Roadhog hype again

Jokerpenguin: I agree. I made that statement in the sense that the Overwatch team might see and act quicker the more people are talking about it.

IsTheMedia: I’m really hoping Reaper doesn’t get a rework. I don’t think that’s needed in his case, just like Roadhog. I believe Bastion would benefit much more from a rework as he’s even harder to balance from nerfed to over buffed back to over nerfed.

I think shadowstep needs tweaking as well as an added alt ability and hellfire shotgun tweaks like Torb got. I’d hate for him to lose shadowstep because both him, torb, and roadhog are all brawlers, if you remove shadowstep, then Reaper loses what separates him: his added ability to play a more efficient flank/assassination playstyle. I’d like them to make his flanking a bit better so that is why you’d pick him over the others (while also tweaking his brawl capability so that he’s not lesser than his brawling brethren). A brawler/flanker hybrid fits him nicely, just needs to be fine tuned.

So I’m curious what direction they’re taking Roadie. I’m hoping an added benefit to Take a Breather. Maybe heal teammates in a radius around him or give them damage resistance while he’s using it? And a nice fixed spread like Torb received would be nice.


Daddys gonna kill more omnics now!

I think this buff is more probable than changing rate of fire.

I was just about to get a golden gun for Road when the nerfhammer hit.
Maybe they buff his ult :slight_smile:

holehog on e 40s cd lasts 5s

honestly i wish we got a few details but i cant complain considering he actually replied to my garbage post

your garbage post was a sincere, wholehearted complain.
I play almost exclusively tanks (All tanks, plus Mei, Brigitte and Lucio). It is understandable that you complained: Lots of tanks mains, like RichC quitted before.

The thing about your post is that it wasnt a Roadhog post, but a tank post. And it worked!. Bastion, Reaper and Mercy didnt receive a response, but your tank post did.

I dig it. Please Blizzard make it happen

inb4 its a nerf LUL.

my definition of “tuning” doesnt overlaps with “nerfing” :roll_eyes:.

Take a Breather changes are sooo sh!!!t, I hate them so much.
The heal was meant to be a commitment and now you can just heal and walk.

They destroyed so much of his identity and personality / theme with that gutting just because of Quickplay whiners.

Jeff said it is not a rework, so no new abilities. If needs animation, it is to increase the speed of something, like reloading, hook, firing etc. Maybe the want him to walk during the hook animation

Adding and area of effect to Take a Breather could use a new animation (for buffed allies). And I wouldnt consider that a rework (only a straight buff).
Hooking and walking could be a thing.
Changing wholehog walking speed, or fire rate could use some animation as well.

thank you honestly i worded things really badly and didnt make any real points, but lucky a lot of people picked up the slack and talked about stun meta and dps power creep ect, but either way my hog is getting a buff, its party time, someone did say they might be making his take a breather and AOE ability but we dont know how likely that is its so hard to tell, either way i am happy

Please be a damage buff

That is the only thing that can help him

Other thing could be a new animation for hook with new code to avoid all of these LOS issues.
Although i would call that a rework…

I feel the same, I hope they all get some love :slight_smile:

It’s already a thing. Hog can walk during the entirety of Hook’s animations.

If the animation is for the hook, I’m 90% sure it’s to give it a telegraph/charge up like Rocket Punch to warn people he’s about to throw a hook. If this is the case, they ought to be either making the hook once thrown easier to land, or be returning his reliable one shot damage. Heck, if they added a telegraph in exchange for having the Hook pass through barriers, that would be phenomenal.

I can’t conceive of any animation changes that would be required for anything they’d do to Whole Hog or Breather.

For Breather, the animation could be for the allies: a circle arround Roadhog, and healing particles surrounding affected allies, and so on. I cant think another possibility.

For wholehog… I dont know.

For Hook… it is an understandable change since hook has shown to be hard to balance. But I would call that a “rework”, and Jeff said roadhog will receive some “tuning/balance”, so I expect some kind of minor buff on one aspect of his kit.

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