Roadhog is awful

Seriously, anything above plat and Hog is considered a throw pick. I’ve literally gotten dozens of teammates flame and insult me just for playing Hog


Good, OW when Hog is meta is no fun for anyone.


And the game is good


Being flamed and yelled at for playing a certain hero is the opposite of good.


Yet that’s what happened when picking anything but Hog or Orisa for the past month.


I can’t wait for next week. When whoever the FOTM forum monster is griped about like mad, and nerfed to death, and people say, “Oh good.”

Like, the list of heroes that are “toxic” is so long, I’m pretty sure it’ll include everyone soon.


Hasn’t happened to me during that time. Problem with Hog is hes unplayable. The other tanks you can make somewhat of a use with them in given situations.

Sometimes I forget people play with voice and text on

I think Hog is better than Ball at the moment. Thats not saying much, I know.

Yeah thats how playing doom feels above diamond

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don’t worry, keep at it. They’ll eventually get tired of throwers, and buff him again,

Welcome to the lives of everyone not playing Hog or Orisa for the past 2 months. Wow it’s almost like having a meta revolving around a ridiculously overtuned, idiot proof tricycle hero and the 1% less idiotproof tricycle that was buffed into infinity to counter him is absolutely terrible for everyone else.


Ball is meta in the EU.


He’s far from unplayable and can still consistently one tap. You just need to actually set it up now instead of it being completely free. The unimaginable horror of not being able to just unga bunga your way through matches.


This has been the case of nearly every “broken” hero in the history of ever. This is the case with kiriko and Soujorn right now. At the very least you could play other tanks and outperform a Hog/Orisa id you know what you’re doing whereas if you don’t play the heroes I mentioned before you’re throwing

Oh but you all claimed that stuff happened even before the nerf! So what nothing has changed?

This only works on certain heroes. In a real match people know how to use their abilities like tracer’s recall or Kiriko’s suzu.

No it’s not. Nerfing Hog hasn’t made the game better for anyone except low metal rank bots who stand still. And guess what? They won’t climb any higher.

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Masters player here the game is better for me. :slight_smile:

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Most of the playerbase is metal ranks, and T500 and GM players struggled.