtfo

So… Are you actually trying to go against your initial argument or what?

LFG was dreadfully broken, hence why it was mainly unused. I mean you had a system that allowed you to group up and form a proper comp pre-game

  • caused SR to be stacked against you if it couldn’t find a similar sized Group
  • Quite often TOOK LONGER TO GET INTO QUEUE than the current DPS Queue times due to people not fitting (Or leaving because it took so long)
  • Didn’t actually grant you a game because, unlike RoleQ, xou always had the good chance of your enemies being able to run these maximum efficiency comps like Goats while you couldn’t really run the mirror to counter it if everything failed.

Mandatory Role Lock should have been in the game from the day the devs realized that their vision of everyone playing everything and essentially the entire playerbase being hard flex players was a false one.

It’s just what Overwatch was built on - on putting 6 random players together and expecting them to work together on same level teams, that train together for weeks, are.

Toxicity is inevitable result, as whole model just isn’t designed for strangers. It’s designed for pro teams, or, at least, groups of friends often playing together.

Pretty sure it was built on 2 2 2

I mean social model. Balance was built on 2 2 2, at least, at first.

Blizzard sincerely believed, that if they put together 6 random players, they can be balanced same way trained team of professionals can.

Thats what every mp game ever does though…

Yes, because players are becoming too lazy to find themselves a server, and just want big button “Play” to put them in game.

the funny thing was that before role qeue it would be like this.
what is fun? DPS, so everyone went dps.
but meta said tanks and supports was better.
so tank players who wanted a proper team never got one, neither supports.
and dps was happy because they could mindlessly spam dps.

now with role qeue, no one is happy because now you have people who play other roles but doesn’t play them accordingly and dps is getting the short end of the stick because now qeues are so long that they don’t even know why they bother.

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You just summarized whole story of many changes implemented by Blizzard. And it isn’t limited to role queue.

Nah this game was killed a long time ago when the focus shift to OWL and bad balances on heroes.

Role Queue just proved how kindergarten the game.


It was inevitable, however. Trying to balance 6 random players under false assumption, that they can out of nowhere form OWL-level team of professionals, could end only one way.

It’s like making multiple teenagers graduate in driving school using Formula 1 cars on professional track. Someone may make it to finish, but most will just crash.

It’s not even a game, it’s just viewed as “training camp” for future OWL stars.

honestly it’s pretty simple, people who play overwatch don’t want a team game, if that was not the case then why are tanks and supports so miserable? because they rely on their team to coordinate with them to be able to play the game.

ergo dps don’t want to be teamplayers, they just want to play team deathmatch.

To be fair, being support player, I don’t really want team game either. As it always comes down to few players, that are more skilled, than rest, to win whole game. In same way OWL teams relied on aimbot-like Widowmaker players, as their trump card.

Players do not want team game, because it’s rely-on-stranger-and-expect-it-to-work game. And you don’t even get large selection of strangers to rely on, like in TF2 with 12 players per team.

I do not want 1 player to be able to ruin everything with their bad performance.

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Pretty big assumption

perfectly summarized one big issue with this game, the other being counter hero picking.
but it is what it is now, don’t think they’ll change the game from what it is that drastically.

the only way to make this game more fun for yourself is to play it 6v6 among friends :slight_smile: meaning you need 11 other people you know to play with you.

It’s common trend, though.

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According to what exactly? Your feelings?