Roadhog on live

When CC is oppressive it’s bad. When CC lacks counterplay it’s bad.

Hook is neither of those things. It’s a skill shot that punishes bad positioning


i’m talking about CC against hook, stuns, knockbacks, all can stop that fatal one shot.

It’s also easy enough for an armor pack, whipshot, bubble, sleep dart, matrix, hook etc to completely block your hook.

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Fortunately communication isn’t enforced, that saves me some $$$ :robot:

I hate getting 1 shot by Rein when he sucks me in like a black hole while he charges in my direction.


You expect people in comms?

Lol I play on console, comms are dead 90% of the time!!

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Ah I misunderstood you

I expect if people are having an especially difficult time against a hero, and a cheap widely available accessory would fix the problem.

Maybe they would try that first before going to the forums and asking for a hero to be bad at the one thing the character is designed to do.

Feels good. You can actually kill things now, and shut down annoyances.

Except Doomfist, he just tanks all damage…

Tanks are supposed to be sustainable not able to delete 200hp hero’s every couple of seconds.

People aren’t going to suddenly jump on comms because of a roadhog buff. Doomfist would have sparked that revolution.

Roadhog is noice.,…

Someone in Blizzard maining hog now. He was fine before, and become more broken. I do not know what the hell they were thinking. He has oneshot ability, better shotgun than reaper (save ammo), and ton of sustain. Cant have it all, have to give up something.

Tanks are supposed to create spaces of relative safety for the rest of their team.
(And have high self sustain).

Roadhog does this by creating a zone of threat, canceling ults, and yanking dive heroes off of your backlines.

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I don’t like to get oneshotted at all.
Not by Hanzo, not by Doomfist and not by Roadhog.

Getting instakilled just feels cheap.


Just like how they nerfed Zenyattas discord, sombras Hack and sentry mode. Hogs hook is now back to full power like it was before, this is kind of a double standard. :sweat_smile::laughing:

If it was back at full power, he’d be able to oneshot tanks that are discorded, every 6 seconds.

With hooks that bend through space and time.


And he can without deleting hero’s.

A reminder Dva was nerfed because of her ability to dive into the faces of 200hp hero’s with her rockets and delete them instantly.

Why? Because it was unfair.

Roadie is just filling that space now.


Might also have something to do with the crazy mobility Dva has, and the ability to matrix most CC abilities.

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Who needs mobility when you can pull anyone 20m away directly onto the end of your gun then walk away while healing and taking half damage.

While self stunning yourself, and being open to a laundry list of counters.