Roadhog unbelievably broken

How so? I’m being objective too

Hmm maybe wrong replay to different person, someone was reffering to hog hours.

no offense but if you want to prove how strong roadhog is dont use whole hog in your argument…its just not very good

Lol, this list.

I’ve crossed out all the things that are slower than Hog’s hook combo or require you to already be standing directly next to/in between Hog and the person he hooked to be of any use.


Sigma was overpowered for months, we had basicly worst meta ever with him, so I am glad I can play hog and not be trash pick for a while honestly.


Widow can one shot someone from across the map. Hog has to be in your face or in his ideal long range to do that.

Oh okay!


Its a zoning and damageing utl, its way better than other cancelable ults

i disagree with most of the ones you crossed out other than rock, i mean rock can do it but its rare and just out of luck but especially a rein barrier i have had plenty of reins who lowered their shield to bait out my hook its not a difficult thing to do, while hog heavily counters winston(unfairly imo, hog makes winston completely useless and that is not healthy for the game) the barrier can actually counter hook too, most barriers are about stopping the hook before it can catch someone, usually a barrier wont save someone who has already been hooked

I actually enjoyed Sigma being meta. I didn’t struggle with him a lot because he’s more of a tank than Hog is and easier to approach.

So tanks cant have shields, defesive skill or good dmg? So our gameplay should be just face tank all the dmg coming in?

Yeah that’ll get more ppl playing tanks /s -_-


Honestly, he’s no worse than say Zarya sitting at 80% or more power… and she can actually hit you further away… but I do think his self-heal is on way too short a c/d…

Orisa was the perfect tank

Time to play some more Ana boay! Ana nullifies hog.

such as? for me its very powerful in a few situations but usually its just too easy to counter

i mean if you are on your own with an enemy its usually good to pop but if there is anyone around with a cc ability then its not going to be good for you, also you can be focused down very fast, so it can be good but very risky

overall i do think most people in this topic are reasonable, we all have our biases and different opinions on how hog should work and i disagree with a lot of what is being said but its all about counter arguments, speaking of whole hog and winston, whole hog is just another way for hog to counter winston the match up is extremely unfair for winston

I suppose that depends on your definition of ‘hook counter’ then. I interpret it as “ways to prevent people from being combo’d once hooked” because interpreting it as “ways to prevent the hook from hitting a target” makes the list even dumber because then the same list could be applied to almost any weapon in the game.

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Lol? Sigma was better in 1v1 than hog before the patch.

No but they shouldn’t make most dps completely irrelevant. Tanks that are overtuned to oblivion matter so much more than people realize, it’s insane.

Few things.

He was never meta?

Season 1 playoffs. Or bunker playstyle. He’s one of the key heroes to stop dive. But what do I know?

OWL season 2: before Sigma, Hog Orisa was meta. Mei became meta because her wall could break hook.

Current OWL season: wait for playoffs.

That said. Just because there are counters, doesn’t mean it’s okay if we give Winston 3000hp bubble and leap on a 2s cooldown. Or simply give him 150dps with his current kit. Just go reaper in that case right? You can outplay Reaper as Winston. Not Hog.

Then comes the other funny argument of people.

When we said, Brig needs to be nerfed, the most popular argument: she made the game unfun for dps bro.

When we said nerf sigma to ground: he’s annoying to play dude.

When we had 25 threads crying for Genji nerfs (who was clearly overtuned): he counters everything bro.

Why doesn’t that same principle apply to Hog?

Wait. Because Hog has always been a popular pick among selfish people not to mention DPS players being selfish and picking Hog when queing as tank when you needed a different tank. Can’t deny that’s not true.

Maybe. Just maybe people need to focus on the balance rather than asking to rebalance heroes based on their ‘low pickrate’.

Just because pros can counter his playstyle, doesn’t mean your average playerbase has to go and do the same.


Yeah winston basically throw pick