Roadhog's combo confuses me

So Roadhog clearly has the damage to hook and 1 shot 200 health heroes. You can see this in the practice range and you’ll also notice it against characters with more generous hurtboxes (Mccree). This tells me the development team clearly wants him to still have the hook + shoot + melee combo as ‘1 shot kill’ for Roadhog for 200 health characters or lower. My confusion comes from this: If this is the case, why is it so wildly inconsistent? It seems every other patch they fix something so it ‘feels more consistent’ can we please do something here for Hog to feel more consistent? He needs more damage. I hate that my 1 of my characters is only viable on maps where he hooks people and just throws them off the edge. Its very cheesy and a far cry from what he used to be; Fun.


Make sure you’re taking a step forward between when your hook pulls someone in and when you shoot. Also, remember to throw in a melee in there too.

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Rather that he needs more of his pellets to reliably hit smaller targets. Even in taking that step forward before shooting it feels inconsistent as hell. His spread is just too wide.


It’s still inconsistent. Hanzo are the worst offender here…


that aint gonna fix the spread or any outside factor that moves you slightly.
its just inconsistent in general.

This is why shotgun heroes need static spread patterns.


I have 280 hours on Roadhog, I’m still very confused about him.

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The spread is generated randomly every time you pull the trigger. Go stand next to a wall and shoot it as Hog, and you’ll see that the pellets don’t go to the same places. This means every shot is a dice roll.

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Slim characthers with tiny headboxes are difficulto to combo-kill: mercy, widow, ana, sombra, tracer, …

characters with more than 200 HP are difficult to combo-kill: Mei, Reaper, Brigitte.

Tanks, obiously are more difficult to combo-kill.

And Pharah and Genji usually remains in weird positions after being hooked, so it is difficult to combo-kill them.

This leaves a few character quite consistently killed: Soldier, Reaper, Doomfist, Bastion, Torbjorn, Hanzo, Zennyatta…

Also, the ammount of AOE healing makes the combo more difficult to do.

I don’t think they do. Hence why they nerfed it

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Use secondary fire before hooking. This way you’ll instakill any 200 hp hero.

I wish :cry:

You have to aim the kill shot now more than you had to, because I think some of the damage has to be head shot damage to get the kill.

So instead of the way it was, which was hook = easy kill, it’s now: Hook + bit of skill = kill.

I might be wrong though. It’s happened before.

EDIT: He probably doesn’t get any headshot damage, it’s probably harder on the skinnier hit boxes as others have said.

Nothing in this game should be one hit kill.

And for the love of god people, don’t complain about non-registrated hits. Think about how many hits register that shouldn’t have…

You dont need to combo if you can land a headshot with his secondary fire D:
Its happend to me a few times. I’ve landed it a few times. It can 1shot a mei.(albeit rarely)

You can always callout your hooks so your team can help focus fire the stunned and immobile target.

Then FPS games are not for you.

I can respect a hook shot but I can’t respect a widow that is only sitting on top of a building and waiting for an opportunity to hs somebody.

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Honestly, I see landing the OHKO as a bonus rather than as the main objective.

If you hook someone towards your team from up to 10-20 meters out they should be dead not because you shot them, but because they were ripped out of position from wither their team to your own and can have like 2+ people attacking them.

I prefer this emphasis from before when each shot did more damage to better show you need to get KOs as a team rather than doing whatever you want.

slim characters are the worst for hog, hooking a ana usually results in you getting slept

Then FPS games are not for you.