Roadhog is really really REALLY bad

I miss playing him without throwing every game. Without his one shot you can really feel all of his weaknesses.

  • His movement speed is slowed by 50% while throwing his hook, and by 100% when landing it. This leaves him idle for a minimum of 0.73 seconds, to a max of 1.18.
  • He is without a doubt, the biggest feeder in the entire tank roster, no bonus health to reduce ult charge, no barriers that grant 0 ult charge on hit, just raw, free ult charge.
  • He has hard counters in every role, so if he was a real nuisance, he can easily be countered.
    • can save every hook victim, Zarya can get insane charge, Orisa is either fortified or spinning half the match and can javelin him if he lands a hook on anyone else.
    • Reaper literally sees him as a health pack and Sombra can invis until he heals himself and cancel it every time.
    • Ana.

Hook was overrated back before he was gutted, people compare his one shot to Widow and Hanzo but they forget a few things.

  • Missing a hook means you have 8 seconds of being completely harmless. while Hanzo and widow get their “hooks” every second or two.
  • You’re tossing a projectile that’s nearly a third the speed of Hanzo’s arrows. allowing heroes like genji to block it on reaction whereas with the other two, it’s prediction reliant.
  • His hook breaks on walls, meaning if you played corners you could CONSISTENTLY break it.
  • His hook would have to bring you in first before it could kill you, giving your teammates time to save you before you’re doomed, like a Wrecking Ball rolling into him or a brig whipshotting him.
  • His range is capped at 20m, compared to both sniper’s infinite and effectively infinite range.
  • If there’s a scenario where both you and your opponent land your stuns at the same time, (Javelin, Sleep) Then they get the benefit of denying you while the hog player gets nothing.
  • Another thing I forgot to mention, is the elevation your hook target was at would play a role in how many pellets would land on their head compared to their body.

But 600 HP plus heal am I right?

He lost his one shot. Ya know, the thing he had the entirety of OW1’s lifespan except for the time they removed it and he was the worst hero in the game. But even with all the compensation buffs indirect and not, I never see him.

  • His weapon’s recovery time was reduced from 0.85 to 0.8
  • His reload time was reduced from 2 to 1.75
  • His ammo was increased from 5 to 6
  • His whole hog’s duration was increased from 6 to 8 seconds
  • His hook lost 2 seconds but it’s closer to actually being 1 second
  • Ana’s sleep dart duration was reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds
  • Ana lost 40 healing on her anti nade
  • Orisa lost 50 extra health on her Fortify
    • Nevermind she got 13 damage per shot now

It feels like he has less playtime than Bastion and Torb did at Overwatch 2’s launch. The developers stated for Roadhog’s chain hook distance pulled and damage nerfs:

“These changes aim to reduce the frustration of dying in one shot immediately after being hooked and pulled by Roadhog. Chain Hook is still a powerful utility to forcibly reposition enemy players, so it will still often lead to eliminations. Its effectiveness will now be more dependent on specific hero matchups and how the hooked target is able to respond.”

Play hog right now. How many hooks did you land, and compare it to how many eliminations it lead to. Would you consider it “often killing your hook targets?” I sure as hell wouldn’t.

EDIT: This thread is gaining lots of traction since today’s patch. Junker Queen who was in a much better spot got 2 more shots per clip, more consistent knife throws, Faster burst on her already strong ultimate and a double amount of healing recieved from her passive.

No change for the only F tier tank in the game, Winston with his insane pick rate in top 500 got a buff and hog got nothing. Crazy.


Very nearly every character in the game has an answer to getting hooked.

The saddest part is hooking Widow or Tracer and they DO NOT DIE.

Originally people would say “don’t worry, the rework is coming”… It’s season 4. They dumpstered him and left him to rot. Great work y’all.


What gets me is that Weaver is basically a full counter to Hog


Hopefully he doesn’t wait too long for a proper rework and it actually turns out well for once. Though, I wouldn’t exactly hold my breath at this point.


It was (and is) extremely rare for me to break a hook even if I was standing halfway behind a wall and moved more behind it the second I saw his hook come. It would just pull me anyway.
I’ve also had many instances of a Hog being knocked into a pit, hooking me and pulling me through the ledge with his hook chain visually bending at a 90 degree angle over the corner of the ledge.


I guess it was silly of me to expect the devs to rework him properly…ups


I never play roadhog now in comp. He wasn’t even that OP as people were claiming prior to his nerfs either. Unless you’re a smurf, you wouldn’t be popping off on roadhog and winning every game, your winrate would be like any other tank.

As a silver tank player, even in his “OP” state, his winrate for me wasn’t that high either. Especially now that other tanks have much more defensive capabilities, roadhog isn’t anywhere near as oppressive to tanks in OW2.

The only reason why roadhog got nerfed was because his one shot hook combo was annoying to a lot of support and DPS players. Which is fair enough, but without a rework, you might as well as remove him from the hero selection because he is quite useless right now.


no longer solohog, play teamhog.

Your dps should be ready to give some dmg after your hook.


No it was not very very very few heros could reliability survive it and the 2 tanks that could deal with it you could just bate them out. So no his one shot was a problem if he cant have his one shot done to him he shouldnt have it. Also you can still do a new combo shoot hook shoot and you get the enemy alot of the tiem at least when i play him but im also a silver tank so that might be why.

Ya and i have played against 2016 hog, never again

He lost and gained it alot back in ow1.

Dps players cried about hog because they couldnt position properly. He has the most counters out of any hero


Aww yes 20 seconds vs 6 very good counter

No hes not genji and pharah who have way more counters

Also position do you mean play 30 meters away from the hog at all times thats like if i told people ow just stay out of genji’s 4 meter range, see how dumb it sounds

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Assuming Hog never reloads, and constantly stands in Hook range without retreating for heals.

And then there’s up to 2sec extra cooldown, for a Max range hook, versus a pointblank hook. Since the cooldown now starts after the hook completes.

Realistically that means something like 80% of Hooks would get blocked by 1 Support. Then if they got Lifeweaver + Ana, then that turns into more like 100%.

No thats not realistic most hogs use hook of cool down so they get 4 hooks for every 1 grasp

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Oh, the horror; having to actually put some thought into a fight rather than fishing for one-shots.

The one-shot is gone, for the most part. Instead of trying to chase the awkward instakill combo, try adapting to his new playstyle as a bruiser?


Roadhog sucks so hard right now, what they did to him and Sombra aren’t anywhere close to ok, nor should the devs be excused for that. The only difference being Sombra is from a roster of 17. Hog was the only self-sufficient, individualistic tank. Ball is ok, but you can’t secure the same value if your team never bothers following up. JQ is a bit of a joke replacement or redundancy for Hog.

I’ve been very vocal on the forums about this topic before, but it seems pretty clear most people are happy he’s dumpstered and largely do not care about Widow and Hanzo the same way.

It’s severely unhealthy to do this to heroes and nobody should be fine with it, lest it happens to the one you love to play. I guess if you’re Ana you don’t really need to worry about it.

Teamhog sucks, and they refuse to let us use LFG so team where/when?

This is literally Widow, Hanzo, and Zen’s playstyle. Often from relative safety.

Hog’s issue is the threat of getting hooked was entirely how he tanked. He has zero space-making abilities outside lethality (and Whole Hog), and it was only in a 20m radius of him. They dumpstered him and gave him literally nothing (tanky) to compensate.


So LifeGrip has something like a 70 second cooldown?

So when it’s Hog going to get the buffs needed to adequately perform that playstyle?


What? hogs hook is 6 seconds and life grip is 20 seconds i can get 4 hooks off before his cool down is up for grasp.

Shots faster more ammo reloads faster has a massive heal and damage resistance i think people havent tried playing him like a jump tank or a shoot hook shoot

He was A-S tier for 3 years you had your moment. Totally acceptable for him to be trash till rework. The game is so much better when he’s trash.