Role definition is gone

When you queue in overwatch 2 you have the option between, heavy dps, dps, fight for your life dps.
In some way it feels like you could choose in overwatch 1 how intense you got involved in fights.

I believe in overwatch 1 the roles were better defined and i could pick support if I wanted to play more passive and enable others or I could pick dps to try and get picks or secure kills, or I could pick tank and lead the way or defend the team.
Now much less of that is true, it feels more you choose how strong your dps role is and where you’re fighting.
And less playing the role you choose.
Tanks barely protect or lead the charge’ dps be dpsing, supports have less time to focus on supporting others and have to fight more for themselves.
Whatever role you pick now you’re picking a dps from weak to raidboss.
And that’s why support is unpopular.

In my own opinion ofcourse.


I view it as the game design matching the playerbase it actually has, not the one the devs ideally wanted it to have.

That and the game shifted since 2016, from being primarily a shooter game, to primarily an abilities/defence/stall game.

Which Jeff wasn’t a fan of.

If in your mind, something that does damage = something DPS, then the problem is you

Tanks need damage
Supports are allowed to have it

Tanks are big healthpool characters with the job of starting engagements while having skills that can deny space or displace the other team
Supports support, in multiple ways

We always had the hybrids between the roles since OW1, mei is a DPS hero that has a tank ultimate, and abilites that remind tanking. Sombra is a DPS that can easily work as some sort of support hero

Why every role need to be so one dimensional? if you want to be passive play mercy, if you want to be agressive play zen. Why the entire role needs to be either passive or agressive?

If you think “protecting” means that the tank will sit in front of you, with a shield, while he watches you to do stuff till he die, then your idea of a tank is wrong. Same with supports, they are supports, not healers

This is a shooter, at the end of the day every single role has the ability to kill and do damage, that´s the point and that is pretty nice if you ask me

Most support complains are about lack of survivability and the pressure of doing a lot of stuff at the same time, it has nothing to do with how passive or agressive the role is. Actuall most of them want the ability to fight back

Basically the difference between Class Based Shooter definitions, and MMORPG definitions.

Heavies and Combat Medics


Meatshields and White Mages

You might have missed it it said in my own opinion i don’t care what jeff thinks about it

K, I don’t care if the game loses 200,000 players, if it gains 2,000,000 players.


Tbf I don’t play overwatch

Thats right I don’t

My new hobby is to watch how defensive you guys get over this dumpster fire of a game/game developer.
Its more entertaining.

I’m just pretty attached to the idea of “Heavy not Meatshield”.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Which the devs knew would be a problem back on 2018.

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1-You start a discussion
2-people start discussing counterpoints to what you said
3-you say that you don´t play the game and you don´t really want discuss

k lil bro

You say people I say blizzard echo goblins

Yikes. I had to watch that video at 2x speed. Maybe I’m just fast and cheap? like the devs they should be paying instead of people like that guy.