Roadhog ultimate duration

Hi, im trying to make roadhog’s ult last shorter in workshop but i just cant find out how. Does anyone know how to fix it.

there is only 3 ways to extend the duration of ultimates/abilities in overwatch.

  1. The Hero Settings (not workshop related).
  2. Using the workshop to automatically start it again when it ends.
  3. Recreate the Ability in the Workshop but with a longer Duration.

Ideally and most likely, you want to use option 1. however some heros either dont have an Ability Duration Setting. And some (very few), do but its broken (Bastion Ultimate being a broken one).

if you can not use Option 1. then the next best thing is Option 2.
you have your own timer using a Variable & chase from when it starts & whenever the ability ends while the variable is still higher than 0, start it again.

after rereading the post after replying, i noticed its says shorter not longer. in this case instead of starting a new one if it ends, just use Cancel Primary Action to prematurely end the current action (Ultimate if using it), to cancel it once the time you want has run out. (though Option 1. is still better, if available)

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Thank you very much.